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You too can stalk the Wild Librarian...


Fellow librarians, I'm moving and perhaps this webpage could be YOURS! If you'd like to maintain these hotlists, please email me.

Parker Posey, the Party Girl!

Where can you find the librarian creeping around in cyberspace? Here and there, and everywhere (like Judy Collins...) But we do have our favorite hideouts... Care to add to a library blog, or subscribe to one of our listservers? How about a no-effort low-spam newsgroup?

By the way, if you try one of these listservers and it doesn't work, please inform me! I have no other way of knowing.

If you just have a thing for librarians, one of the happiest librarians I've seen on the Internet is Jennifer Friedman. If you want to see a colleague go hog-wild on the web, click to the antics at Jenny's Cybrary to the Stars, or perhaps you need to visit our friend the Lipstick Librarian. The revolutionary librarian will find a kindred spirit in Jessamyn and stay informed at her excellent blog at Finally, in memory of the mind-numbing weirdness at Jiggy Week, I give you the Warrior Librarian. Jiggy Week has returned as a listserver! Look for it below. Remember, Librarians Rule!

I also enjoy the colorful ranting of our State Librarian, Dr. Kevin Starr, available via the California State Library.

If on-line e-zines get you hot and bothered, the library profession supports a number. Put down your People and check out the action at Library Media and PR. There are also a good number of newsgroups and listservers dedicated to the library profession not listed here. For a comprehensive list I recommend the page on library-oriented lists and electronic serials.

For starters, librarians love blogs...far too many to list on this website. Several of the sites above include blogs. A site I like to check regularly is the Technology Librarians Blog -- Librarian in Black. For a thorough list, I recommend the scholarly work of Dr. L. Anne Clyde at the University of Iceland.

The listservers I know of? In most cases, send mail to these addresses like so: SUBSCRIBE (Listserver name) (Your first name, last name; not your e-mail address). Don't include a subject on your mail. Example:

From: Abecedarian the Librarian ([email protected])
To: [email protected]
Subject: [blank]
subscribe infolit Ezekial Abecedarian

If you want Internet access to the numerous American Library Association listservers, get out that ALA membership card and go for it.

Anyway, here you go:

And the newsgroups. Just click on these to subscribe...

Had enough? Search for more listservers through the excellent database Topica. This list owes much to the work of Jill Perkins, Michael Ravnitzky and Brenda Parris Sibley...Thanks!

Return to: Southern California Libraries on the Internet.
Updated Friday, 30 December 2005 by the Catty Librarian!

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