Cat Stats

Cat Statistics

Check out these interesting statistics about cats.

Top 10 Most Popular U.S. Cat Breeds
Breed of Cat Cat Population Size
Domestic Shorthair 61,046
American Shorthair 37,545
Domestic Medium Hair 16,776
Domestic Long Hair 15,049
Siamese 14,582
Maine Coon 10,852
Persian 6,717
Russian Blue 3,864
Himilayan 3,701
Ragdoll 3,567
Stats from 2015
Top 10 Countries with Highest Cat Population (estimates)
Country Cat Population Size
U.S.A 76,430,000
China 53,100,000
Russia 12,700,000
Brazil 12,466,000
France 9,600,000
Italy 9,400,000
U.K. 7,700,000
Ukraine 7,350,000
Japan 7,300,000
Germany 7,000,000
Stats from 2015
Top 10 States with Registered Cats
U.S. State Cat Population Size
California 18,908
New York 10,063
Texas 9,665
Florida 8,818
Pennsylvania 7,859
Ohio 6,577
Illinois 5,460
Michigan 5,393
Washington 5,201
Georgia 4,229
Stats from 2015
U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics
Facts Stats
Number of households with a pet 79.7 million
Percentage of households with a pet 65%
Estimated total number of dogs and cats 163.6 million
Percentage of pet-owners who consider their pets to be part of the family 63.2%
Average amount spent on veterinary care per year, per pet (cat or dog) $1288.50
Stats from 2015-2016 APPA Survey
General Cat Statistics
Facts Stats
Number of feral cats living in the U.S. today 60,000,000
Average time a day a cat spends sleeping 16 hours
Number of tastebuds on a cats tongue 473
Percentage of cats in the U.S. that are spayed or neutered 84%
Stats from 2015