Bristol Ridge Farm


1996 Thoroughbred mare
Turkoman x Nancy Jean (What Luck)

17.1 Hands
"Amanda" is a Jockey Club registered and Oldenburg Verband approved Thoroughbred broodmare. She is a very calm, quiet mare with no vices and is an easy keeper. Amanda is breeding sound only due to a pasture accident in which she stepped on a nail, leading to a bad infection. Surgery at the University of Wisconsin saved her life, but the damage that was done prevents her from being 100% sound.

Amanda exhibits a hunter-type movement, with very little knee action and a long reaching stride. Because of her injury, she never had a performance career. However, I originally purchased her as a resale project for the hunter market, and I believe she would have been successful due to her generous nature and natural athleticism.

In addition, her pedigree shows an aptitude for performance. Her sire, Turkoman has been a Top 10 sire of steeplechasers. Turkoman's sire is Alydar, who was a very successful sire on the racetrack as well as a sire whose prodigy went on to successful careers in the show ring. Amanda's broodmare sire, What Luck, is a well-known sire of hunters as well. Amanda's full pedigree can be seen Here



Amanda was bred to the Hanoverian stallion Gragenit in 2001, and her first colt, Grantham was born June 16, 2002. She proved to be an exceptional mother. Grantham has many of the best qualities of sire and dam. For instance, he has his mother's height and his father's bone structure. He has Amanda's calm, trusting nature and the laid back attitude of a warmblood. He has a long sweeping stride of a thoroughbred with some added suspension of the warmblood gaits. For more information on Grantham, see his page Here.

Grantham at 24 hours of age
Amanda's second foal was born on May 22, 2005. "Socora" is a flashy pinto filly by the gorgeous stallion, Sempatico. Sempatico is licensed for breeding by the Oldenburg Verband, and Socora will be presented this fall. See Socora's page here
Learn more about Sempatico at Silverwood Farm's website
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