Soul   Soap  is  free  to  each   penitent.

It  guarantees:  
Peaceful    purity
Powerful   security
Heavenly  eternity

Confessionals  are  prayer  conditioned .

Those  who  kneel  before  God 
can  stand  before  anyone  !

Forbidden  fruits  make  jams

A  clear  conscience  makes  a  soft  pillow.

Plan  ahead  to  shorten  time  in  purgatory.   
It   wasn�t   raining when  Noah  built  the  ark.

We�re   all   called   to  be   great  saints. 
Don�t   miss   the   opportunity !

Get   in   the   box   ( confessional )
before  you�re  carried   out  in   one !

                                                     Act  of  Contrition
O my Savior, I am truly sorry for having offended you because you are infinitely good. 
I detest all the sins of my life and I desire to atone for them.

Through the merits of your Precious Blood, wash me of all stain of sin, so that, entirely
cleansed, I may worthily approach the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.       
Enjoy  the  graces  received  in  confession .

                     Distributed by Our Lady of Aylesford Lay Carmelite Community
                                              Darien, Illinois  60561
                     For copies of this card please call E-mail: 
[email protected]
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