Flowers at the Foot of the Cross
Flowers at the Foot of the Cross is a way to bring St. Therese�s Little Way
to people who are in nursing homes or home-bound.
Flowers at the Foot of the Cross IN ACTION!
St. Therese of Lisieux, Patroness of the Missions, considered herself to be God�s little flower blossoming at God�s feet, giving joy by doing God�s Will and by being what God chose.

This little saint, who had no opportunity to do great things or die a martyrdom for God�s glory,
had to find her own little way ~ offering the most insignificant task, critical remark, mental
anguish, physical suffering, self-imposed discomforts or living without little pleasures ~ as little penances in union with Our Lord on the Cross.

This, of course, would be the first lesson for all future �Flowers at the Foot of the Cross.�

Offer Your Personal Sacrifice - your pain, your loneliness, your anxiety, your sickness or
sadness - in union with the sufferings of the crucified Christ for the redemption of the world.

There is no question in the mind of a gardener that in order for a flower to take root and grow
to it�s fullest bloom, it requires sunlight, water, good soil and nutrients.

In regard to taking root, St. Therese teaches us:
�I thank you, Mother (Marie De Gonzague), for not having spared me; Jesus knew very well
that His little flower was so frail that without the life-giving waters of humiliation she would
never take root; and this priceless blessing she owes to you.�

This is the very basic of her root system.  If we can�t even take the �crushing comments�,
the �crushing ailments�, the �crushing anguishes� that are flung our way, we haven�t even
taken root!  How can we even think about standing at the foot of the cross.  St Therese, as
these �crushers� come our way, please help us to realize we are taking root ~ and thank God
for them.

We are totally dependent on Jesus, the Light of the World, to provide the sunlight for our
growth.  It�s delightful how a flower�s stem system bends and stretches to take fullest
advantage of the sunlight.  St. Therese, help us with our bending and stretching ~ may our
prayers and sacrifices be pleasing to Our Lord.

A good compost is needed to assure a healthy soil for growth.  At the foot of the cross stood
Our Blessed Mother Mary, along with so many other Mary�s and St. John, the Beloved Apostle.  They fertilized this sacred ground for us who would come after them.  Let us call upon the Communion of Saints for they�ve bloomed in fullness.  St. Therese, please send me a rose from heaven to soften my heart to be fully open to God�s Perfect Will.

The nutrient which will most faithfully serve the little bud is of course the live-giving
Sacraments ~ especially, the Holy Eucharist.  Just as food will nourish our body, Jesus,
Himself will nourish our soul.  St. Therese, help us receive Jesus most worthily with a
good Confession. Sometimes this can be scary so please pray for strength for us.
Here's how it works
Flowers at the Foot of the Cross is a way to bring St. Therese�s Little Way to people
who are in nursing homes or home-bound.  Participants are encouraged to �pray and
sacrifice� for the holiness of Carmel by offering up their daily crosses.  This is done in
Carmelite style by offering all to the Blessed Mother.  It benefits Carmel and brings
great holiness to their own lives as well.

In visiting the nursing homes during weekly rosary or Mass times, you find a ready-
made population of people who both understand this concept and are inclined to
become involved.  They understand loneliness and aches and pains and that these little
crosses can have great redemptive value.  They receive a scapular and a
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