The Other 11 Signs--Scopes by the CAPRICORN Apprentice
HI!--I hope that MAY finds you all in good health and spirits, and that the days ahead will bring you much happiness.
Hope you enjoy your scopes:
(Note: Dates of birth vary slightly between years, and between astrologers).

(6) BORN 8/22-9/21___________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--A day to use caution in your endeavors, as accidents are just waiting to occur. That is not to say that you shouldn't go about your daily business, but rather that you take care in doing so.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--Some of you may feel quite emotional today, so it might be best to get out with your most peppy friends and family members. Even in that setting, you'll need to work on your self-control skills.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--A great day for those who are artistically inclined; your ability to create something big is at an all-time high. Today's about having some fun, so go for it!

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--"Popularity" is most likely your middle name today, so make the most of it! Offer an empathetic ear to those who need it.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--There's a great chance of achieving your goals, that is, if you give it your all. Don't let interruptions or minor set-backs get to you.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Some of you might take this day as a 'poor me' one, and need to do something productive in order to take your mind off yourself. Your organizational skills are looking good--so why not stroll down that path?

(7) BORN 9/22-10/22___________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--Your concentration level may be low today, but you try to make others happy regardless. People realize that you are good-hearted, and incapable of hurting them.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--You may be elected to keep the peace today, and you're the one who is most capable of doing so. People do see you as unbiased and quite fair.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--It looks like a day to lend your empathetic ear to those in need. You are most capable of cheering others up, and drying away the tears.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--Today is one in which to let your friends and loved ones know how you feel about them. It may be a good idea to make amends, where warranted, as well.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--Good things are likely to be headed in your direction. Keep an open mind, and prepare yourself for something a bit different.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Looks like quite a nice day; be sure to take advantage of it. You can do anything that you set your mind to today, and tonight should be just as special for you.

(8) BORN 10/23-11/22__________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--Try to put off thinking about complex situations today, and to stay focused on your present task. It might be a good evening to have some fun with your favorite people.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--A good day to listen and learn, and to avoid excessive chit-chat. If you feel as though someone is watching you, you are probably right.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--Chill out, and the day will likely go quite well. Release tension in a productive manner, then focus, focus, focus on the matter at hand.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--You can be the seasoned actor today if you'll put your whole self into it. Don't let petty details get to you--they're only temporary inconveniences.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--Keep your shirt on, things will happen when they're supposed to. If you feel angry, be sure to find a quiet place to think and meditate.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Keep your chin up; this stressful time is coming to an end. Be sure to get extra rest and relaxation, eat healthily, and drink enough water.

(9) BORN 11/23-12/21__________
SAGITTARIUS --*Sat, 5/11/02*--Something so amazing could occur that many will be overwhelmed by it. Keep your cool, and you could become the head dude/dudess.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--A day to show that you are the bigger person--by forgiving and/or making amends to another. Life is too short to be angry over petty differences.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--A day where you can accomplish a great deal--if you take the time to adjust your attitude a bit. If you are feeling down-and- out, get in some fresh air and exercise--or at least meditation.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--A day where you might feel the need to prove yourself to someone. If you can remain calm, you'll pass the test.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--You might make a wonderful discovery today--and it's been right under your nose all along. This should also be a day where you make a big decision regarding one or more of your relationships.

(10) BORN 12/22-1/19

(11) BORN 1/20-2/18__________
AQUARIUS (WATER BEARER) --*Fri, 5/10/02*--It's a shame when we turn to self- destructive patterns simply because things aren't going our way. We know that things will turn around in our favor--if we just have some patience.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--It's time to start living in the present and planning for the future. The past should be used only as a source of good information and pleasant memories--not as something to keep us awake at night.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--People say that many Aquarians dance to the beat of a different drummer. We, in turn, must realize that everyone is different--no two people think exactly the same way. Aquarius usually is quite open-minded, but might be slacking off in that department at this time.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--Again, just because certain people don't think exactly the same way as we do--does not make them bad people. That does not make them any less intelligent or significant either. Keep that in mind.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--It's a good day for socializing, so get away from the planning desk for awhile. It looks as though some of you are starting to get the message that others are your equals--keep it up.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Seems as though everyone is seeing things your way today. Have fun, as today you can do no wrong in the eyes of those who matter. Let them know how much you appreciate their presence.

(12) BORN 2/19-3/17____________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--Today is one in which to let the others know that we are fair, and open- minded. It's a good idea to pay close attention to what everyone has to say--someone may have a good deal to contribute.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--Don't let them get you down-- and stop feeling sorry for yourself! If you need to take a time out in order to avoid an argument--by all means do so--you'll be doing everyone a favor.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--Enjoy today, there may not be too many others like it in the near future. Get out close to nature, and think about how wonderful it is to be alive. Have fun and smile a bit--the exercise and fresh air will work wonders.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--A good day to make important decisions, as long as they are well thought out. You should be in a serene state of mind, and the day's happenings might surprise you beyond belief!

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--Things could seem a bit fuzzy today, so it would be best to avoid anything or anyone that's causes you stress. Do whatever you have to do not to be involved in any arguments.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Today is definitely one in which to find a way to release stress--in a manner that will help, not hinder, your progress. This evening might be the one to decide exactly how to go about your plan.

(1) BORN 3/18-4/19_________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--As much as we enjoy leadership, there are times when we can use some help. The person we feel least likely to be of use is most likely the one who will surprise us.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--Most of us have found a simpler way to get on with our projects. Some of us have become so excited that we find a need to release stress. Let's do so in a manner that becomes us.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--Looks like a pleasant day for Aries, as everything seems to be coming out right. We have more than enough help, which seems to have come out of nowhere at a most important time.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--People tend to believe in us today, so we can relax a bit. It's a good idea to slow down right now, anyway--let the others pull their weight for awhile.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--A good day to be very open-minded, and to make apologies where needed. Things seem to be getting done before schedule! We're busy, as we like to be, and yet we're not overdoing. This is good!

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--A good day to get out with some friends, and have a great time laughing it up. We're so far ahead of where we expected to be that it is worth a celebration.

(2) BORN 4/20-5/20_________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--It might be your day as far as making major decisions and/or purchases is concerned. Make certain you have calculated any risks you decide to take.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--Looks like another great day for Taurus. It's your day to be a bit eccentric, and a little daring at the same time.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--A day to think about our environment, the less fortunate, or volunteering some time to a non-profit cause. The more you do to benefit others, the better you will feel.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--Seems that your good nature and good luck continue. Pretty nice for a Monday, don't you think?

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--It's so important to write everything down. If you don't already have one--invest in a diary, journal, or at least a notebook and pen. You'll be glad you did.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Do you feel as though you've gotten in over your head? Today is the day to do something about that, before it's too late.

(3) BORN 5/21-6/20_________
--Fri, 5/10/02*--Looks like a good day to start working on your plan, or at least to have a clear idea in mind. If you need the assistance of another party, today would be the day to ask for it.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--It's likely that you'll need to make a few alterations, but that won't take away from your creative trademark. Be open-minded, calm, and patient.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--Today could be quite hectic, and you may need to get away on your own for some peace, quiet, and relaxation. It's possible that you'll figure out an important detail.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--Seems pretty pleasant for a Monday, and nothing should come down that would turn it into a bummer. Something will probably occur to you that you hadn't thought of before.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--A day to listen and learn from those who are special to you. Stay away from those who are pressuring you to go in the wrong direction.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--A day when everyone seems to be doing their fair share--and not complaining about it. Things are not always as we perceive them to be, so keep your eyes open.

(4) BORN 6/21-7-22_________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--You'll likely feel that changes are occuring right before your eyes. Your day should run quite smoothly; your night, very interesting indeed.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--Today is one to surround yourself with those you hold dearly. It should turn out wonderfully for everyone, and you are likely to be the life of the party.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--Time to free your plan to do as it will. The day should be an exciting one for you, and your good mood should rub off on the others.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--It's a day to try something a bit out of character-- and you'll wear it well. The evening looks like a great one for some socializing.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--Not a good day for analyzing anything at all. Take things as they come, and make the best of them. If you feel tense, the exercise and meditation thing should work.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Today is much more for observing than for speaking. Keep a careful eye out for the one who makes you nervous, and be aware of your body language--it could give someone a very wrong impression.

(5) BORN 7/23-8/22_________
--*Fri, 5/10/02*--Just seems as though things won't go your way today, regardless of how hard you try. People are going to think what they want, so just stay away from those trouble makers.

--*Sat, 5/11/02*--You ache to quit, but is this the right time to do so? Do you have something better lined up? This is one case in which procrastination is likely to be a good thing.

--*Sun, 5/12/02*--A good day to steal some private time, as you have many decisions to make. Think about them long and hard before committing yourself.

--*Mon, 5/13/02*--You can't always have it your way, and it's about time to grow up and realize that. Always think of the glass as half-full, and never as half-empty.

--*Tue, 5/14/02*--Have you ever watched a sit-com where three or four different people each has a totally different memory of the flash back? That could happen in reality today, so carefully observe the events du jour.

--*Wed, 5/15/02*--Today should be about making yourself fully available to a friend or loved one in distress. Be very sure that you've done everything you can before thinking about anything else.





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Best regards,

Carlye J.
Email: [email protected]
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