Astrology--A Little Better Understanding
ASTROLOGY is the means by which PSYCHOLOGY and ASTRONOMY were discovered. It is far from easy: Astrologers' put a great deal of mathematical and other efforts into their work, and undergo intensive training.

I've been researching astrology for several months, and continue to add easy-to-understand tidbits as I find them.

**CARDINAL** SIGNS are the pioneering months who lead each SEASON:

--ARIES = SPRING's beginning

--CANCER = SUMMER's beginning

--LIBRA = FALL's beginning

--CAPRICORN = WINTER's beginning
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**FIXED** SIGNS are the second, MAINTAINING month of each season:


--LEO = mid-SUMMER


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**MUTABLE** SIGNS are the final month of each season, PREPARING for the next.


--VIRGO = SUMMER's end



------------------------------------------------- ***SIGNS***

*ARIES is described as being assertive, brave, and empowered. BUT: They like their freedom, and can be self-absorbed.

*TAURUS is known to be persistent, a good friend, and courteous. BUT: They are not always very flexible, and are sometimes possessive.

*GEMINIs are bright, witty, and adaptable; and have excellent communication skills. BUT: They are not decision makers, and can get quite anxious.

*CANCER is kind, sensitive, and domestic. They are not risk- takers, where money is concerned. BUT: They can be overly sensitive and emotional at times.

*LEO is not only powerful, but generous, a good leader, and fun to be around. BUT: They can sometimes be bull-headed and arrogant.

*VIRGO is logical, modest, and immaculate, with excellent problem-solving abilities. BUT: They can become very fussy and critical.

*LIBRAs are easy-going, tactful romantics. They crave harmony, and are pleasantly friendly. BUT: They can be big flirts, and have difficulty making decisions.

*SCORPIOs are charming, determined, and refined. BUT: They can be jealous, vindictive and inflexible.

*SAGITTARIUS is open-minded, sincere, and in search of the truth. BUT: They can be irresponsible and sarcastic.

*CAPRICORN is reliable, careful, and highly disciplined. BUT: They can be inflexible, mean, and downright cheap.

*AQUARIUS is peace-loving, humane, creative, and loyal. BUT: They can be overly rebellious and eccentric.

*PISCES is sympathetic, impressionable, and kind. BUT: They can be exceptionally secretive, and careless.

You've probably noticed that certain characteristics are present in more than one Sign. The differences and similarities shared between Signs are explained by the two classifications that they fall under: "Qualities" (Quadruplicity--divides the 12 Signs into three groups: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable), and "Elements" (Triplicity--divides the 12 Signs into four groups: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water).

------------------------------------------------- ***QUALITIES***

*ARIES, *CANCER, *LIBRA and *CAPRICORN are **CARDINAL** Signs. They are leaders; real go-getters. Their thing is to accomplish, and they tend to take over where it concerns getting things done.

*TAURUS, *LEO, *SCORPIO and *AQUARIUS are **FIXED** Signs. They are patient and careful, but stubborn and uncomfortable with change. They like to be in meaningful positions, and hate to see time being wasted.

*GEMINI, *VIRGO, *SAGITTARIUS and *PISCES are **MUTABLE** Signs. They are quite adaptable, survivors, and a pleasure to be around. Being 'followers' they don't always seek out and follow-up on their own ambitions.


QUALITY (in one sense) refers to POSITIVE (masculine) or NEGATIVE (feminine)

TRIPLICITY (or ELEMENT) refers to whether a Sign is FIRE, EARTH, AIR or WATER

QUADRUPLICITY (or QUALITY, in another sense) refers to whether a Sign is CARDINAL, FIXED or MUTABLE

AQUARIUS was ruled by SATURN before URANUS was discovered, and is still somewhat influenced by each

SCORPIO was ruled by MARS before the discovery of PLUTO

PISCES was ruled by JUPITER prior to the discovery of NEPTUNE

If you've noticed any discrepancies on this page, it is because I used numerous sources from which to gather this information. In each category, I tried to use the most understandable source.


First, You need a natal chart to figure out your Ascendant/Rising Sign.

The Ascendant is the First House, and the Sign that also rules the First House (9 o'clock on the chartwheel--also called Rising Sign). It deals with your personality, appearance, and physical health.

The Astrological Ascendant refers to which point of the Zodiac was rising in the East at the exact moment of your birth. This is important, as when planets rise in the East they appear to be larger than when they are higher in the sky.

The Sign on the Ascendant tells you how you interact with the environment, and the planet that rules this Sign is called the Chart's Ruler. The Ascendant is what you appear to be, and what you first see, when you are born.
**MIDHEAVEN** In your chart, the Midheaven is at 12:00 noon. It is the tenth house cusp--which determines your long- range goals, how you feel about authority figures, your career, and public reputation. It also refers to the influence that your parents had in your life.
**CUSPS** Generally speaking, you are born on the "cusp" if your birthday falls between the 17th and 22nd of any given month. This is due to the fact that Sun Signs change between these dates, and your birthday could fall in one Sign certain years, and the previous or following Sign in other years. Some astrologers say that as many as five days on each side of the Sun Sign change can be considered being born on the cusp. Understand? If not, go to any astrologers' site and look up "cusps."

Yahoo! Astrology
Yahoo! Greetings
In addition to the link above to Yahoo! Astrology you might want to check out the scores of other astrologers' on the web. There are, additionally, many good books--some, even available at public libraries.

If you've been reading up on astrology at all, you probably realize that our "Sun Sign" (Aquarius, Libra, etc.) only tells us some general characteristics about ourselves. There is a whole lot more to it; like where the Moon and planets were at the exact moment of our births.

*Signs *Qualities *Triplicities *Quadruplicities and *Ruling Planets

Quality: Positive
Triplicity: Fire
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Ruled by: MARS

Quality: Negative
Triplicity: Earth
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Ruled by: VENUS

Quality: Positive
Triplicity: Air
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Ruled by: MERCURY

Quality: Negative
Triplicity: Water
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Ruled by: The MOON

Quality: Positive
Triplicity: Fire
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Ruled by: The SUN

Quality: Negative
Triplicity: Earth
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Ruled by: MERCURY

Quality: Positive
Triplicity: Air
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Ruled by: VENUS

Quality: Negative
Triplicity: Water
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Ruled by: PLUTO*(Mars)

Quality: Positive
Triplicity: Fire
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Ruled by: JUPITER

Quality: Negative
Triplicity: Earth
Quadruplicity: Cardinal
Ruled by: SATURN

Quality: Positive
Triplicity: Air
Quadruplicity: Fixed
Ruled by: URANUS*(Saturn)

Quality: Negative
Triplicity: Water
Quadruplicity: Mutable
Ruled by: NEPTUNE*(Jupiter)

---------------------------------------- ***ELEMENTS***

The **FIRE** Signs are *ARIES, *LEO and *SAGITTARIUS. They tend to act first and think later, with no immediate care for the feelings of others'. They are quite courageous and physically active. They can be forgetful, and often leave what they start for others' to finish. They are sociable and enjoy their freedom.

The **EARTH** Signs are *TAURUS, *VIRGO and *CAPRICORN. They tend to do things for the purpose of fulfilling their own goals, yet expect graditude for their every accomplishment. They think in terms of material goods, strive to enjoy the good life, and don't care much for the everyday chores that are not directly associated with their long-term goals.

The **AIR** Signs are *GEMINI, *LIBRA and *AQUARIUS. They are very intellectual, and always seek to learn a lesson. They are very impartial, unbiased and imaginative. They excel in communicative skills, though don't always realize that what works on paper may not in the real world. They like to be around others', and be kept informed of what is happening.

The **WATER** Signs are *CANCER, *SCORPIO and *PISCES. They tend to act upon their emotions, and are very sentimental. Their actions are most often based upon their feelings. Their emotions can be inspiring, but can also bring on depression. What they accomplish greatly depends upon their state of mind du jour. They are creative, domestic, and sometimes controlling.

---------------------------------------- **PLANETS**

--The SUN, ruler of LEO, is about your individuality and ego. It stands for what you want to do with your life, and your will-power to achieve your goals.

--The MOON, ruler of CANCER, is about your emotions and desires. It stands for how you deal with everyday experiences, and your feelings about yourself and others'.

--MERCURY, ruler of GEMINI and VIRGO, is about your visions, communications, and methods of doing things. It deals with the use of your hands, and the route you take in life.

--VENUS, ruler of TAURUS and LIBRA is about your likes, dislikes, values, and behaviors. It deals with love, and your sense of humor and pleasure.

--MARS, ruler of ARIES and co-ruler of SCORPIO, is about physical strength and drive. It deals with risks and challenges.

--JUPITER, ruler of SAGITTARIUS and ancient ruler of PISCES, is about expansion and growth in nearly all aspects of your life. It deals with your wants needs and power.

--SATURN, ruler of CAPRICORN and ancient ruler of AQUARIUS, is about your responsibilities and limitations. It deals with structure and meaning in your life.

--URANUS, ruler of AQUARIUS, is about freedom, revolution, radical thinking, and originality. It deals with the eccentric and unpredictable.

--NEPTUNE, ruler of PISCES, is about how things are not always as they seem. It deals with the abandoned, oppressed, and the glamorous.

--PLUTO, ruler of SCORPIO, is about how you make use of control and power. It deals with intensive energy, power, and karmic understanding and responsibility.

**HOUSES** (Where life experiences happen)

1. Your FIRST House and the Sign that rules it (Ascendant or Rising Sign), is about your appearance, personality, and physical health.

2. Your SECOND House is about material goods, money, and the way you deal with it. It also deals with your values, priorities, and how you earn income.

3. Your THIRD House regards communication, intellect, physical actions, and your immediate environment. It also deals with your mental state, and dexterity.

4. Your FOURTH House is about your domestic environment and family members. It's also about the start and finsh point of your various life cycles.

5. Your FIFTH House is about creativity and imagination. It also gets into love, enjoyment, pleasure, etc.

6. Your SIXTH House is about your daily tasks, and the people you work with or for. It's also about physical fitness and health.

7. Your SEVENTH House deals with marriage, and any kind of partnership. It defines how you get along with people and how they feel about you. It gets into confrontations, negotiations, etc.

8. Your EIGHTH House deals with your income and resourcefulness. It is also about your sexuality, skills, and abilities.

9. Your NINTH House is about higher education and training, philosophical and religious views, and your vocation.

10. Your TENTH House is about long-term goals and career, authority figures, and your reputation.

11. Your ELEVENTH House is about your friendships and affiliations. It also pertains to money made by non-traditional means. It regards your role in the lives of others', your hopes, dreams, and happiness.

12. Your TWELFTH House is about your subconscious, and those who are working against you. It also regards disappointment, fears, confinment, and how happy your marriage and other partnerships are.

Well, that's what I have for now, but I'll keep adding what I pick up to help you (and myself) along. As you see, I've left plenty of room on this page for more, and will be looking for it regularly.

Have a great day, and thanks so much for visiting my site.

Name: Carlye J.
Email: [email protected]
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