
Sunday ~ February 27, 2000

Losing Credibility?

I had a great gig last night at Sea World.  Just a little quartet gig playing background music at some high-brow function for a sports magazine.  And it was the first time as leader of "The Carlos Rull Quartet".  I was very excited, however tired, cold and exhausted.

A few days ago I caught the flu.  Boy did it hit hard!  All the classic symptoms:  nausea, chills, fever, muscle aches all over.  I was curled up in the fetus position for a day and a half before my wife dragged me to the hospital to get me checked out.  103 F degrees was my temperature, and not only did I have the flu,  I also had strepp throat and an ear infection!

We went home with antibiotics and some pain killers.  I knew I had the Sea World gig but was wondering if I could get better by then.  Something told me I needed the money and I would get better.

After resting up for a whole afternoon and much of the day Saturday before the gig,  I felt I was ready and went for it.

Security had to make a big deal about us getting inside the park for a special event and they helped and escorted us to the area we were to perform.  Of course,  it was outdoors in the cool, cool air!  Not good for a guy recovering from the flu.  But everyone thought I looked great and couldn't tell that I had been sick.  Funny,  even my wife couldn't believe that I was actually ill until she took me to the hospital and the electronic thermometer read 103F.

It's as if people don't take me seriously anymore, or I seem to lack some credibility with everyone, including my wife.  Maybe she might have thought I was just faking it to get out of helping the kids do their homework?  I dunno...  I'm really at a loss over this seemingly undeniable phenomenon.

But the gig went well...   Afterwards,  I ordered some Korean barbecue on the cell phone and surprised my wife when I got home from the gig, which was a short and early gig starting at 6pm and ending at 8pm.  Home early on a Saturday night!

I dropped by my parents house to say hello and when I talked about my gig it seemed my mother was making fun of me being a full-time musician, saying "oh, what money?  You made some money?"  I was trying to understand what she meant by that but my bitter suspicions were most likely true...   she resents the fact that I'm some sort of bum jazz musician who doesn't make a heck of a lot of money.  Well, I thought that playing a gig that was 45.00 per hour was pretty good.  I guess she wasn't impressed and she hasn't proven she's been very supportive in the past anyway.  I'll bet she wonders why her son-in-law, who was an engineer, died of a massive stroke while I, some poor, starving jazz musician, is still alive and kicking.  I'll just bet that thought has crossed her mind.  It makes me so thankful to the fans and friends who appreciate me for who I am.

Anyway, I know that I've always had a lot of obstacles in my way ever since I made the decision to become a full-time musician.  It's been a tough battle, but I'm totally commited and I will not waver!  Not now...  I can't let things like this get me down, not when there's music to be played.


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side notes

I'm feeling a lot of currents against me lately:  illness, lack of faith among family, and have gotten negative press about my talents.

...must be strong!
...will be strong!



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