FRIDAY        October 30, 1998       
Tonight's Gig:   The Fur Ball - Downtown San Diego 
Only Four Hours Of Sleep 
I woke up at 8am this morning,  and I slept at 4am this morning after coming home from the Palm Springs gig at the Blue Tattoo.   That's only 4 hours of sleep! 
I helped my wife get the kids ready for school.   After everyone had left,  I tried to sleep again and I even lied down on the bed,  staring straight up at the ceiling...    I couldn't fall asleep.  It was daylight!!!! 
I finally fell asleep after awhile and start coming to around 1:30pm,  and then I find out I missed my youngest son's event at the school,  a big Halloween parade with all the kids dressed up in their costumes.   I felt pretty bad missing that event,  and I could've taken pictures or videos. 
Errands Are A Necessary Part of Life 
After I picked up my youngest son from his school,  we both went to the supermarket to get some candy for Halloween,  and get some groceries and things.   I noticed a few people staring at me,  and I wondered what that was all about.   I know the band was on KUSI News a few days ago because we performed at the San Diego Music Awards a few days ago,  and that we won best big band.   I wondered,  maybe they saw me on TV and they were trying to remember where.   Who knows,  but I don't think the band's that popular yet where people will just start recognizing me off the streets.   Anyway,  my son and I had fun,  especially when it came time to select the candy fro Halloween.   I let him decide which ones to get.   He wanted to get these special Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolates in one of those long tubes and it had a ghost on top.  I said, "why not?".   I'm such a cool dad,  aren't I? 
The Furball - Humane Society Benefit 
The band played a Benefit Event for The Humane Society of San Diego,  located downtown at the old cruise ship terminal.   A lot of people were in their Halloween costumes.   It was a fun event,  and Monica Lewinsky was there...   actually there was a woman who dressed like Monica Lewinsky and she looked pretty close to the real one,  she had the beret and outfit and her face looked like Monica's,  plus she was a bit on the heavy side,  so she was pretty much a dead ringer for Moncia Lewinsky.   She had a partner who played the part of Bill Clinton,  but didn't really come close to looking like him.   Only when we were told that he was supposed to be Bill Clinton did we finally get it. 
When I got home from the gig I wanted to get to the computer and update some things on my website,  but was far too tired.   I pretty much crashed when I got home after 1am,  just too tired from the previous night at Palm Springs. 
Stairway To Heaven 
I've been getting into Led Zeppelin's music again and while I was setting my drums and packing them up at the end of the gig,  I listened to Led Zeppelin's fourth album,  the one with Stairway To Heaven.   I was listening to this music on my Sony Discman.   It's sort of surreal,  listening to this music while at a swing gig.   I really appreciate the musicianship of Led Zeppelin during their fourth album.   I was listening to it over and over,  and the details in the recording are incredible.   Such attention to details in the guitar,  keyboards,  the whole arrangement of Stairway To Heaven.   The one phrase that kept repeating in my mind was "sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven".   The phrase stuck in my mind and I was really thinking about what  that might have meant,  I was very much moved by this little phrase.  I just kept thinking about it the whole evening,  letting the words sink into my mind. 
"And it makes me wonder..." 

 Last CDs Played:     
    Led Zeppelin - Four 
    Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy 
    Keith Jarrett Trio - Standards In Norway 
    Return To Forever - Light As A Feather 
    Kenny Garrett - Songbook

Carlos Rull  




9 more days till our West Coast Tour. 
Copyright ©1998 Carlos Rull.  All Rights Reserved.
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