WEDNESDAY        October 28, 1998      
About The Sunset Photo 
I was able to scan a photo I'd taken a long time ago when I was really into photography.   The sunset photo on the main page,  which is also shown above in a smaller version,  was taken from near the tip of Point Loma near the lighthouse.   It was a very beautiful sunset that day and I was glad to have captured it on film. 
Another Fine Morning! 
Another great morning today,  not too hot,  not too cold.   I'm surprised actually.   This time of year,  it usually starts to get nasty,  but then again this is San Diego and we've been known to have a great climate all year 'round.   Same routine as yesterday,  this time I drove my wife to work.   I then went shopping at the nearest Target and bought yet another travel bag that was on sale.   Then I went and bought a costume from a nearby store specializing only in Halloween and Costume items. 
The Room's Coming Together 
The computer room's coming together.   I'm slowly sorting through everything and getting it all organized. 
It's turning into a pet project of mine,  now that I'm really getting into organizing everything. 

Practice Time 
I was able to practice for about an hour today,  which is a minor miracle.   I haven't had the chance to study drums,  mainly due to the busy schedule.   I also needed to get some aerobic and strength training happening but couldn't because of the busy band schedule.   The three gigs on Saturday really wore me down.   I actually felt a little sick today,  or had that feeling one gets when they are about to get sick.   It did pass as the day turned to night. 
The Catamaran   
The joint here was jumpin'  and we had a great crowd for a Wednesday night.   Regina,  our friend and biggest fan in San Fransisco,  visited us here.   She had flown in from SF today and paid us a surprise visit!!!    Most of our friends and fans were here tonight:   Jessica,  Regina,  Debbie,  Janet,  Carol,  Little John,  Meeshi,  Donna,  Warren's parents,  Susanna....   just about all our loyal following...   it was great!! 
Here's a picture taken same time last year at Susanna's birthday party: 
Carlos Rull 


CDs Played Today:  

    Kenny Garrett - Songbook 
Last  Movie Seen:  
    Suicide Kings (video) 
Last Book Read: 
    The Poet's Market Book 
Today's Gig(s): 
    The Catamaran Hotel




Copyright ©1998 Carlos Rull.  All Rights Reserved.
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