SUNDAY        December 20, 1998 
It's A Wonderful Life? 
I tried to watch "It's A Wonderful Life" with my wife today.   She can't stand the movie,  can you believe that?   Maybe I'm the only one who likes it  ( I doubt that very much ),  but ever since I was a kid I simply adored this movie for some reason.   It's a very touching story. 
Anyway,  I channel surfed and suddenly there it was, THE movie!   I looked back at my wife who by now was rolling her eyes in disgust  (how can she hate a movie like this?),  and we sat there watching the scene where George (Jimmie Stewart ) and Mary (Donna Reed) are together at Mary's house and they suddenly fall in love while sharing a telephone,  talking to an old friend.   As they get up close,  they suddenly look into each other's eyes and...   boom,  they fall in love,  then they kiss passionately.   At this point my wife says "oh please!" and then we get into an argument,  but it's more like she's laughing and making fun of the movie,  a movie I happen to like very much....   A CLASSIC!  
I don't think I'll ever get her to like this movie,  it's just too darn sappy for her,  but I like sappy movies,  the ones that have nice moral values and where two people fall in love and the movie has a happy ending.   "What's wrong with that?",  I ask.   Well,  instead of having her ruin it for me,  I simply walked away from the TV and checked email.    
It didn't help any that last night on Saturday Night Live,  they did a spoof on "It's A Wonderful Life".   Dana Carvey played Jimmie Stewart and his impression of Jimmie was flawless and done in such a way that I was "rolling" on the floor,  very funny!   But,  here's the clincher.   My wife is really getting into this SNL skit because it's really making fun of MY movie.   So,  the skit is about  "the lost ending" to It's A Wonderful Life,  so instead of it being a happy ending where George and Mary are blessed with friends coming to their home and donating money,  they find out that it was Mr. Potter that took George's money,  and then they form a lynch mob and storm over to Mr. Potter's house,  where they take turns working him over.   Then they stomp on him and throw him around the room  (by this time,  of course,  it's just a dummy of Mr. Potter).   It was very funny watching this spoof on It's A Wonderful Life,  but this SNL skit didn't score any brownie points for the movie,  for my wife still hates it. 
You've Got Mail 
My wife and I haven't gone to the movies in a while.   Well,  waddya know...   she wanted to see a "sappy" movie herself,  "You've Got Mail"  starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.   I wanted to see this movie too...   I really enjoyed "Sleepless In Seattle" and this was one movie my wife and I could agree on seeing.  Anyway,  it was a very nice movie.   My wife was crying through much of the film.   I must confess.   I too had my moments of being touched by the film,  but hey,  I like these kinds of films.   I just don't get it,  though.   I always end up in tears when watching "It's A Wonderful Life",  and I don't understand how my wife could hate this movie when she really enjoyed "You've Got Mail".   They're both "sappy",  romantic,  tear jerkers...  and "It's A Wonderful Life" is a movie classic.   I just don't get it sometimes! 


Today's Music:  
    Led Zeppelin - Remasters CD Box Set 
    Yellowjackets - Four Corners 
    Keith Jarrett - La Scala 
    The English Patient - Soundtrack 


Current Readings:  
    Drummin' Men 
      by Burt Korall 
    Web Multimedia Development 
      by David Miller 


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New Year's
Eve Show
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