THURSDAY        August 13, 1998              
I was disappointed that the PUSH show,  in which our band had its first major network appearance,  was not shown for reasons unknown to all.   Instead,  they showed the documentary on dolphins!   I was kinda bummed about the whole thing,  and being that my wife and I had told family, friends and coworkers about the new TV show.   My predictions are that the show cancelled again.   There was not enough interest generated by the show.   So the show probably went bellyup. 
The following is an e-mail post to the Big Time Operator Mailing List concerning the PUSH show that was supposed to air tonight,  but didn't----- 
To:  The Barflies List ( for Royal Crown Revue ) 
To:  The Big Time Operator List 
Well folks! 

As we all tuned in to ABC's first broadcast of the 
television show PUSH,  we were all surprised to 
find that a show about Dolphins was shown instead! 

And as our bewilderment grew into dumbfoundedness, 
we realized that what might've been meant to be,  was 
after all... perhaps,  not meant to be... at least for tonight. 

I don't know what the logic was for not airing a NEW 
show that was promoted in all the papers,  with trailers 
shown weeks before the first show was to air,  and then 

Boy,  my apologies to all who were eager to hopefully 
see BTO in action on their first major network debut. 
But then again,  it wasn't my fault.  The show was 
scheduled to air on the given date at the given time. 
It was posted on the local TV Weekly Magazine and 
was promoted heavily on ABC.  In fact,  the local 
ABC affiliate had one of their anchorwomen announcing that PUSH would air just 5 minutes or so before the show was to go on! 

So now the question is, why didn't it air?   And after 
telling family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and the 
whole world,  practically...   it didn't air,  and instead 
we watched dolphins prancing around freely in the 
oceans of the world. 

Well, folks!  My only guess is that since this was a 
primetime spot at 8pm,  the show was pulled at the 
last minute possibly because of something in the 
show that was considered unworthy of being on the 
primetime spot.   I mean,  the dolphin show was rated 
G.  Could there have been something in the show 
that might've been considered too risqué for the time 
slot,  or was the band gyrating their hips a certain 
way that met with dissaproval?  We may never know. 
I mean,  this episode WAS entitled "Athletic Supporters".  Was this title considered unacceptable or inappropriate? 


But all I know is,  the show WAS s'possed to have 
aired,  and it didn't.  Wow,  what a total bummer! 

OK *sob, sob* 
The show must go on... 

So next up is The CBS Morning Edition and 
the NEW "Cookin" television show / pilot... 
of which I'm not tellin' anymo'. 

"I guess we'll always have Nightman..." 

CDs Played Today:  
    Carlos Rull - If By Chance We Meet 
    Frank Sinatra - September Of My Years 
    Keith Jarrett - The Trio - Live In Norway 
 Last  Movie(s) Seen: 
    Saving Private Ryan 
    There's Something About Mary 
Last Book(s) Read:  
    The Gramophone Jazz CD Guide 
Tonight's Gig: 
    No Gig Tonight! 
    ( this is good,  for a change )
mailing list   
a poetic journey
the details 
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