1) Discrimination (Human Right to Equality, international agreement signed by Australia) in the assessment of my overseas qualification: It is obvious that the accreditation with the government of Queensland should have been immediate, given all evidence, satisfying their written requirements in full. However, not only the QCT has prevented me criminally to keep on working, but the Queensland Court has acted with as much bias as them, and supported such atrocious discrimination. Sad enough, when I was trying to simply get UQ to fix administrative mistakes of gross order in their Diploma and Transcripts, the courts in Queensland have told me that I could not register a case against any institution of the government there. However, that differs from the orientation in writing of their websites...I must confess, however, that I would never need a Court, as I have never needed one in Brazil either, before this all started, if I simply got people to do what they get paid to do in Australia instead of aggravating and even generating or making crimes against me using their job allowances. I never had a single Court problem in my life before these horrendous crimes started, and they have only started because the government organs in Australia refused to serve me by time I beg international protection to my rights and declare my life and minimum rights to it under highest risk as possible (end of 2001). Even so, it is, indeed, very absurd, unfair, and frustrating, besides discriminatory.;

Harassment and stalking by front of my home door. I had just written an e-mail to the counsellor thanking her for 'having ethics', once it did clearly appear to me, as for the environment, that the lady had breached confidentiality, but in asking her via e-mail she denied having done so, I then felt relief and wrote 'thanks for your ethics'. Next day, car at my door, my perfect new apartment, perfect for whoever was starting to become solid and permanent in Australia lands: my little beautiful studio at Charnwood Road, St.Kilda. Who, at VUT, had claimed to hold a car like that had been Gani A., best mate of George H., person to stalk, harass, defame, and victimize me criminally in the environment, reaching highly coward criminal adulteration of my Winedt computer file, supposed to be my first paper with Sever's group in Inequalities, to which I contributed, more than happily, not only with the section on Applications to Means but also with typing it, being it found hand written until I do so. Therefore, since back then, there was at least one person in the World, a coward male from Egypt, claiming to be a Christian but, more than likely, a Islamic male with no honor, applying all his skills and efforts into criminally producing shame and humiliation to myself, with top cowardice and disguisement. He pretended, at all times, love my presence there, even kissed my picture online before me a couple of times, just like Edimando C., and Rogerio de O., main 'males' attacking even my brains directly using biotechnological device, 24/7 since 2004...What is obviously unfair is not having mortal enemies, but having mortal enemies pretending to be your best friends, or pretending to want to be your best friends, even lovers, pretending to adore you as if you were a star, an idol, yet, when you least expect, attacking you precisely because you need protection, help, are desperate, fragile, and found vulnerable. Even so, making sure you do not have a single way of defending yourself, even inhabiting illegally inside of your own brains while revealing their true intentions and nature to you, way too late for you to be able to defend yourself and gear yourself up for the fight. I am just a woman, and am sure that they only do this to women, as weird as it may seem...males would never attack another male with so much cowardice and disloyalty, or cruelty and massacre, what always makes me come back to my thought, that males only love males, never women. George H.'s attitude and motivation, that of making me, by extreme force and crime, be humiliated to maximum, committing mistakes I would never commit naturally, before those I would respect and wish to relate to, is precisely the attitude of all involved at all times while I do not have the destiny they criminally have traced for me, which is suicide, impairment, or madness. Am sure that males only win on Earth all the time because they obviously find criminal ways of oppressing women and taking them out of competition whenever they are extremely better than them, so that they (males) would not have a chance in a loyal fight. Still impressive that when males are like that, extremely better than the same males, they will adore them, admire, humiliate themselves voluntarily, and offer themselves as an almost servant to those males...(again, they really do not love, or desire for real, women...);

3) Theft which injures my work production and humiliates me criminally:  I got my first article on the Sorites which I submit to a journal, submitted by time I am at VUT, stolen to skeleton (.tex) while I was living at the same Charnwood Road, after I tell the 'apparently new secretary of 'Dr.' 'Prof.' Barnett, of my new address and ask the 'not very attentive lady', who claims to be part-time, to have the kindness of informing the concerned service of the university of my new address, and I then get my home environment, after happily being living there for about one month, invaded from next door to the next building on the street by harassers, stalkers, internet hackers, rape planners, etc. Apparently, the husband of Ewa S., from VUT, rents the apartment next door to mine, and the guy who I had taken to be a detective in 2000, who I caught taking pictures of me by the grass in Sydney visiting the apartment right in front of mine during the weekends. I got firewall right at the beginning because of such a theft of one of the most important articles of my life that far, and could detect hackering to my computer each and every second I was online (ZA should have proof), as I unfortunately still verify to be the case in Australia, with me criminally kept subjected also to top misery and continuous victimization, therefore, made possible also from outside of my body. Trevor also managed to find someone to steal my bike at Charnwood, my brand new perfect bike, trivially connected to my ex and happily dumped Australian boyfriend who was an undeclared homosexual and had been responsible for several crimes I suffered at VUT premises, Gani A. being apparently also homosexual and soon making friendship with him, not for the right reasons. I then started getting sabotaged criminally at work, not mattering what I tried, in a progressive manner, til my own brains and body were criminally invaded. Am sure undeclared homosexuals, males who insist to be bisexuals, rather than homosexuals, are worst World psychopaths when dumped finally by woman chosen to be, trivially, 'their victim'. Rogerio de O., Bradley N., and probably Brendon M., Trevor S., Cameron P., and Joao T., are all inside of this picture. Also Gani A. declared to me he would be marrying soon...Am sure there is nothing more harmful to the honest members of society than a male who 'pretends' to be what they are not sexually, who 'lies' to straight women in order to keep them as public partners, and therefore is not only a continuous possible vehicle for STDs, therefore potential assassin, but also a dorment psychopath, with elements of psychopathy fully displayed as soon as the woman realizes who they are and finds ways of finally being with a straight male or simply another male. At RMIT, the computers were shut down criminally when I got to work out, by hand, but using computers, the expression for the radius Shepherd was after, also got elements of Maple criminally subtracted from the network so that I could not do my work, and got to them be victimized 24/7, not mattering what computer I try to use, same style of attack, since then, accumulating by now: one harddisk fully broken criminally by same human rights authorities locally installed at VUT (Judith C., responsible for me having spoken to Trevor, perhaps also homosexual), containing proof of privacy violation by member of staff of VUT, Mark M.; files for Sorites article stolen by Charnwood, first and only ones for that article; yahoo email account fully stolen by Trevor S. (proof of harassment and crimes of Priest against me); sabotage of computers RMIT; one computer stolen inside of Internet kiosk, with nobody in it apart from me and lady who works in it, cameras pointing to its only entrance, which was before the lady and away from me, notebook lying less then half a meter, against the cubicule walls inside of the bus terminal for Rio de Janeiro, in front of the police station inside of the place, containing all my 10 books produced in 2002, original typing and only typing, plus remake of translation of Casti's book, original version, only one, typing, plus my two theses of PhD for RMIT, etc.; one memory stick with my remake of Have You Done Something Good for Someone Else Today, hard copy stolen from me, inside of premises of RMIT, ending up in the hands of Cameron P., best mate of Bradley and involved in each and every crime I suffer since VUT; etc. A few pol. station: Bike at Middle Park pol., RJ bus terminal station, stick NYC pol., yahoo email account stolen with own yahoo records, USA, etc.
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