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A sister company of C.P.H. Productions.

 Version 1.6.4 Beta 


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My name is Angel, but you can call me Marc, since the name Angel is ironic for my personality.
Anyways, I am a 13 year old boy and currently in 8th grade. My hobbies are vintage video game collecting, cooking, playing Minecraft, Instagram,
and filmmaking on YouTube (my YouTube channel is CPH Productions), which is the career I want to pursue.
I made this blog as an online journal sort of thing, to write daily about my life and such. Hope you stick around for the ride, I guess. Bai!

Oh yeah, forgot to mention. The reason this webpage looks like it was made with HTML is to pay homage to the 90s. SALUTE THE N64! 

Oh yeah, if you want to check out my YouTube channel, click here!


Oh, just for the heck of it:






February 2nd, 2016

I AM SO SORRY I HAVE NOT BEEN ACTIVE ON THIS SITE IN A WHILE! I've been very busy with school, as well as
shopping on eBay for games for my collection. One of the things I have recently bought is a bootleg/pirated
Famicom multicart. It has 150 games on it, some rare, some common, but it is very cool to have. I'll be posting pictures
in a few hours. I have also been working on a Super Mario World hack. Yeup! I'll be uploading it to SMW Central and
I will post a link to the download when it's finished. Right now, I haven't made much progress, but I hope to be done
with it by this Spring. Anyways, I will see you tomorrow! (PROMISE!)



January 10th, 2016


I HATE SCHOOL! Sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been busy with this BS term paper due for my Language
Arts class. Anyhow, as you read from my previous post, I have this strange orange Famicom game I know nothing
about. Well, I made a post on NintendoAge describing the cartridge, with pictures, and hopefully I get a response


Well, that's about it. I'll be sure to make a post tomorrow, so I'll see you then!

I just made a secret page on the site so during an anniversary celebration of the site, I can upload the link to the
secret page and show how much the site has changed over the years. 
CLUE: 4261636b546f323031352e68746d6c
Try and decrypt that hash text string. It'll certainly link you to the answer. 


January 6th, 2016

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't done a blog post in about a week, I've been pretty busy shopping. I've been using my
Christmas money to crap ton of stuff. For instance, I finally got my NES Top Loader!

Also, I bought a Famicom-to-NES adapter, to play import games from Japan.

Well, the main reason I bought the
adapter is because of this particular game:

I bought this game from Digital Press Gamestore, when I had a Famicom. Sadly, my Famicom died out before I got
to play this game. I have no clue what this game is, I can't read the title since I don't speak Japanese, and I can't
find any information on this game. The weirdest part of this game is the warning on the back:

Oh yeah, thank God for that warning! I was about to melt the game with a match, bash the game to bits with
a sludge hammer, run the game under my bathroom fossit, and feed it to my pet alligator.
Anyways, I also bought these kickass NES controllers with the Nintendo Power stickers.

Pretty awesome, huh. So yeah, that's about it! I'll be sure to make a new Blog post tomorrow. Bai!


January 1th, 2016

Happy New Year! Currently writing this blog post at midnight. I hope you all have had a great New Years Eve!
To be honest, instead of yelling "HAPPY NEW YEAR," I yelled out......fluffernugget. Yeah, the first word of 2016 that
I said was "fluffernugget". I dunno anymore. Anyways, I've been watching this very old video that's been on the
net for quite some time now. 
nico nico

This video is of a hack of the classic SNES title, Super Mario World. Basically, it's designed to play itself. Pretty cool.
That's not the really cool part, though. The REALLY cool part is it's designed to play the sound effects in the tune of
a song (I think it's a mish mash of various animes), and it was recorded with the actual song put in, and uploaded
to this japanese website.

Anyhow, after watching various editions of this video on YouTube, I stumbled across a remastered version of this
internet gem in 720p. That's pretty awesome, especially since the ROM running had absolutely no lag.

So yeah, after further searching on the net, I also stumbled across the original ROM hack of SMW used for the original
video. Honestly, it was pretty cool to see it in front of my eyes, that hack actually running on my PC.

I mean, after stumbling across that ROM hack, what else would I do other than attempt to recreate the video in 1080p.
It.........did not go so well. Most likely due to my laggy PC slowing down the ROM file causing it to not keep up with the
music. Hopefully if I ever get my own PC (I use my family PC), the first thing I'm gonna do is attempt to recreate
the Automatic Mario video so my PC is fresh and ready to record it without any lag. I do have my own laptop, though.
It's VERY laggy, though.

So yeah, that's all I have to say for today. I hope you all have a Happy New Year! Here's to 2016! 


December 30th, 2015

Sorry I didn't do a blog post yesterday, my sleep schedule is way off. I woke up today (and yesterday) at fucking
3:30 PM. Then again, I've been staying up until like 4:00 AM. Anyways, I've been working on a commercial for
Retro Bitty Gaming on my YouTube channel. I'm trying to make it in the style of those old AOL commercials from
the 90s, since this website was made with HTML like those old websites everyone used to make back then.
So yeah, I hope to make further progress in updating the website, as well as doing more blog posts and such. 
I'll see you tomorrow!



December 28th, 2015

I did nothing.png

That's about it, other than binge watching Nostalgia Critic all day and updating the site with more pages like News,
a Chatroom, and a Contact page. I also added a tracker on the logo of the site to show the version state of the site.
Anyways, Merry Motherfucking 3 Day Late Christmas and a Happy New Motherfucking Year.......



December 27th, 2015


Well, it's the end of 2015. Two days after my favorite holiday, Christmas. Sadly, I didn't get much for
Christmas, so my dad decided to be the kickass father he is and take me to probably my favorite place
in the world. 

Nooooo, I wish. My favorite LOCAL place.

Digital Press Gamestore. This place has video games from all eras, from Atari 2600 to fucking XBOX One. This is probably one of the most popular retro gaming stores in America, mainly due to the Angry Video Game Nerd making an appearance
twice there, as well as one of this appearances involving a battle/fistfight with his arch nemesis and fellow online critic, The
Nostalgia Critic. They also have a monthly expo/convention type event every last Saturday called NAVA. This is where they have gaming tournaments, allow customers to sell, trade, and buy games, and occasionally special guest appearances. 
Now, this month's NAVA's theme was Star Wars. Hmm, I wonder why?

Oh yeah...
So anyways, I also had the opportunity to sell my old reproductions cartridge of the Japanese Mario 2. My mother ordered
me a new repro of the game, since my old one wasn't exactly accurate and a bit glitchy. I sold it for $30.

I also bought a few cool things, such as a copy of Nintendo Power where they spoke about Super Mario All Stars for the
SNES for the first time, an NES Cleaning Kit boxed and unused for $2, an NES setup instructional booklet, Punch Out!! (not Mike Tyson), The Legend of Zelda, Thundercade, and Pac-Man for GameBoy. 

digital press stuff

So yeah, but sadly, there's one thing I always wanted and didn't get. 

The NES Model-101, or NES Top Loader. Hopefully, I'll save up the money to buy it. Anyways, yeah. That's pretty much it.
See ya guys tomorrow!

My name is Angel. I am a 13 year old boy and currently in 8th grade. My hobbies are vintage video game collecting, cooking, playing Minecraft, Instagram, and filmmaking on YouTube (my YouTube channel is CPH Productions), which is the career I want to pursue. I made this blog as an online journal sort of thing, to write daily about my life and such. Hope you stick around for the ride, I guess. Bai!