Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!
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David Cronenberg

Ivan Reitman
As you can see the list for Canadian SF filmmakers is not very long. Hopefully, as time goes by, the list will grow. Meanwhile we can be very proud of the accomplishments of those listed as they are among the best in the world.

Brad Abraham
James Cameron

David Cronenburg
Paul Donovan
Lex Gigeroff
  Julian Grant
Jeffery Hirschfield

Norman Jewison
Lorne Michaels

Joseph O'Brien
Daniel Petrie
Ivan Reitman
Isaac Szpindel  
David Winning

Note: For Filmmakers I have included directors, producers, and screenwriters. If there are any Canadians  you think should be added,  please use my  Feedback Form or Email me at [email protected]

Please feel free to email Made in Canada with any comments or questions at [email protected]

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Made in Canada is designed, developed and maintained by Don Bassie at [email protected]

Last updated February 07, 2003

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