Made in Canada is the proud recipient of a 2000, 2003 & 2004 Prix Aurora Award!

Derwin Mak
Explorer All Dancers Go To Heaven Northwest Passages
Derwin Mak was born in Peterborough, Ontario, and currently resides in Toronto.  He has a limited edition chapbook published by Shallow End of Infinity called All Dancers Go To Heaven (a novella) as well as the story The Snow Aliens in Tales From the Wonder Zone: Explorer.  His black humour story about the Titanic, "Luck of the Irish", was published in the spring 2001 issue of The Ultimate Unknown. Derwin  contributed to the anthology Space, Inc., edited by Julie Czerneda with his story,  "The Siren Stone", and to the anthology  Northwest Passages: a Cascadian Anthology edited by Cris DiMarco with his novelette,  "Transubstantiation". His next story, "Seventy-two Virgins", will appear in Thou Shalt Not..., edited by Lee A. Howard coming summer 2006.

Besides writing, Derwin is an accomplished costumer. He even has an award named after him called the "Derwin Mak Attack Award for Twisted Humour" which is awarded annually at the Toronto Trek costume contest.  

Look for Derwins story "The Siren Stone", in 
Space, Inc.

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Last updated April 09, 2006

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