Made in Canada is the proud recipient of a 2000, 2003 & 2004 Prix Aurora Award!

Scott Mackay
Omnifix Orbis The Meek Outpost Northern Suns edited by Glenn Grant and David G. Hartwell. Tesseracts 6 edited by Carolyn Clink and Robert J. Sawyer
Scott Mackay lives in Toronto, Ontario. His short SF has been published in On Spec, Science Fiction Age, Tesseracts 6, Northern Suns and Northern Frights 4 and 5. Scott  has numerous non-genre novels out including Cold Comfort (an espionage novel) and A Friend in Barcelona (a mystery novel). Scott's published SF novels are Outpost, The Meek ,Orbis, Omnifix and his newest, Tides. His novel The Meek, was a finalist for the 2002 John Campbell Memorial Award. Scott has won both the Arthur Ellis and Okanagan Awards for his short fiction. Watch for Scott's next novel Phytosphere.

Look for Scott Mackay's newest title

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Last updated March 26, 2006

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