
"Allow myself to introduce...... myself"

~ Austin Powers

Welcome to my portfolio where I get to talk about me. Have you ever heard the line, "It's never too late?" Well, that's me. I remember growing up I would get excited to walk through the art aisle of a store. I wanted to buy every art supply from markers to popsicle sticks. I remember being jealous of my friend when she started taking photography classes in high school. I grew up with a single mother, who had no money, and I knew I could never afford a camera like my friend's. As a kid, I just concentrated on sports and I did not pay attention to my academics. It wasn't until I was 34 when I decided to return back to school. I was actually nervous when I decided to go back to school at an older age because I thought I would receive discouraging grades again. But to my surprise, as an adult, school was much easier to comprehend. For the first time in my life I was receiving straight As and now I can apply my passion for art and photography to a career I've been longing to have.