
My two dear friends who have taken up tennancy in my brain for quite some time now. They make such a mess in there, but they're friendly, and always pay the rent on time. Can't complain, really.:P
It's a merman and his faery-girl lover. Oh, and please dont ask me what their names are! That's a bit too much to ask, don't you think! I'm just the spud who draws them. ;) Actually, I'd like to try and portray what these characters are really like, what makes them tick-- instead of just portraying their physical appearance. I think you can get a sense of that in this pic... the colours and lines are very much softer than in my usual works, and these two characters are very docile, softly spoken creatures.
I think the art is a screaming example of ill-proportioned sprites, but I just love the colours and paint application so much, I don't really care that her-face-is-too-small-and-his-mouth-looks funny-and-her-arm-is-too-big-and---

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