Do you have an interesting story to share? Have you or somebody you know met Clark Gable, Carole Lombard, or any of the GWTW casts? If so, send an E-mail to me.

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Martin Zandstra from The Netherlands shares this picture with us. Thanks!

here's a picture of my mother with Clark Gable, taken in 1953 in Delft during the filming of "Betrayed". My mother worked in an shop which sold original Delft-blue painted things and when he just visited the shop my mother came down the stairs to see what all the "fuss" was about. She was 19 at the time, and he was 52 I believe. Over the years my mother became more and more aware of the immortal fame of Clark Gable, so you can imagine how proud she still is of having met him. I, her son, collect classic movies, on video and DVD so off course I have "Gone with the wind" and a lot of other Gable movies. She could never have expected that in 1953, 14 years before I was born!

Another story about Gable, thanks to Chris Thompson for sharing!

When my father was 10 years old in 1924, he was hanging out with his sisters who attended Pomona College. A silent movie was being made there and my Aunt Bee and Aunt Dolly were extras. Well, one of the extras was Clark Gable. My aunts played cards with him during breaks from making the film. One day Mr. Gable was in the bleachers with the other extras and his shoe fell off. My dad was nearby enjoying all the excitement of movie making. Mr. Gable told him he would give him a quarter if he got his shoe. Well my dad ran down there and retrieved the shoe and brought it to Mr. Gable. He took the shoe and continued talking with his fellow actors. My dad stood there waiting for his quarter and Mr. Gable was just ignoring him! My dad was getting a little upset because he wanted that quarter. Gable's friends all said, "Hey Clark! Give the poor kid his quarter! " Unwillingly he reached into his pocket and tossed my dad the quarter. My dad never forgot that day. I wonder if Clark did? My dad died January, 2002 and I think he would have been happy if his story was told. : ) My dad's name was Charles Mason Parsons. He lived in Claremont as a child until his father bought a cotton farm in Buttonwillow, California. He farmed there for over 60 years until his death.

This is contributed by Terri Holloway. Thanks!

A friend of mine collects old cars, and he had bought a 55 T-bird. He was doing a complete cleanup of the car and underneath one of the seats he found a piece of paper with a phone number on it, out of curiosity he phoned the number, I'm not sure who he talked to, but they wanted to know where he had gotten this number and not to ever call there again, but he told them where he had found it and they sent him all the information about the car, the original title and registration, it was Clark Gable's car.

My friend lives in Salem, Illinois and this happened either in the late 80's or early 90's.

Thanks to Norm, we have our first little star encounter story on the site.

I attended the GWTW Premiere in Atlanta, Georgia in 1939 as an eight year old. My father took me because my mother insisted it would be good for me.

Carole Lombard spoke to me in the lobby as they were going into the theater. We were asked to let the celebities go in first. She looked down at me and asked,"Are you excited?" and I responded, "Yes M'am". My father always told me what happened...

I collected Carole Lombard artifacts, pictures, etc. over the years and finally donated a major collection to the Clark Gable Museum in Cadiz, Ohio this past October 6, 2000. It was her birthday.

I took John Clark Gable to her crash site on May 19, 2001. Clark Gable never went there.

My Great Grandfather, Cpl. Hardy Pitts from Dooley County in Georgia, fought in the Battle of Atlanta. He was wounded at Peach Tree Creek north of Atlanta.

I grew up in Atlanta although I was born in Daytona Beach, Florida.

I live in Galloway, Ohio now and still teach college, on part-time basis.

Thought you might be interested. There are not many left that went to the Premiere in Atlanta or who spoke to Carole Lombard.

Norm Lambert

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