This is the last entry.....The conclusion of my three- year adventure in pursuing a dream and fulfilling God's promise. Ang Munting Bukayo will still be online but will have to do with its current content, I will still have to figure out a way to update it from the mountains.... that is the precious Philippine Military Academy. To all those who visited this website thank you very much and I hope in some way I was able to show you a world that is fully blessed and wonderful. Thank you very much and God Bless all of us......



They say that the greatest lessons in life are those lessons that you learn the hard way. In one of the services that I attended, Pastor Nathan Leigh once said that it is not necessary to experience something so that you’ll know that it’s bad, you can actually watch people. But for me, that was too late. By the time I heard that phrase from him, I was already on the summing up stages of my greatest lesson so far. My name is Alexandre F. Cabales. I am 21 years old and have had the greatest adventure in my life just to realize that God loves me. My father left us, me, my 2 brothers and my mother, when I was in grade 4. I could very well recall that my mother already started talking to me about stopping school because we had no money. The next day after my mother talked to me, money arrived from my father; unknowingly that was the last of it. He has already decided to leave us and stay with his other family. That other family was not a surprise to us. The eldest daughter there is about 3 years younger than my elder brother and a year older than me, another daughter and son is older than my younger brother. Again it was no surprise only that at this time my father has made up his mind to raise that family for good and just leave us. From that time on, my mother tried so many things just to raise us. She had a full time work, we sell vegetables around the subdivision, and she tried selling everything just to sustain our schooling. Of course it was not easy, especially for young children like us who barely understand things. Finally, my mother decided to try her luck in the States and in December 15, 1992 she left for the States. After that everything was provided. We went to good schools and had everything we needed. Around that time, since my mother was already away, my father started to reach out. We resented our father bearing in mind that our mother would not want it if we hated our father. We knew that our father did something wrong, but at our young age we do not know how to react.

I went to High School in Dumaguete City. When I was in first year, I happen to meet members of an activist organization and later on I became very active in rallies, teach-ins and even went to remote barangays to give lectures. I enjoyed that experience so much that I started to neglect school. Everybody started to get worried with what I was doing. They wanted to send me back here in manila just to stop me from joining the Communist Party. It came to a point that I was almost inducted as a member of Kabataang Makabayan, a forerunner of the Communist Party. I asked for another chance as a result I was placed under the care of a foster father. After that I started to withdraw from my activities. Later, I realized that I was just craving for attention, and somehow it was my form of rebellion against my father who was in the military. Sadly, when I was in Third year, my mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer and unknowingly she was not able to send me money for school, it was my foster parents who paid for my school. My mother recovered after a series of treatments and then life continued.

When I graduated from High School there was only one thing in my mind, to graduate from the Philippine Military Academy. Since I was only 15 when I graduated, I studied 2 years of college before taking the entrance exam. I passed the examinations the first time I took it. Also, in my second year, my mother’s cancer reoccurred and she was set to be operated in November of that same year; that was 1999. Later on, it was learned that nothing can be done with my mother’s cancer and so my mother just decided to go back here in the Philippines. So after about 8 years of not seeing each other, I finally saw my mother again in December 23, 1999. We were already bigger than her and she was in very bad shape, she was dying of cancer. One can not describe the emotions that enveloped that reunion; finally I was able to hug my mother again. To date, Christmas of 1999 is the most wonderful Christmas I have, an intimate affair with my mother that I loved so much; that was the last Christmas we spent with her. I passed everything in my application to PMA and so in April 1 of the year 2000, I reported to PMA as a cadet. Two weeks after, I had to go home because my mother passed away. I was the last son to see my mother alive and in our last meeting she hugged me very tight, I did not know that it was the last hug I’m getting from her. I hated God for that, why my mother, she was so good to us, but you had to take her away, at the back of my mind I was wishing that God should have killed my father instead.

Six months in PMA, I was caught in some mess and finally I was discharged. This was the lowest point in my life. My mother dead and I was discharged from PMA. It was at this time that I cursed God. He took away the mother that I loved dearly and then He had me discharged from the institution that will secure me a good future. I was so ashamed of myself and amidst the frustration I went away. I went back to Dumaguete, nobody knew where I was. It was at this time that God started doing His magic. At the lowest time of my life, with no support system, I was forced to ask the help of friends in Dumaguete. Unknown to me, in the many months that I was not in Dumaguete, my very dear friend was converted to Christianity. When we first met, he was heading for a retreat and he forced me to come along. I came and then God started doing his thing. It took God several weeks to break my spirits but when he did, he revealed himself in a way that I will never forget. When God showed Himself, I cried for a minimum of two hours. Suddenly everything that happened to me started to flashback inside my head and the more events ran through my head, the more I felt guilty of myself cursing God and denying his presence. In one sudden turn of events God converted me from a God-hater to His Child. In one instant, everything made sense and in no time I was already leading small groups and feeling His presence. Finally, I went back to Manila and started to rebuild my life. I filed my first appeal to go back to PMA. But it wasn’t that simple, God wasn’t finished with me yet. My first appeal was denied. I filed another appeal, but this time it took a long time for processing, so I had to wait for another year. Finally a decision was made, I was to take an exam, together with other discharged classmates, and if we passed we will be reinstated as cadets. We all passed the exam but I was not able to come back. One officer blocked my reinstatement and so I was denied of another opportunity again. I forgot about Christianity because of what happened, but God simply has ways. When I found work, one of my co workers was a Christian. One time he was talking about Christianity and suddenly I remembered everything that I know about our God. That person brought me to CCF and introduced me to people that reminded me of my faith. They provided money for me to attend the single’s retreat last year and another miracle happened, one of the members of my breakout group was an orphan. You may not have realized this but in the duration of my life there was never a time that I confronted my hatred for my father. But this friend was telling me that he was thankful for everything and somehow that penetrated into me. At that point I made a commitment to reconcile with my father. Today, I live with my father, we play badminton every now and then, and sometimes we just talk about things.

You see in that long episode of my life I realized so many things. Together with all the pain and heartaches that I suffered, there was much lesson to be learned and you would be surprised how God used all those sad experiences to make me a better person. He had to take away my mother because there was no way I will be reconciling with my father unless my mother is dead or they get back together which was already impossible. My mother died at the perfect time because at that point she has already saved enough money for my younger brother’s schooling. My eldest brother was also set to graduate in PMA a year after she died. As for me, I was in a position that I can very well manage things on my own. God was correct; I did manage to figure things out. Aside from the fact that we miss our mother there was no major loss that we had. Instead there was too much to gain. First, it created an opportunity to reconcile with our father something that wouldn’t be possible if my mother was alive. Second, my half siblings will forever have to bring with them the stigma of being illegitimate children; they have to deal with something that was never their fault. You see, God never wants His children to be incomplete. He always has his way in making us a complete person. He had to remove the hatred that was motivating my life so that He can use me for His glory. It is a wonder how God orchestrated his grand plan for me all I know is that what he did was perfect. I can go on detailing each lesson that I learned in my experience but that would take a lot of time. So I launched my website, Ang Munting Bukayo, an online testimony of God’s Lessons that I have gathered in this great adventure we call life. As for my PMA dream, I was allowed to take the entrance exam again and start from scratch. I passed the exam for the second time and I am all set to undergo Physical and Neuro-Psychiatric Examination. I am confident that with God on my side I’ll be marching back to PMA come April 1 of next year, this time equipped with the wisdom that God has taught me.

 I wrote this first part sometime before Christmas. Now, I am proud to report that it is Official, I will be going back to the Philippine Military Academy.

you may also read the previous entries to this diary

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