The Crud Cave??
The Crud Cave
Totally Weird Shit



Photo Album

Guitar Tablatures?
THIS IS NOT YOUR AVERAGE SITE... it's below average.
That's right, and it's opened 24 hours a day! I'm working harder than the South Korean riot police bring you... totally weird shit stories, humour, and personal photos.
This homepage is inspired by the Crudboys, because professionalism, hard work, preparation, and maturity are the hallmarks of a great web page... that's why mine sux.
The purpose of this site is to provide low level entertainment to spice up ones' day. 
"Rude Awakening"      quotes, as shown in Sydney's     Channel 10. It features recovering alcoholics Billie (Sherilyn Fenn) and     Dave (Jonathan Penner). Quotes:
Dave   observing a chick: "She's hot..." 
Stan   (Dave's mentor): "Yeah so's napalm. Why don't you stick your dick into   that?"
Stan   to Dave: "See her over there? She looks sweet, kind and pretty. Now see   if you can fuck her".
Dave:   "Women say I'm really good with their cats... although not saying that   expression exactly..."
This is the Gimp, making sure everything in the Crud Cave is tasteful... he's failed.

Updated on 01 May 2002
savvy surfers have hit this site since former Baywatch  star Yasmine Bleeth pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine & driving while  drugged up... (circa Dec 2001)
This site is badly brought to you by Clement Tsang & 
the Calista Flockhart nutrition foundation.
(Please don't be a prick and defame it)
Thanks to all the celebrity guests who have stumbled
into the Crud Cave...
And special thanks to FrontPage. Without this powerful program, I could never make this page look any dodgier
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