"And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove!
for then would I fly away, and be at rest."
Psalm 55:6 (KJV)



My Baptism - One of My Greatest Testimonies
(written by Faith, June of 1998)

I think the main reason for my wanting to be baptized was desperately wanting and needing a change in my life. I guess a lot of people would say I had it very good - four healthy children, a good job, a house. But I think my oldest son put it best a year or so ago, "It's all a show and you're nothing but a fake." And he was right, I put on an act for the world to see but what was inside of me wasn't so pretty. I was bitter, lonely, and very unhappy.
So, I fixed up the house, changed my hairstyle and lost 10 pounds. But guess what!
I still wasn't happy and couldn't figure it out.
What was wrong with me?

It wasn't until after my last romantic break up. I took a very close look at my life and myself. Even now months later I can feel his arms around me, see the sparkle in his eyes when he smiled at me, the phone rings and a part of me wishes it would be his voice on the other end of the line. I'll never forget the day we talked about the book I'm writing, the story of my life, he insisted he had to be in the book and I said I'd already planned on him being the last chapter, he was very pleased with that.

Must be a really great guy for me to feel that strongly toward him right? I suppose he was
when you left out his substance abuse and the mental abuse he heaped on me. This was a man whose own mother said he was Satan himself and he took pride in the name. Where do you go after loving and being loved by Satan? I didn't see anything lower than that, so could only go up. Thinking about it now in new light and life I know he will be the last chapter of my life,
the old one.

So I dug really deep and had to admit to myself if to no one else that there was something wrong with me! And believe me it wasn't easy after all, for years my motto was "There's nothing wrong with me, it's the rest of the world that's messed up." I'd spent most of my life hiding the truth from everyone including myself. And I was good at it. So good that my mother didn't know my father had been abusing me for 10 years until I told her. So good my husband didn't realize I hadn't left our house for three months (not even to go to the store). So good that I was 36 years old before anyone but my youngest sister knew that I was borderline bulimic - 5'10" and 120lbs, I ate I took a laxative. So good that until now there was only one person in the world that knew I almost killed my unborn child and myself.

I wasn't getting very far finding out for myself what was wrong. Then one night after weeks of getting now where, tossing and turning in bed, a thought came to me. I remembered a similar night almost 22 years ago when a dear friend of mine told me to open the bible he'd given me a few months before. I can still hear his words, he said, "Just read it, the answers are all there." So just as I did back then I started reading. There was no rhyme or reason to what I read, I just read. After a half-hour or so I started to see what was happening, nearly everything I read said something about Baptism!

I had accepted Christ as my Savior at age 18, didn't really understand it all but said all the words. Then at 22 I was going to be Baptized but got side tracked and didn't follow through, only to sink deeper and deeper into a life of misery. What I read that night scared me. I'd always thought when I died I'd go to Heaven but what I was reading was saying I should be Baptized. What if I was wrong? The words of a child came to mind a niece (15) had asked me, "Aunt Faith when the end comes am I going to see you again?" Those were the last words she spoke to me, she went to live with the Lord 2 months later, dying from life long medical complications.

What if I died and hadn't done what I was supposed to do. I've heard a million times if there's a Heaven there must be a Hell. Well, it worked in reverse for me - I knew there was a Hell, I'd been living on the edge of it for years. And the thought of dying and it being y life all over scared me more than anything in my life ever had.

If you look at life like a ladder, when you're born you're in the middle and from there you can go up or you can go down. I was on the bottom rung of my ladder and looking at a long hard climb up or just dangling on that bottom rung until it turned into eternity.

It didn't hit me until five hours after my baptism that in a matter of seconds I felt I had been catapulted back up to the middle rung of my ladder. I now feel strong and ready for the rest of my climb to the top, am looking forward to all the "firsts" in my new life, and excited about sharing those firsts with my new friends. I'm sure there will be occasional setbacks but at lest up here on the top half of the ladder I have people supporting and cheering me on my climb, opposed to the bottom half where I had people constantly pulling me down.

What do I think was wrong with me? I wasn't listening! Even though I know God was in my life I wasn't listening to what he was saying. I thank God for the friends who've stood beside me through these difficult times, for the new friends helping me on my climb, and for accepting me into his arms.

Since writing this I have had several people tell me that baptism is not a "rebirth" but only an outward sign of our love for God. For me it was that sign that turned my life around and gave me the strength and courage to trust in the Lord. For me, it was very much like a "rebirth" because I honestly feel like a new person now.

I listen to the Lord with ears wide open now and praise
Our Heavenly Father for providing others who listen also.

Do you listen when He speaks?


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