The Real Issues: Economics, Politics, and International Relations

Politics and International Relations
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Welcome to my blog on just about everything. The site is constantly under construction, so check back often as new topics show up. We'll be writing about economics (including a special section on the financial crisis and the Great Depression (which hopefully will remain without the word "First" in front of it)), international relations and politics, news tidbits from Vienna and Europe, and anything else we feel like commenting on.

                                    What's New?
  • Charles Kirchofer talks about the Green Economic Revolution and how it how could be done right, or wrong, in the economics section.
  • Charles Kirchofer discusses detecting and controlling housing bubbles, the skyrocketing yen and the deep cause of the financial crisis: global imbalances in spending and saving and why it's so hard to combat them; all in the economics section.
  • Think you've got what it takes to make money trading commodities? Prove it! I just finished a gold trading simulation game with QBasic (yes, I actually still use QBasic, a relic from the 80s computing world for writing programs). You'll have to download the QBasic program to use it, but it's fun. To download the game and QBasic (it's a tiny program for MS-DOS mode), check out the links at the bottom of the economics page.
The Bi-Weekly Quote

"The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on." - Robert Bloch

Quote archive

Have something to comment on? Have a story to tell? Know about a bit of local news the media's not talking about? I'm looking for contributors, because I can't do it myself. Help me make the website better and more interesting by writing for it as well. Click the email link below and send me your story. If I like it, I'll let you know and post it on the site!

Email me. I welcome your (polite) comments, questions, and suggestions about improving the website (particularly if I need to explain things better or more simply).

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