See You Later.....

We'll, our time here is up. Sry Folks! I can't handle updating this site and my other sites all the time. I just cant! :( I'd like to thank Elvis, Emmi, Basil, Domino, Dray, Wuwu, Thumper, Mitzi, Berby, Cuppy, Locksley, Annie, Emmie, and all our other bunny friends! (We have so many I can't mention them all!) I'd also like to thank Sasha for the wonderful animated picture of Lizzie! It's wonderful we have so many friends online, and I hope we can keep in touch with all of them. It was a wonderful experience to have this site! Without it I wouldn't have met any of my friends! And if I hadn't won Lizzie at that festival......we'll, I wouldn't be here at all :)

As for my friends in the real world, I need to thank Lauren, Hannah, Becky, Kelsey, Catherine, Christina, and all my other wonderful friends. Also, a big thank you to little Gracie P.! Your so much fun to be around and play with! I really enjoy being ur friend Grace! ^_^

Now I have to thank my little bunny! Lizzie, I love ya hun! You're my sweet little bunny rabbit! ^_~

Now, If you wanna see Lizzie's Interview page, click here, and if you wanna see Lizzie's PHOTOS, click HERE!!!

Thanks guys, your the best!

~ Rachael and Lizzie
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