Avril’s Life Story - Contents



Remembering Birth

Discovering Geometry

Avril Peaks At 5

Early School Days

Brain Reversal & Illnesses

Avril Through The Looking Glass

Getting “Stuck”

Alternative Employment

Feeding & Stroking Bees

Neurological Quantum Leap


Classic Autistic Mix-ups

A Brush With Celebrities

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Writing about Avril is not an easy thing.  She is as many as the facets of a diamond.  It is rather like trying to put a finger on a spot of liquid mercury - just when you think you know her, you realise you know nothing, the mercury has rushed off.  Having lived with her now longer than that of any other person, here is a selective thumbnail sketch throughout the complexities and years, although certainly not exhaustive.


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Remembering Birth

Avril’s entry into this world was not without initial incident, as her Mother was hurriedly taken by rowing boat to higher ground to give birth, during the famous 1947 flooding of the Lincoln Valley, with water rising as high as the upstairs bedrooms of most terraced houses.  Avril can even, beyond doubt, remember her actual birth - the suction sounds and ‘twice booming sounds’, her ears hurting.  Within the first two weeks it was discovered that she had perforated eardrums.  She can further remember ‘pulsating’ whilst being in her pram on clinic visits, and clearly recalls a conversation at six months as she sat on her mum’s knee as the doctor was on a visit, discussing pneumonia.  Much to her Mother’s incredulity, the dialogue was recalled verbatim at a much later date - there had been none other present in the room and the subject had not been spoken of afterward.  The start of many parental shocks and head shakes!  Avril tries to explain that she lives her life as if she is already ahead of it, somehow has gone ahead of it, a part of her ahead of it, a kind of knowing in advance, or a continual déjà vu.  From being a toddler, Avril had the skin condition Vitiligo (or Leucoderma) giving off a dark, Mediterranean complexion.  Although this paled as she entered her teens, her skin can still darken at times of illness.  It was so prominent when young that she chose a black doll as her first doll, to be like her.  Her parents would scrub her hands, elbows and knees with a scouring powder thinking it to be dirt.


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Discovering Geometry

Between the ages of 3-5, Avril began in the privacy of her dad’s garden shed, to construct ‘towers’ using bike wheels and frames, long pieces of wood or anything considered that would produce a ‘unravelled ball of wool effect’, for her to contain herself in.  “It is like being back inside your seed case, your atom”.  Avril would, with some strange knowing, attempt specific geometric shapes, and in some sense knew what she was doing.  When inside these constructs/shapes (a ‘time machine’ later thought) she felt she couldn’t be seen, but could still see her parents who would be frantic looking for her.  With an acumen, she would leave a deliberate focal object nearby as a decoy, and sure enough, her parents wouldn’t be able to locate her whereabouts.  During formative years, Avril felt comfortable communicating if she could stay hid under a table, this way she felt she could cope with human bodies better if she didn’t have to see them, and vice versa.  This was her preferred ‘redesigned containment’ that she didn’t want to vacate.  When Avril discovered geometry in her own precocious fashion, she wanted “to run the length of it and climb the height of it”.  Soon she found she had a relationship with right angles “which precipitated going for long nature walks, mentally mapping out the routes as if already familiar with them”.  She would ‘know’ where a place was via her geometric alliances and would survey landscape with ‘aerial mind views’, as if watching from above.  Some refer to this ability today as ‘remote viewing’.  Avril would never physically tire if she hasten to go anywhere, for she always knew where it was to go - “it was like staying on the spot, and seeing the scenery”.  By now, young Avril had developed an interest in ‘movements’ - anatomical robotics of the human species (very Leonardo Da Vinci !).

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Avril Peaks At 5

“I reached my peak at 5”, she says, “having achieved Man’s lifetime achievement - discovering geometry and traversed it.  Life is a printed (geometric) circuit, it has a pattern and I mimicked the pattern”. Between the ages of 4-5 Avril liked to “feed off the earth, not mum’s cupboard” with an advanced awareness that allowed her to utilise several ways of eating berries, as an ability to survive in the outside world, “with Nature as a protective cover, childhood like a kind of nakedness”.


Avril speaks of being ‘old’ when young, as if being born old, which decided upon her seeking out a preferred company of older people, who soon recognised her asking of questions beyond her young age.  More than often she would shock with her intelligence, but her audience would laugh it off, with an apparent uncomfortable confusion!  “Older people would have strong patterns and the uniformity that I required.  Their matrix of pattern was proven and successful from experience.  I would collect their matrices like brittle toffee, veins running through like stain glass windows.  I would see them, slot them into myself, and see the success or failure of them.  They were like slides or film, to learn about mistakes.  I had already by then noticed success and failure/disappointment - success was sunshine and failure dismal, grey days.  I judged things by the sun (moods) and consequently had a strong love of the colour yellow, and silver, rays that came out from clouds from the sun”.


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Early School Days

School.  Day One.  For Avril, the phrase “you’re going to...” meant only one of two possibilities, meaning bed or a discipline was on its way.  She used her geometry on her way to school and connected to it - sticking - any stick or pole, or grabbing at the rectangular window sills in a defiance not to budge.  Inevitably, she was carried in, but soon calmed by eyeing up the fresh room geometry, pacified by the smell of the wood, and new shapes in there providing an intrigue and interest..  Avril tried to make the other children there react, regarding them “like puppets” as they ran about all over without a rule or reasoning.  She required an explanation for these unannounced behaviours - what were they doing and why.  Avril viewed all this playing and survived by mimicking the running and climbing.  She soon discovered that rules require two sides, you obey them or don’t - and didn’t like the option of either side.  (She still is this way today and does not like games).  As time passed by, Avril aspired to top of the class in writing - the geometry, the shapes of words and numbers too, the construct of geometry, they are all comprised of circles or angles.  She loved school, the opportunity of learning, but objected to absenteeism and human illness, “it interferes with the flow”.  Avril had a problem again ‘wearing’ a physical body - it would interrupt the ‘flow’ of playing, with its toilet visits!


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Brain Reversal & Illnesses

Soon came the arrival of a problem with ‘reversals’ of right and left brain lobe.  “In your world, you put words below the picture.  In mine, the words hover over the pictures”.  (She is at greater ease reading the likes of Egyptian and other languages that function from right-left).  In school Avril’s behaviour was inevitably misinterpreted as ‘naughty’ and ‘cheeky’ (her precocity) and she was deemed as not paying attention or listening.  She would actually be in her own world, autistic absence.  (Her valid complaint is that when non-autistic adults do this it is called a reverie, simple daydreaming, and not frowned upon).  Avril by now had also developed a fear of strangers, ambulances, illnesses and red blankets.  She would not dare breathe in the same room as an illness or ill person, and would wear improvised surgical face masks.  Even today her hygiene is impeccable bordering on obsessional alá Howard Hughes, proportions.  Another ‘thing’ would be to dress up as other people, male included, who were in employment, mimicking voices and personalities.  A lot of her time would be spent endearingly with members of an Irish community, one of whom would be so tickled at her talent, he’d pay her an old two shillings to mimic his own Irish accent.


She was a favourite comical entertainer amongst adults.  At this stage, Avril had undergone elocution lessons and speech therapy, as she wasn’t able to speak properly during early childhood.  She had “no sense of touch coming in, except injury”.  At 2, Avril had starting biting, this owing to her lack of physical sensitivity, it being a singular replacement outward expression.  At 5, her lifelong ‘mystery illnesses’ had also started, the first after a session horseriding, and a discovery that she had a curvature of the spine.  At a much later date in life during a gynaecological investigation, the surgeons had a surprise when they discovered that the anatomical part they were looking for was not where it should be - it was an inch and a half misplaced !  In 1998, one of her daughters created actual medical history when in similar circumstances it was found as late as the age of 32 that she has one lung the shape of a crescent moon laying across the chest area, left to right, beneath it a lung on the left hand side, rounded like a ball.  To this day Avril will resort to the eating of bananas to effect a cure when she is feeling unwell, and the activity of feeding swans.  “Bananas were first exported to this country in 1947 when I was born.  From the word ‘bananas’ is the word ‘bane’, meaning to harm.  The banana is an antithesis for me”.  The swans feeding, a breath of fresh air, clear airways in lung sacs, their benign glacial swimming reflections, their sounds indicative of wheezing chests and blocked nasal cavities; again an antithesis.


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Avril Through The Looking Glass

Avril was at this time “living on the ceiling”.  Fascinated by imagining a complete spatial room reversal, floor becoming ceiling.  Her life long fascination with mirror image and the mirror was by now also firmly established.  “I would love to get into the mirror like hopping into the hatch of a submarine”.  She would look at her ‘Self’, but looked straight through and beyond into the mystery of the mirror, never interested in her protoplasmic image, any more than she is interested in an attachment to her own name.  She would also get into cupboards at any opportunity, for ‘protection’, though once, ironically, almost lost her life through suffocation.


At 4-5 Avril had started to read the business sections of newspapers.  She considered herself a stranger to her family and felt she didn’t belong to them, even seeking out assumed adoption papers.  Her two elder sisters didn’t help matters, either ostracising her or furthering the belief that she didn’t belong to them.  A past-time would be to chase after animals in the wild in order to experience the encapsulation of the briefest moment of ‘raw wildness’.  At 6-7 Avril began to build herself ‘wings’ from bamboo canes and bedsheets, in an attempt to fly off from 6ft walls, such was her feeling of being grounded, and the pursuit of total freedom.  Fairies and magic carpets.  Avril sensed that she ‘could go away from where she was (physically)’.  Other items of interest to her were a humming top - and a subsequent interest in the workings of the unyet perfected gyroscope - (which she feels given the tools she could construct) and a kaleidoscope (“The Tibetan mandala”).  School milk that had “tasted like onions, and was blue”, signalled the first of many lifelong food allergies.  Avril is so sensitive that she has an aversion to anything that is livestock - she can actually trace its source back to the anima of the animal and can “taste its energy.  Yuk !”.  The same remarkable difficulty can be said of having to wear clothes worn previously by any other, her sensitivity can contract any illness experienced by the earlier wearer.  Avril at this stage of her life thought that everything was communal, no ownership.


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Getting “Stuck”

A request for a chemistry set and the privacy of the garden shed having been promptly refused, Avril persisted on mixing concoctions and constructing in her hallowed room space away from the eyes of others, still apparently pursuing ‘a something’.  “I liked the possibilities of one thing leading to another to another”.  Needless to add, she is preoccupied with the eternal mathematical figure of pi.  After a brief truancy from school when a new teacher insisted on calling her ‘Ay-vril’ long term mystery illnesses would come, stay and vanish as mysteriously as having arrived, leaving the medical profession dumbfounded.  Avril was now showing an interest in electricity, go-karts (self constructed, of course) and regular visits to the local joke shop, much to the detriment of her often joked father !  Through adolescence Avril got by simply by mimicking her chosen and best female friend, left to her own devices she would often have no idea what to do in sundry situations.  Somewhat predictably, when her long term friend abruptly left the area, Avril was left high and dry, and ‘stuck’.  (She can get stuck in a bath for hours, failing to make the connection to get out when; the water is cold, her hands can get ‘stuck’ like crabs’ nippers and will need strong assistance to prise them open).  She was still having a great difficulty getting over the fact that at school she had been refused to join the class in a trip to Switzerland, an autistic rejection she still feels that she still has never recovered from.  The teachers, rather unfairly, had declared her ‘too wild’.  Once, after a ride on the Big Wheel at a local fair Avril encountered a bout of amnesia, recovering consciousness wandering down by a river.  Nothing is known about the cause.  At 15, she had many male admirers, which didn’t really mean much to Avril, and one such obsessed person planned to abduct her and take her to Ireland to be married.  His ploy was, fortunately, thwarted although well underway, and because of her vulnerability it was thereupon decided that she be put into a Remand Home (amongst recidivists) for her own protection.  Psychological tests had denounced Avril incorrectly as below average intelligence - “I was teasing.  I thought .he wanted to play a ‘game’ and so I played”.  It was at this point Avril, under better circumstances should have had her autism detected, rather than sent to a wholly inappropriate home.  After her regular chores in the home, Avril would skillfully hide undiscovered under the stairs.  When she was first asked to embroider she discovered a wonderful talent - she hadn’t ever done it before or even knew how - but amazed staff with her finished product and output.


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Alternative Employment

Much of the following twenty years is “not recorded”.  Avril was chosen unsuitable and incompatible partners in a vain attempt to have her looked after and taken off her parents’ hands, a modern day interpretation would be that of ‘arranged marriages’.  Because of Avrils unknown autism and her debility whereby she could get ‘stuck’ and become unable to speak (she went mute for almost one year at 15) she fell into a constant series of situations gotten into by others incapable of understanding or even caring for her needs, and from which she could not escape.  These are the dark, violent and abusive years of entrapment.  In 1979, Avril lived briefly in America nearby an English grandmother who had married into the Red Indian Penobscot tribe of Maine.  (Democratic Senator Ed Muskey is a relative).


In the employment arena, of the lesser known jobs Avril has had, Malcolm once chronicled some 35 !  Avril enjoyed such a variety simply from wanting to know about everything.  In a day and age where stigma would be attached to job changing and a proven stability a preference, Avril would move on happily from a job once she had thoroughly learnt and digested it.  Some of her jobs would raise many an eyebrow !  As a 6st sixteen year old youngster she once worked amongst an entirely male work force, moulding from industrial furnaces alongside shop engineers.  Another time, working at a factory upon a conveyor belt at a food processing firm, with her ambidextrous ability, she “took in the pattern of the job, listened to the machine and became the automaton as an extension of the machine”.  Her speed at work caused an uproar.  On no end of occasions, Avril (unknown as autistic) has demonstrated in no uncertain terms an ability to learn a job the equal of anyone but “I had no interest in furthering a position offered me in the companies”.  Her successful business acumen noticed by many, if Avril were to be praised for her work, as often she was, then she would resort to jeopardising it.  Although often not a good timekeeper, (“I can’t recognise Time, its illusory.  How can you restrict illusion ?”) prone to dalliance on her way to work through her interest in the natural world, Avril would often go to the other extreme and confound everybody by turning up early and loitering about.  Her one possible regret is not being able to have had a successful business enterprise owning heavy duty plant equipment; caterpillars, earth-moving equipment, diggers etc.  She explains, “It is to do with Ergo, the first principles of energy in the dense physical”.


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Feeding & Stroking Bees

Avril never ceases to amaze Malcolm.  “ on one occasion she woke me from sleep asking me to stop my arm from buzzing.  I didn’t know what she meant until I suddenly realised that I had ‘pins and needles’ in an arm that I had laid asleep on.  She was, effectively, ‘hearing’ a vibration from the cramping effect of the blood circulation cutting off.  Owing to her complexities with her brain lobes, I have witnessed one side of her ‘sober’ and the other side ‘tipsy’ during one (rare) occasion of intoxication.  Imagine a screen seperating one half of her body from the other - one eye is having trouble staying open (‘drunk’) whilst the other is wide awake !  I’ve actually passed her the ‘phone from one side of her head to the other, and watched how she’d be slurred in speech if approached from one side, and fully coherent from the other !  When I had a serious phobia about bees, she help me overcome it by teaching me, calmly, how to approach and stroke them on bushes.  I’ve seen her feed a bee an ice cream as he perched on her shoulder - you could see his tongue - or suction tube, or whatever, come out an ‘lick’ at it!


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Neurological Quantum Leap

Although Avril considers the reality of her body growing older, she has “never aged from the viewpoint of never identifying as getting older from being a child.  I have never connected with my birthdate (which she celebrates the day before) since knowing my conscious Self at six months.”  At the age of 33 she underwent an unexpected “neurological circuit quantum leap” - an awakening.  “I moved into a new form of investigation.  Previous, I had considered universal structures designed by nature, now I moved into human structures, discovering that man-made geometric structures can make you ill, and identifying strains of illnesses from their constructs, or foundations and building blocks.”  (Once both Avril and Malcolm worked with a wealthy surveyor who in his private capacity was attempting to create/discover a geometric shape to the concept of Time).  “The implication here is that Man can be guilty of designing his own social diseases” Avril announces.


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Avril’s ‘obsessions’ (“non-autists call them hobbies”) include sliding down banister rails, a fascination with turbines and turbine engines, the theremin (forerunner to the musical synthesizer), antiques, period clothes, collecting ladies’ hats, making shoes, and collecting wooden boxes that are miniature chests with locks, also old leather books with locks.  Literally off the beaten track, she collects broken pieces of blue pottery on walks along bridle paths etc hoping to one day complete a full willow pattern picture.  Avril’s major ‘obsession’ is “finding out”.  As early as 3, she scoured the home looking for assumed adoption papers in a frantic attempt to find out who she was.  “Beyond this I felt as if I had dropped in from another world, desperate to know who I am and where I am from.  I always feel I can get back into my own (autistic) world by getting ‘into’ the mirror.  It is ‘me’ in the mirror”.


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Classic Autistic Mix-ups

Avril undergoes seasonal changes well before the established calendar dates for the Solstice changes.  She will alter the position of her bed continual in one night or over a period of days at these times, to comply in sympathy with a magnetic flow from the Poles.  Occasionally she undergoes a narcolepsy during Autumn at a precise clock time - no clock or watch need be present - which may only last a duration of moments, whilst curled into a ball position that appears to simulate the shape of the brain.  Mix-ups that have been brought about by her autism has sometimes bordered on situation comedy, leaving us unsure whether to laugh or cry.  Whilst associating with a boyfriend (who it seems had a known association with a bankrobber !) during her early 20’s, Avril found herself in the unlikely position of being asked by local police how she thought that certain heists had been carried out.  Perceiving this as something of a game and being familiar with all patterns, therefore those of criminology, she explained how she thought such things could be carried out.  Because of her intellectual vocabulary when interviewed, (incompatible with some she could find herself ‘stuck’ in the company of) Avril was, farcically, and reminiscent of a scene from Peter Sellars’ last ever film “Being There” (1979) in which a simple living gardener is clumsily suspected of being a master spy, accused of being ringleader of an exclusive Post Office and bankrobbers gang !  As in “Being There”, the more they couldn’t find anything on her, the more they thought she must be super undetectable!  In 1974, continuing aspects of farce, saw Avril in the British daily tabloid newspaper ‘The Daily Mail’, accused of ‘stealing her own car’, a charge that the Judge threw out of court as nonsense and impossible !  Twelve years later, this time accompanied by Malcolm, both received an armed escort out of Paris and back to England when after an appearance from Interpol, the British Embassy intervened - irregular and ‘suspect’ (autistic) movement of their caravan and van in a sensitive area in the South of France created suspicions that they must be Spanish Basque terrorists !  Avrils unconformist and irregular mode of shopping in supermarkets has often unnecessarily troubled many a store detective !  Another agency was troubled too and paid Avril a visit during her 20’s after she’d filled in a section of a Census form that had asked was there anything else they should be told.  Avril, simmering from being told by her dad that they were being ‘nosey’, decided to inform them that her grandmother was ‘a Red spy’.


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A Brush With Celebrities

Avril has also had a brush with celebrities, a paintbrush in the case of the ex-world champion heavyweight British boxer Frank Bruno, whose heavily insured hands she carefully painted over with poster paint, to secure the hand imprints on paper, have the vowels of British Sign Language inserted at the appropriate finger tips, and the final product framed and autographed then raffled for charity in aid of a School for Deaf and Mute children in Northumberland, England.


Prior to this, in 1986, Malcolm had included her with him in a short comedy sketch on the very last programme of a long-running and acclaimed British music show on the national Channel 4 Network.  She did not enjoy the experience.  Again, in 1990, Avril unwittingly appeared on British national TV before an audience of ten million on BBC 1 on a section of a popular Saturday night programme whereby unsuspecting members of the public would be surprised and treated to an appropriate gift.  Avril was chauffeur driven around London with Malcolm (who had perhaps unwisely gotten her into this) and taken to the prestigious Savoy Hotel where a fashion show was especially put on for her, the conclusion being her gifted with select items of her choice.  Although her Asperger’s condition had been explained earlier to the Producers, they will never know how close she came at the height of the filming to running off, and earlier, off camera, had to be visibly held up from fainting.  The experience had been very traumatic from an autistic’s point of view, not knowing what on earth was going on or what was going to happen next, plus being the focus of attention.  The TV viewing audience would not be aware either apart from visibly noticing Avril’s obvious apprehension and extreme ‘timidity’.  Full autistic trauma delay followed.


A further four years on and an invite was extended to both Malcolm and Avril to appear on another Channel 4 Programme, a talk show with a reputation for levity, when researchers learned of Avril’s autistic ability to recognise precise faces from the past that ‘cloned’ with famous faces and personalities from present day, including the host of the show.  Although neither Malcolm or Avril believe in reincarnation, this was the preferred perspective by the producers the original offer of an appearance finally waived when Avril refused to acknowledge that she considered her autistic abilities as a ‘gift’.  In 1994, Avril, with Malcolm, met H.H., the Dalai Lama of Tibet whilst he visited Scotland  The world famous feminist writer Dr Germaine Greer has told Avril in private correspondence that she (Avril) is a talented writer.  Taking fear from this recommendation, Avril has ripped the letter up.  She can be difficult to encourage to write as she has no faith in her writing - her mother struck her as a small child and accused her of being a liar after Avril had won a prize at school for her work, and this has left a bad imprint - and often prefers her husband to write in her absence, or will employ him as a ‘blackboard’ or interpreter.to assist.  As for communication on the ‘Net’, she has no qualms; “I would like all to take a quantum leap to create a free fall on the ‘Net’, to let go of what we know from the Dark Ages of the 1940’s, and acknowledge a new millennium concept of autism where an understanding will be given”.


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Avril Jenson in her private capacity invites comments and can be contacted at the following email address… [email protected]



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