Click Here for Pics of Me, My Brother, and My Pals

Click Here for Pics of my Awesome Wife, Joni!!!

Scotty's HOT-LINKS

Scotty's Toy Box

The Skinny on Scotty

My Concert History

My Xmas Wish List

Hiya! I'm Scott, or Matt, or The Reverand Scott Matt or whatever you want to call me. Having 2 first names can be tough sometimes. I live on the Peninsula in California and have been a California native my whole life. I even know how to surf....well, I used to....It's been a few years. I'm a legaly ordained minister, which means I can perform weddings and baptisms. However, being an atheist, I don't know what use I'd have for a baptism. I've even performed a wedding or two, so if you or anyone you know wants to get hitched....I can do that. I was in the Navy for a couple of years as well. That's where I got to surf all over the world in countries like Africa, Mexico, The Philipines, Hong Kong, and Korea.

I'm a big videogame freak, ask anyone. And fortunately, I've been lucky enough to find plenty of jobs in my field of interest. My resume reads like a kid's Xmas wish list to Santa Let's take a look at some places I've "worked".

Obviously, I've had a charmed career life so far. No math, no heavy lifting. I just play lots of videogames, AND THEY PAY ME! Am I lucky or what!

A few of my current favorite games are:

Those who know me, know me as BIG Star Wars freak. I just can't get enough Star Wars! I collect Star Wars Figures and posters and other Star Wars Toys

Yeah, you could say I'm a bit of a Bookworm. I read every day and I average about 30 or so books a year. Want to hear about some of my favorite authors? Well, when it comes to the classics I like Jules Verne, J.D. Salinger, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Upton Sinclair,Jack London, and George Orwell, to name a few. Some writers from the 60's I really like are Jack Kerouac, Robert A. Heinlein, Jim Carrol, Hunter S. Thompson, Piers Anthony, Michael Moorcock, and Alan Ginsburg. And finally, some contemporary writers I like are Dean Koontz, Michael Crichton, Clive Barker, Douglas Adams, Isaac Asimov, Steven King, Kevin J. Anderson, Chuck Palahniuk, and Timothy Zahn.
My List of Great Books

Musicwise, I like the 80's. Punk, Goth, New Wave, Alternative, you name it. If it's from the 80's and it's cool, chances are I like it. Some of my favorite bands from this glorious and groundbreaking musical era include: Bauhaus, Buzzcocks, Magazine, Iggy Pop, Dead Kenedys, The Clash, The Specials, The Misfits, Adam Ant, Oingo Boingo, The Cramps, Wall of Voodoo, Violent Femmes, The Police, DEVO, Alien Sex Fiend, Soft Cell, I could go on forever. I just love cool music from the 80's. Now don't get me wrong, 80's music is just fine, but I also like a lot of modern music. I like the past, but I don't dwell there. Some current bands I really like: Garbage, Fat Boy Slim, The Crystal Method, Beck, Aquabats, Chemical Brothers, Let's Go Bowling, Beastie Boys, Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies, Nine Inch Nails, Pietasters, Brian Setzer Orchestra.
My List of Great PUNK Music

I can often be found just like this

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