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Here are some poems by the Buckieboys They are mainly by Couch who has a real talent and has actually been published (MBA Journal). There are a few by Wee Johnny which are pretty good too and a couple by Big Al which are not so good.



Skitzo (Couch)

        You say you cannot make it Catherine, for you are scared

        of meeting our wee Jimmy or baggers with a beard

        you've think you've heard some stories, from the Buckie Boys it's true

        well now listen to this story that I shall tell to you


        It fell upon a winter's day, Jack Frost sat in the trees

        he cut and sliced his snow and ice and threw them in the breeze

        fantastic shapes in daytime he created for delight

        to come alive as monsters in the darkness of the night


        Wearily they walked the last few yards, guided by a bothy light

        a candle in the window, had been placed there to invite

        but no-one greeted their arrival, nought but an overturned chair

        and a hollow echo answered their call of "anybody there?"


        The grate was quickly filled with cheering flames and heat

        and the weary pair were happy to just sit and warm their feet

        Their aches and pains were soon forgotten, their toils were left behind

        and they thought this new found bothy was a very lucky find


        Too soon the fire said goodnight and quietly passed away

        the flaming embers of its life just memories at play

        as darkness settled on the pair, they thought it time for bed

        when a noise upon the doorstep filled both their hearts with dread


        Clump! , Clump!

        Clump! , Clump!

        Protesting on its hinges, the door creaked open to reveal

        Six foot of muscled bone that made the bearded baggers squeal


        "I have walked upon these feet, 30 miles you to meet"

        he laughed and threw his giant pack upon the floor

        "and in my younger days, before this caliper was brazed

        I'd walk coast to coast - A HUNDRED MILES OR MORE"


        "What time is it?" he asked, "how much of it has passed?  

        "it pours between life's fingers just like sand!

        "until a year has ran, I'm as sane as any man"

        he said to a giant clock held in his hand.


        The baggers sensed their doom as silence fell into the room

        twas the kind that comes before a storm to bring

        They looked in his mad eyes when suddenly he cried!



        "TIME IS UP! - TIME TO CUT!" - his crazed face broke into an evil grin


        In his eyes there shone a fire, in his heart a mad desire

        as he cut a bearded scalp from off each chin


        You may guess at what the baggers felt, as he hung the scalped beards from his belt

        and hoovered up their food and gave a sneer

        Then shouldering his pack, he set off down the road and back

        to where he'd been for his last sane year

Burns Night (Wee Johnny)

Burns night comes with haggis, neeps and tatties once a year

so buckie boys will bagon - feckem - never fear!

with pack on back, we will not slack, we'll trudge through rain and sleet

o'er hill and dale along the trail - we'll tramp with happy feet

Till we arrive at doorstep of rare wee bothy shelter

and with coal and woodblocks, build a fire - a roast your balls off belter

Wee Johnny he will then address, great chief o' puddin race

while buckie boys with great delight, get smashed out their face.  

Security Feature (Couch)

In a circle there they stood, a deaf and sightless evil brood

and passed messages of what they hadn't heard or seen

without a word they spoke, and told each other of the bloke

who had come in range and broke their networked beam.


In a flash they'd swung their gaze, and the deadly watcher rays

poured like judgement, from the Gods up in the skies

and they didn't hear the screams, as his mind burst at the seams

or see the blood, that poured out of his eyes.


Now its safe to leave your car, and to leave your door ajar

with a Watched Domain, you need not be alarmed

you can listen to the silence of their talking through the night

and sleep knowing that you've got the system 'ARMED'

Early Start Boys (Couch)

Nothing stirred, only a few wild creatures saw them as they passed

and never thought to wonder, where the MR2 was going - going very fast

Moon and stars shone down, with ghostly silver strands of light

ahead the road was clear, and they thundered through the night


Big Al slept and dreamed of eagles, wee Johnny slept and dreamed of stags

but The Bagger's sleep was troubled, he dreamed of mountains full of crags

Couch began to nod off, when the stars filled up the sky

as he drove along, he watched them, and slept with just one eye.


Strapped up on the roof, wee Jimmy gave himself a shake,

for the noise of wee Pat's snoring, from the boot, kept him awake

he yelled, 'any more of this, and we're going to come to blows

that's a Guinness Book of Records noise, comin' from his nose

'when he gets a whiff of this' he thought, his nose will sing a different tune

as he blocked up both exhaust pipes, he said 'I'll choke him wi' the fumes'


from the boot there came a nasal ripping roar

EEeee....ARGhhhh!,  wee Pat was strangled in mid-snore.

'PEACE AT LAST' said Jimmy


When dawn broke at last, they were well upon their way

high up in the hills, before the break of day

so if you want empty hills and roads, you have to get up smart

as Johnny says 'Hey Boys - how's about an early start?'.


Ode to a couch (Wee Johnny)

They call him Couch, but he's no slouch

That Ian Murray fella'

He'll walk out of view for a Special Brew

To show that he's no Yella'


He take's a ribbin'

about his belly

and how it wobbles

like a big plate of jelly


But He's a man for any weather

O're rock and stream

Through bog and heather


He'll soldier on without a moan

And sure as day precedes night

He'll try out that Thunder Box contraption

Cause he's in need of a shite.

The Bagger (Couch)

You will find him on the mountains, above three thousand feet

For The Bagger's earthly goal, is the Munros to complete

He ascends in all conditions, rain and sleet and snow

Singing 'my name is Billy Bingo, I've got 1-3-6 to go'.

His legs they batter up and doon, they thunder in their sockets

They power him along the trail, two turbo-charged big rockets

As he flies from cairn to cairn, he's watched by some below

Who excited phone the papers, saying they've seen a UFO.


He clothes are from a scarecrow, a tramp or some wee tike

If you meet him on the trail, you'll think you've never seen the like

In his eyes there burns a fire, a mountain-loving passion

While the arse hings oot his trousers, he's no follower of fashion.

You'll know when you have met him, if you're stopped and asked in dread

'Hello there mate , my name is Bill - IS THERE ANY CRAGS AHEAD?'

He makes friends with everybody, he's a very cheery soul

But he doesn't like Big Al, who makes him carry coal.

The Bagger (part2)(Wee Johnny)

He often comes a bothy'n

To Tarf Hotel and the likes

But always insists on walkin'

While we go in on bikes.

And when he reaches shelter,

Somewhere to lay his heid

Its then he'll start his snorin'

Enough noise to wake the deid.


He lies there in his sleeping bag

Feet stickin' oot the bottom

Takes up a whole room to himself

We wish we hidnae brought'im


And when he's cookin' dinner,

With the food he's had to borrow

He boasts of all the hills he's done,

And the one's he'll do tomorrow


But as you say, he's a cheery soul

and often good for a song,

Like - There was a Scottish Soldier

Or something else to sing'along.


The Bagger (part3) (Couch)

He rises ere the break of dawn, outside its still pitch black

No breakfast for The Bagger, he says it slows him in his tracks

He doesn't even pack a lunch, just Vaseline's his bunions

Then grabs a bag of biscuits and one of Barbara's onions

Then he's OFF upon the road, a smile upon his face

Chug Chug Chug in his Bag-mobile, he sets a cracking pace

If he leaves at 05:00 o-clock he'll be there by half past nine

To 'HIT IT - HIT IT HARD!' and start his mountain climb.


The Bagger (part4) (Big Al)

The bagger is a stange beast, walks with a shambling gait

He is very easy to spot on the hill, as he appears in such a state

With jacket hanging loose, work trousers on and a hat resembling noddy

It makes you wonder how a human can inhabit such a body


His greatest fear is meeting Big Al and being asked to carry coal

This goes against his tic instinct and cuts deep into his soul

He would prefer to let others do the work especially his poor brother

Or Wee Johnny or Auld Jimmy while he hides under cover.


He is at his worst it is said, when it is time to eat

Not a morsel he has brought, no bread or jam or meat

Just a great big onion in his pack, thats all folks it is true

He relies on the Buckie Boys to give him their beef stew


Remote (BigAl)

My heart longs to be remote

To feel unattached to man

To see the mountain, feel the air, hear the burn

To be awake to a view


Alien (BigAl)

I have been here for centuries, at this beach

Out of sight of man and beast, out of reach

Surrounded by creatures, many sorts

Sightless eyes watching me in my domain

Buckie Boys arrived in 96, disturbed my sleep

Moved me from my slumber to the sand

Smoke, heat near my body, I was in fear

My time had come to leave this land


Lifting high above the sand, carried high

My weight was too much for him

So now I lie swathed in bracken, awaiting them

The Watchers cry soundless for me.



It lay there in the bracken, staring up

A lost wind sighed above the branches of the trees

Cold earth beneath, it lay beside the lonely track

Buckie Boys had moved it, now it wanted to go back


From deep within it gathered all its elemental forces

And asked the domain's watchers, to lend to it their forces

Out along Loch Ericht, all its mental powers were bent

Till Big Al's mind was breached with the signal beam it sent



It is beyond my reach

FREE ME! - Big Al - FREE ME!

Take me back to Creature Beach"


Trudge, trudge, trudge

Through mud and sludge

Gaitered boots crush heather roots

Big Udlamain holds a grudge

In their face, to slow their pace

Stung rain and sleet and hail

A uphill path of misery

Progress like a snail

Under breath they spoke

They grumbled and they muttered

Each step an ache, hearts near to break

They were completely guttered

But then at last, they reached the pass

And began their downhill strain

A grim and dreadful awful trek

Can't wait to go again.



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