Night of Nights
by Sajinn

Part 39:

Spike burrowed underneath his blanket, letting himself be lulled into slumber by the steady beat of Xander's heart. The boy was just a few inches away, watching whatever movie was playing. Xander had decided that watching something he'd seen before was better than pulling his hair out from boredom. Spike himself was catching a little rest, since it was still daylight outside. Besides, if he actually watched Xander bounce around and generally act all excited, he'd jump him and that would definitely get them in trouble with the flight attendant. She was already looking at them funny from the bathroom incident.

He'd almost drifted off when a warm hand snaked under his blanket, pressing itself against the cool skin of his neck. He leaned into the caress, soaking up heat from that strong limb. After a moment, Xander reached over and grasped Spike by the shoulders, dragging the vampire across the seats to lie against him. The vampire found it an easier maneuver than he'd expected, since Xander had raised the armrest. Xander was propped at an angle, creating a warm bed for Spike to lean against. The young man adjusted Spike's blankets, making sure the vampire was completely covered.

"You looked uncomfortable," Xander whispered into Spike's ear. "And I don't think the flight attendant is really that mad at us."

Spike simply pressed his face into Xander's chest and relaxed into a boneless puddle of vampire. Xander laughed softly and held Spike, continuing to watch his movie.

Spike was having the nicest dream. He and Xander somewhere in the Sahara, in one of the anonymous hotels that dotted the desert oases. The night air was refreshing after a long day trapped inside the room, and they had the window open to enjoy it. The pungent odors of animals and humans permeated the breeze, making Spike wrinkle his nose. His lovely boy simply curled around him, giving the blonde a living, silken bed upon which to rest.

That satiny skin slid seductively along his, encouraging his wanton murmurs. Playful fingers traced his lips and he nipped at them, laving away the tiny stings with his tongue. When those hands drifted lower, Spike undulated sinuously, arching into each touch.

"Xan," He whispered needfully as his lover wrapped those strong fingers around his cock, stroking him with a sure grip. When he would have thrust too hard, Xander held him back with a steely arm, keeping Spike pressed tight against him. The vampire stilled, letting Xander lead the encounter. His lovely boy knew what he was doing, knew Spike's body as well as the vampire himself did. Each sensitive spot was given due attention and soon Spike was whimpering, squirming helplessly as Xander alternated between slowly jacking his cock and massaging his aching testicles. His whimpers turned to cries as Xander's movements became rougher and faster.

Then salty fingers slid into his mouth, giving him something to hold onto as his body twisted with ecstasy. Spike suckled furiously on those digits, savoring the heady taste of his boy's skin, sweat and musk. As he drew closer and closer to climax, Spike's face shifted and he dropped his jaw, keeping sharp fangs from those human fingers. He drew his teeth very lightly along the skin, teasing both himself and Xander with the glorious oblivion that a bite would give them.

He must have hit the right nerve, because Xander's hand tightened on his cock. One, two, three strokes and Spike was shuddering bonelessly as a blinding orgasm washed through him. It crashed against his heart again and again, pushing him ever closer to the secure warmth of his boy. When he finally emerged from that maelstrom, Xander was there, cradling him in steady arms.

Spike blinked and yawned. That had been one hell of a dream. If all of his were that pleasant, he'd do nothing but sleep and fuck Xander all day and night. "Thirty-nine," Xander whispered into the ear of his just-waking lover. Spike's head shot up in time to see Xander cleaning the last of his come off his hand. "And hey, you're awake just in time to catch the next movie! It's Casablanca."

Part 40:

"I like this plane better," Xander said as he ensconced himself into the window seat. "It's bigger, and it smells better."

"Just wait 'til you've been on it eight hours," Spike warned.

Xander shrugged. "The last flight was long, too." It hadn't been so bad, either, other than the fact that the flight attendant really had hated them. "And I haven't seen all the movies on this flight."

Spike sighed. "That's because they're British. British Airways, British movies." He was looking forward to seeing something besides mindless American pap, even if it was just mindless British pap. In a few hours, he and Xander would be in London, far away from Los Angeles, California and a group of people who wanted him very dusty.

"So we *are* going to see Big Ben, right?" Xander inquired. "And Parliament, and Buckingham Palace and Scotland Yard?"

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes," Spike murmured. "We can see anything you want to, Xander, even if it's outside of London proper." The vampire watched in amusement as Xander's eyes grew wide.

"Stratford-upon-Avon? Hadrian's Wall? Stonehenge? I've always wanted to go to Scotland... can we see Glasgow? Edinburgh? Or maybe Ireland? Dublin?" Pleading brown eyes beseeched Spike to fulfill Xander's fantasies.

Spike simply nodded. How could he deny his boy? The vampire knew that Xander's hunger for such experiences was due to a horribly deprived childhood. Meeting, and subsequently killing, a wide variety of demons didn't make up for cultural malnutrition. Xander hadn't been exposed to very much outside of Sunnydale, in terms of art, history, or culture. To Spike, it was a sin to have so isolated the boy. Spike had been given a far more enriching human youth, and for all his failings, Angelus had made sure it had continued once Spike was turned.

Xander's obvious desire to make contact with the world made Spike even more grateful that they'd bonded and had all the time in the world. So long as they were careful about how they traveled, he and Xander could see everything the world had to offer--and then go back to re-visit any particularly memorable spots. And if Spike had anything to do with it, there would be a great many of those.

Spike accepted a drink from a passing attendant and sat back to wait for the plane to take off. Xander busied himself reading all the manuals and safety instructions, checking out the airsick bag, and wondering if he could make the oxygen mask come out of the overhead compartment.

"Hey, they're about to start the movie," Xander told Spike. "Everybody in it's going to sound like you."

"I doubt that, pet," The vampire replied. As soon as the lights dimmed, Xander rearranged them so that Spike was reclined against him, in the same position as they'd been in on the previous flight. Spike rested his head against Xander's shoulder, content to watch the movie while listening to the soundtrack whispering out of Xander's earphones. When the flight attendant handed them a pair of blankets, Spike draped them over their bodies, shoving a pillow back for Xander's head.

Xander wrapped his arms around Spike's waist, resting his hands on the waistband of the blonde's jeans. He could feel Spike grin when he undid the snap and began to work that tight fabric loose. Spike wriggled helpfully, wondering just how far this was going to go. Xander had been fairly bold on their last flight, waking Spike up in a most pleasant way.

It took a minute and some creative twisting for Xander to get his fingers lubed and sliding between Spike's thighs, teasing the vampire's hole. The position wasn't the best, but it was more than worth it to watch Spike try to be still and quiet while Xander twisted and probed with his fingers. By the time he was finished preparing the vampire, Spike was biting his lip to stay silent. If he was having trouble now, Xander wondered how he was going to survive getting fucked.

Spike lifted up when he felt Xander's fingers leave him. A thick, hot, hard cock pressed into his hole, stretching him oh, so slowly. He sank down, urged on by Xander's hands, until his ass was flush against Xander's groin. One warm hand reached over to wrap around his cock, the other holding him against his lover.

Xander lay still, waiting for Spike to figure out what to do. They couldn't just go at it; as much as Xander would've liked to have thrown Spike down onto the floor and fucked him blind, he wanted to walk off the airplane a free man. That meant discretion, which they could do, if they put a bit of effort into it.

Spike was suspended, waiting anxiously for Xander to move. Yet the boy was motionless, burning erection stabbing into the vampire's body. Spike tensed around him, contracting strong, cold muscles. It felt so good, so intense, that Spike did it again, hoping to spur Xander on. Maybe if he teased enough, the boy would figure things out and move already.

Xander's eyes crossed as Spike began to move, even as he lay still. That cool, quivering hole contracted rhythmically on his cock, tugging at him. He began a matching rhythm with his hand, slowly stripping Spike's cock.

Spike closed his eyes, focusing all his attention on working the cock that twitched inside him. He used every trick he knew to draw out Xander's climax, having finally figured out what the boy's game was. All of his body save his ass was completely motionless. To all onlookers, he was asleep, or nearly so. Xander, too, wasn't doing anything but milking Spike's erection. Had it not been for their intimate connection and the soft whisper of Xander's breath, hot against his neck, Spike would've thought he was dreaming again. He was used to movement during sex--either from him or from his partners. This quiescent pleasuring was soft yet somehow more intense; there was no slide of skin on skin, no slap of bodies to distract him from the pleasure.

Xander gritted his teeth as Spike clamped down hard around him, rippling convulsively as the vampire spilled into his waiting hand. That was all it took for the boy; the cool spill of seed into his palm and the tiniest of moans from his lover's throat sent him careening into orgasm, forcibly remaining still even as he flooded Spike with his release.

Spike watched as Xander wiped his hand on a napkin and stuffed it into the airsick bag. "Forty," The young man whispered as he pulled out of Spike and began to right their clothing. Spike yipped when warm fingers pinched his ass.



Spike stared at Xander, mouth agape. He shook his head, unable to believe what he'd just heard. Xander had exclaimed, in a happy voice, that there was fog. Fog. Maybe London had been a bad idea.

Xander grinned like a maniac and grabbed Spike's arm. "Come on, Spike! There's fog! I'm sure it's thick enough that we can make it to a cab, even though it's daylight out." The blonde let Xander drag him to the curb, where they indeed made it into a cab, luggage stowed, before Spike burst into flames. The vampire found his voice long enough to give the driver directions to their hotel. Then he fell silent, content to blink absently and try to keep up with the nonstop prattle spewing forth from Xander's mouth.

The farther they got from the airport, the more Spike relaxed. They were free; no job to draw Xander away, no so-called friends taunting both men with their inadequacies. Just them, together. Spike was hit with a rather sudden urge to bury himself in Xander, to wallow in the sweet boy's presence until they were both senseless. It was a very good thing indeed that they were close to the hotel.

Xander continued to babble on and on while they paid the cabbie and unloaded their bags. He managed to talk at the floor while Spike got their room, but as soon as they began to head for the elevator, he took up the almost chant-like list of things he'd seen since they'd arrived. Spike wondered if Xander had taken a breath for the last half-hour.

"Hey, this looks just like an American hotel room," Xander commented as Spike threw open the door.

"You were expecting what, a chamber maid in the corner?" Spike muttered. He pitched their luggage to one side and closed the door with a swift kick. Xander spun around at the sharp noise, only to find himself shoved against the door by a very intensely focused vampire.

Any questions Xander might have had about what Spike was doing were soon answered. The vampire kissed him thoroughly, tongues sliding together in a blatant mimicry of what their bodies would be doing in just a few short minutes. Xander moaned softly as Spike's hands found their way under his clothes, pulling at fabric until he was naked. The cold slap of leather against his bare skin made Xander shudder and writhe, even as Spike kept him pinned with that sinful mouth.

Spike didn't bother removing his own clothes; he simply unfastened his jeans and hoisted Xander up by his waist. The vampire slicked himself quickly and wrapped Xander's legs around his waist.

Xander broke their kiss to let his head drop to Spike's shoulder, his moans turning into broken cries as the vampire began to press into him. Spike was going so slow, pushing with inexorable force. "Spike," Xander groaned, turning his head slightly to bite down on the exposed flesh of his lover's neck. Spike growled and let go of Xander's waist, allowing the boy to sink completely down onto his cock.

Spike's forehead hit the door with a thump as Xander enveloped him. All of the vampire's senses were focused on the tight, absolute heat of the body that surrounded him. He froze, still as a statue, while Xander's body adjusted to his sudden invasion.

Xander closed his eyes and focused on relaxing. Spike was stretching him, pushing his muscles to accept him all at once. It took several deep breaths for Xander to find his concentration and quite a few more to begin to actually get his muscles to obey.

Spike listened to Xander's breathing, knowing that his boy was close to getting himself under control. He wanted to move, to pull out and thrust back into that incredibly hot, welcoming heat, but he wouldn't, couldn't, until Xander was ready. So instead of satisfying his need to fuck the boy senseless, Spike nuzzled Xander's neck and latched on with teeth that were quickly sharpening into fangs.

Xander had been nearly ready to beg Spike to start moving; the odd limbo that kept him suspended against the door, motionless, was driving the young man insane. When he felt those ivory fangs against his throat, however, Xander skipped begging entirely and moved straight into issuing orders.

"Move," Xander growled, tightening even more around Spike's erection. "Now."

Spike bit down, slicing through soft skin, even as he grasped Xander's hips in cruelly strong hands and began to move.

Xander gasped as Spike thrust, each harsh, erratic thrust bringing with it a sharp tug at his neck. The vampire wasn't drinking so much as holding on, but the effect was the same. Xander could only feel Spike's cock and his fangs, both buried deep inside, piercing him, filling him with the essence of his lover. The young man forgot the door at his back, the hours of frantic traveling they'd just completed, and the reason for that hurried exodus from Sunnydale. By the third thrust, the only thing in Xander's universe was the vampire driving into him.

Spike was in heaven; he was sure of it. Xander flooded his senses, overwhelming his demon with heady blood and wet heat. Spike thrust in time to the beat of Xander's heart, and rhythmically clamped down on the boy's neck in time to his thrusts. Sweet skin against his lips, sweeter blood on his tongue. Warm, hard hands clawed at his back, Xander's mewling cries and moans egging him on. The intoxicating heat that had so recently opened itself to him began to contract, spasming as Xander began to climax, hurled into orgasm by the erotic pressure of the bite and Spike's relentless cock. The vampire roared into Xander's neck, shoving himself deeper, both cock and fangs, as he let go and gave in to the lure of his perfect boy's body.

Xander let Spike carry him to the bed, grumbling softly when the vampire withdrew from his body. He already missed Spike inside him; the blonde's mouth and cock anchoring them together. "Er...Forty?" He murmured as Spike stripped off his clothes and buried them in blankets and sheets.

"Something like that, yeah," Spike replied groggily. He'd thought it was forty-one, but if Xander thought it was forty, Spike wasn't about to argue.

Part 41:

"London is really big," Xander moaned as Spike opened their hotel room door. "Why did I say that we could walk back from the restaurant?"

"Because it's only ten blocks," Spike replied, easily carrying Xander inside the room and depositing him on the bed. Their room was strewn with clothes, toiletries, and luggage. They'd pretty well torn their belongings apart that evening, looking for Xander's camera. They'd finally found it, though, and now Xander had four rolls of film, taken throughout London. Spike had a pocket full of Polaroid pictures of Xander, which he'd taken with the instant camera he'd snagged in the New York airport.

"Doesn't matter," Xander said happily, falling onto his back. "We don't have to go anywhere tomorrow, do we?"

Spike fell onto the bed next to him, grinning. "Nope." Staying in the hotel room for a day or two to relax sounded like a great idea to the vampire, who was just getting used to not feeling nervous about whether or not they'd run into one of Xander's old friends.

Xander rolled onto his side, watching Spike watch him. Touring London with Spike had been quite the history lesson. Xander was pretty sure he was the only person in London who had been given a tour of the best places to find drunken prostitutes that didn't mind sharing a pint or two of A negative on a cold night. Then again, he was also the only person in London who fully intended to let Spike break them into the Natural History Museum so that they could go on tour together, after hours.

"What?" Spike asked, wondering what had Xander's forehead wrinkling. The boy was thinking, and that meant he was worrying, which meant that something was wrong.

"Nothing," Xander murmured, reaching up to trace Spike's eyebrows. The blonde pushed into the caress, rubbing Xander's fingers against his skin. The young man smoothed the dark hairs down, lingering over the scar that marred the otherwise flawless skin. "Just thinking." Xander watched those blue eyes tighten, focusing intently on his face.

"About what?" Spike asked, still keeping close watch on Xander's facial expressions. The boy still looked worried, although he didn't smell of fear or anxiety.

"Things," Xander said absently. He wondered if Spike could see what he was thinking, if those bluest eyes could peer into his brain and see that Xander's mind was full of nothing but Spike.

"What things?" Spike pressed, still pushing against Xander's hand. He wanted to know what was in his boy's head, what had Xander thinking so hard.

Xander leaned over, pulling himself on top of Spike. The vampire let him, adjusting his legs to accept Xander's between them. "Soft things," He murmured, dragging his lips across Spike's. "And hard things," Xander continued, rolling his hips against Spike's. "Just things. And things."

Spike's smile was lazy and hot. "That all you're thinking about?" He asked, tightening his thighs around Xander's. The vampire wasn't sure if that was what Xander was really thinking about or not, but the boy's arousal was honest and he had no qualms about playing along.

Xander shook his head and reached for Spike's shirt. He managed to get Spike naked even as the vampire did the same for him, clothes lying discarded around them on the bed. Spike drew Xander down for a kiss, one that started out slow and wet but soon morphed into sharp teeth and greedy tongues, all fighting for dominance alongside moans and whimpers.

When the kiss finally ended, Spike lay back, licking bruised lips and taking in Xander's wide-eyed, gasping dishevelment. Warm hands tested his skin, fingertips dragging sensuously along his neck.

Xander focused on the ivory body beneath his. Spike was still as a stone, chest unmoving. To most observers it would be impossible to discern whether Spike was aroused, sleepy, or simply bored. Xander knew differently, though. All the signs were there, and he knew just where to look.

The obvious sign was pressed against Xander's thigh. Spike was hard, precome moistening Xander's skin. Just above that hard flesh were the tensed muscles of the vampire's abdomen; Spike was poised, waiting for Xander to move. Pale nipples tightened, making Xander's mouth water.

But what really told Xander what was going on with Spike lay in those crystalline eyes. The blonde's eyes were dilated, almost painfully blue, wide and unblinking.

Spike sighed happily as Xander leaned forward, pressing soft kisses to his neck and jaw. Those warm lips drifted upwards, kissing along his cheek and forehead. He briefly closed his eyes as Xander kissed his eyelids, but immediately opened them to watch his boy.

Xander saw Spike's eyes again, taking in how dark they'd gotten. Once again he kissed them closed; but as always, as soon as he finished Spike opened them again. Soon it became a competition, Xander trying to keep closed what fought to remain open.

Spike heard Xander growl just before the boy sat up. He watched curiously as Xander searched through their clothes, pulling out the silk knit shirt that Spike had worn earlier. The vampire barely had time to close his eyes before Xander slapped the soft fabric over his upper face, covering his eyes tightly. Xander wrapped the rest of the shirt securely under Spike's head, making sure the vampire was completely blindfolded.

"Since you can't seem to keep them closed," Xander murmured, pressing his lips to Spike's sealed eyes.

"Xander," Spike purred, undulating against the boy. Xander's mouth trailed down to his collarbone, teeth scraping softly against the skin there. Spike arched into the touch, wanting more of that sharp-edged pleasure. His hands came up to hold Xander to him, to keep track of where the boy was now that he couldn't watch him.

Xander caught those hands in his, pressing them back onto the bed. He moved ever lower, briefly laving at Spike's pale nipples before nuzzling the blonde's navel.

Spike was floating in a sea of Xander. The boy's scent surrounded him and his skin and mouth were all the vampire could feel. The gentle pressure that Xander exerted to control him was supremely arousing to Spike; knowing that while he could easily break free, Xander trusted him not to. It was like being held down by a warm summer's breeze, all welcoming heat and no fear or pain.

Xander didn't even pause as he took Spike's erection into his mouth, consuming the blonde in a slurry of wet warmth and slippery lips. The young man pressed his tongue to the tip of Spike's cock, sliding farther down until he could swallow around the vampire, throat muscles contracting around that hard flesh. A low moan answered his ministrations, followed by the slightest thrust of ivory hips.

"Xander," Spike whispered, head tilting back as pleasure wracked his body. He was open, helpless in the hands of this boy, unable to stop the avalanche of sensation that washed over him. Xander's mouth was everywhere; he felt each touch, each teasing swipe of that hot tongue, everywhere on his body. The vampire gasped, crying out softly as his body rose to meet Xander's, every muscle tensing as he was struck by a lightning bolt of ecstasy.

Xander kept a firm hold on Spike as the blonde shuddered and spilled into his mouth. When the vampire finally stilled, the young man crept back up the bed, pressing his warm body against Spike's far cooler one. "Forty-one," He whispered, tucking his head into the blonde's shoulder.

Part 42:

Xander reached up and pushed away the fabric covering Spike's eyes. The vampire's eyes were flecked with gold, wide with excitement. The young man felt a cool hand brush his back, just before he was pulled back on top of Spike. The blonde pulled him down for a long kiss, pouring into Xander a portion of the shattering passion that the boy had given to the vampire. Spike felt the warm, tense electricity flow between them, skimming the surface of his lips to cross over into Xander's body. The blonde kept his eyes fixed on his boy, drinking in the sight that had been so briefly denied him.

When Xander finally broke the kiss, he gasped for air, breathing hot gusts against Spike's cheek. Unable to resist the temptation laid out before him, Xander tasted that pale skin. The flavor of his lover burst upon his tongue, flooding his senses. Cool, biting and spicy, there was no doubt that Spike was something beyond human. Xander didn't care if it was the demon or something else; he was undeniably addicted to the man who lay beneath him. Every time he pressed his lips to Spike's flesh, he discovered a new facet to his lover, something he'd never uncovered before. He knew that if he made love to the vampire every day and night for the rest of eternity, he'd never exhaust Spike's many dimensions.

Spike felt the tension lying just underneath Xander's calm exterior. He lay quiescent beneath the young man, effortlessly giving himself to Xander's desires. As always, Spike was shaken by the intensity of Xander's attention, of the sheer power behind that focus. He was, frankly, surprised he wasn't incinerated by it; Xander was like the sun, eternally burning with pure light.

Xander pushed his legs between Spike's, never lifting his mouth from its place against the vampire's skin. He fumbled for some slick while he traced a path down to Spike's shoulder, still exploring the smooth flesh that stretched taut over sculpted muscles. Soft lips gave way to harder teeth when he heard Spike gasp as a single, warm finger slid inside him. Xander pushed a second finger inside the vampire while running his teeth along one collarbone, eliciting more of the breathy moans from his lover.

Spike's eyes rolled back to stare sightlessly at the ceiling, his body a slave to Xander's hands and mouth. All he could feel was those teeth on his skin and the tantalizing slide of fingers stretching him. He couldn't help but squirm when those questing digits almost-but not quite-brushed against his prostate. He was still boneless from their last bout of lovemaking; now his body was rapidly straining for more, for whatever Xander wanted to give him.

Xander removed his fingers, immediately pushing his weeping cock inside Spike's willing body. He bit down slightly on Spike's shoulder as incredibly cool tightness clasped him, pulling him deeper.

Spike screamed as he was penetrated by both cock and teeth. The sharp sting of Xander's human canines sinking into his shoulder was an exquisite accent to the mind-numbing pleasure of being filled with that hot, blood-filled flesh. His nails dug into Xander's back as he arched to take the boy deeper, head thrown back to force himself up into Xander's mouth.

Xander felt Spike buck and shudder, shouting out his pleasure as Xander sank his teeth deeper into the blonde's shoulder. The savageness of the bite was a sharp contrast to his gentle movement within the vampire; Xander set a slow, easy rhythm of rolling thrusts that rocked gently against Spike's prostate.

"Xander," Spike panted, fingers scrabbling desperately over sweaty skin. "More, please, Xander..." He begged, needing something, anything, to keep him from flying apart. He was burning, set afire by the contradictory tenderness and feral roughness of Xander's lovemaking.

Xander released Spike's shoulder, only to plunge his teeth into the tender skin of the vampire's neck. He felt flesh part, give way under his assault. Still he kept sliding in and out of that cool, tight body; drawing out their pleasure with sure, even strokes.

The cry that clawed its way out of Spike's throat was hoarse and triumphant. He felt his blood flow, cool and thick, into Xander's mouth. A warm tongue probed the wound, coaxing more of the vibrant fluid out of the blonde's body. He clenched tightly around Xander, feeling his orgasm begin to rise from the base of his spine, drawn out by the perfect agony of the bite.

Spike's blood flooded Xander's mouth, overwhelming him with its taste. It was everything that Spike was, ten times stronger. He was instantly addicted, taking deep swallows. It burned coldly sliding down his throat and he could feel the power in it, thrumming within its stolen essence. Xander knew that he was forever changed by taking in this part of Spike; he would never be the same now that he had accepted this most intimate part of the vampire into himself. The sure knowledge that he had in that moment claimed Spike as surely as Spike had claimed him was all the young man needed to fall headlong into ecstasy. He bit down harder, thrusting deeply into Spike to bring the vampire with him in this mindless tumble into sweet oblivion.

Spike held Xander as the boy climaxed, feeling hot seed pour into him even as his cold blood spilled into Xander's mouth. It was the realization of that circuit that pushed Spike over the edge and his own pleasure overcame him, rushing through his body and pouring out in a flood of seed and broken sobs. Xander's mouth released his throat to claim Spike's mouth, smearing the vampire's blood across their lips and tongues as Spike's release spread across their bellies.

Xander broke the kiss, breathing unsteadily. He blinked a few times, trying to find a few coherent bits of his brain. "F-forty-two," He stuttered, surprised at the deep resonance of his voice. There was something different about it--something almost unearthly. It reminded him a bit of...

Spike watched Xander with cautious eyes. "It's the blood," He explained slowly. "It won't hurt you."

"Didn't think it would," Xander murmured. "But it'll... change me?" He asked.

Spike carded the fingers of one hand through Xander's hair, the other hand moving to wrap around the boy's warm waist. "A bit, maybe. Mostly, though, it'll make you smell different, sound a bit different too."

Xander grinned. He knew what that meant; to most demons, he'd smell like Spike... well, even more like Spike than he already did. "Oh, darn. No superpowers?"

Spike's ringing laugh echoed off the walls. "Sorry. You can still wear the tights and cape if you want."

Xander's face turned speculative. "You'd look better in spandex than me."

"Like hell I would," Spike swore. "Don't even think it, 'cause the answer's no.


Part 43:

"Drink up, luv," Spike shouted, pressing a cup into Xander's hands. They were surrounded by a throng of writhing bodies, on the fringes of a huge dance floor. Above them swirled masses of people, pressed against the bars of a multileveled maze of balconies and catwalks. Driving, thumping techno music pulsed around them, making Xander's blood rush with the desire to wrap himself around Spike and be the music.

Spike watched Xander tip back the cup, downing the potent drink in just a few swallows. As soon as the boy was finished, the vampire grabbed his cup and tossed it aside. Xander grinned broadly as Spike dragged him out into the crowd, weaving their way towards the stairs.

Spike felt Xander plastered against his back, irresistible heat pressing into him. They climbed the stairs as quickly as possible, working their way through a swarm of bodies. Spike quickly found that both he and Xander were attracting a few too many admirers, so he began growling at them. If one more person grabbed his boy's ass, the vampire was going to hurt someone.

"Over here," Xander screamed, tugging Spike towards a darkened corner on one balcony. The blonde flashed his demonic face at the only other couple there, quickly clearing the space for himself and Xander. The brunette shoved Spike against the wall, pushing against that cool chest with splayed fingers. Spike rocked back on his heels and let Xander take the lead. The boy got right in Spike's face, draping himself over the vampire's body. Xander began to move, thighs brushing against the blonde's, warm breath ghosting across his skin. Those naughty hands drifted down to Spike's waist, yanking the vampire's tight, black cotton shirt up.

Spike hissed as damp, hot silk slid across his chest. Xander smirked and brushed his chest against Spike's, rubbing his shirt against pale nipples. Spike's hands settled on Xander's hips, pulling them together even tighter.

"Like that?" Xander asked, lips lightly caressing Spike's ear. They writhed together, driven by the fast-paced music. Xander latched onto Spike's neck, teasing the vampire with a gentle bite. Spike howled, hands clenching on Xander's waist. He hauled the boy up, spinning around to press Xander against the wall.

Xander blinked, disoriented. The world was turning in very odd ways, lights flashing and Spike's mouth just found a new home, right there against his own lips. Xander felt the blonde's cool tongue request entrance, so he parted his lips, welcoming his lover inside.

Spike lost himself inside Xander's mouth, chasing the aftertaste of liquor away. The vampire reached for Xander's trousers, peeling back tight black leather. He found the brunette's erection and stroked it in time to their dancing, catching every moan that spilled from those beloved, bruised lips.

Xander steadied himself against Spike, trying to stay upright while the vampire consumed his mouth and drove him insane with his body. He thrust into the vampire's hand, wondering if they were still on the floor. He felt like he was floating in mid-air, spinning in circles in time to the music.

Spike released Xander's cock just long enough to tear the boy's shirt up over his head. Xander reached for Spike's erection, freeing it from confining leather. They came back together in a meeting of skin, both hot and cold, slick with Xander's sweat.

Xander leaned his head on Spike's shoulder, letting the vampire lead them in a staccato dance as the music got faster and faster. Their cocks met, sliding sinuously through leather and against skin. Spike licked down Xander's neck, turning his head to find Xander's mouth. The brunette leaned over to kiss Spike, biting at those pale lips.

Spike felt Xander groan into his mouth, the young man's hips moving with more force against him. They were both so close; the scents of sex, sweat and leather cloaking them like a thick, heavy cloud.

The harsh music found a way to get faster, harder and more relentless. Spike pushed Xander harder, forcing him to match the vampire's impossible pace.

Xander felt demonic fangs graze his lower lip. That was all it took; he screamed into Spike's mouth as his body convulsed against the blonde's cool form.

Spike pushed Xander against the wall, thrusting against him with brutal force. Xander's hands dug into his skin, bruising that pale flesh. Spike howled and bucked, cool release spilling out between them.

Xander leaned his head back, not bothering to try to open his eyes. He felt Spike follow him, not wanting to lose the sweet connection of their lips. "Forty-three," Xander murmured before sinking back into that cool mouth. Spike hummed happily, kissing Xander into submission once more.

Part 44:

Spike pulled Xander closer to him, absorbing the young man's laughter as though it was his life's blood. They'd just exited the wax museum, where Xander had taken great delight in comparing the vampire to the many statues within. Spike had endured the experience good-naturedly, knowing that the boy was simply being his normal, silly self.

An odd, furtive movement at the very periphery of his vision caught Spike's attention. A youngish man in a dark suit was following them, ducking into storefronts every so often. The vampire knew exactly what the man was-- a Watcher. If his shifty eyes and defensive posture didn't give him away, the presence of a cross in one hand did. Spike shook his head, wondering when the Council had gotten so sloppy with their training.

He didn't spend much time pondering the sorry state of the Watchers, though. If they were being tracked, then they didn't have much time. This man had only followed them for a few blocks; they were rather close to the hotel, so Spike figured they had time to pick up a few things before they skipped town. The blonde hadn't thought they'd get to stay long in London, but he wanted to start their trip off there--out of a sense of nostalgia more than anything. The last big adventure of his life had started there. Of course, Spike hoped that this excursion with Xander would prove more pleasant than being dragged across Europe by Angelus.

"What's up?" Xander asked. He'd felt Spike tense up and begin to move with more purpose.

"We've got company," Spike whispered. "Have I mentioned how charming Brussels is?"

Xander frowned, worried. "What about..."

"Don't worry," Spike murmured. "We'll stop by the hotel."

Xander's face cleared. "Ok. We're going by rail, right? I've never been on a train before!"

Spike hurried Xander down the street, managing to lose their tail in the process. They ran up to their room, Spike tossing the desk clerk a credit card as they passed. Once in their room, both men quickly filled their luggage. Within minutes, they were downstairs, signing off on their room charges and piling into a cab.

Xander explored the train with the same enthusiasm he poured into everything, tempered only by the overhanging shadow of the Watchers who were pursuing them. The young man hoped they'd managed to avoid the Watchers this time; he was in no mood to watch his lover turn into ashes because some bunch of stuffy old men needed lives.

Spike settled into a compartment in first class, making sure that none of the other passengers felt a need to intrude on their privacy. The train wasn't full, so he didn't suspect there would be any problems. Xander was bouncing nervously, squirming on the seats. As the train began to move, Spike pulled the boy into his lap, hoping to still some of his nervous energy.

"We'll be fine, right?" Xander asked Spike, his voice tinted with desperation.

"Of course," Spike replied softly. "They're not gonna follow us for long; there's more important things for them to do."

Xander laughed roughly. "Yeah, like get Buffy through college." Spike chuckled right along with Xander, knowing that the Slayer would rather chase Xander and himself than go to class.

But Spike also knew that underneath Xander's worries about the Watchers was his concern about his friends. They'd discussed it before, but the vampire figured that it needed rehashing. "They'll settle down, and then we'll go back," He said quietly. "Remember?"

Xander nodded. He knew that Spike meant it; they'd return to Sunnydale someday. Until then, however, Xander was more than content to spend his days on the road with Spike, seeing things he'd never hoped to see. Getting to be with Spike all the time was, to Xander, the best part. A boy and his vampire. What could be better?

Spike grinned when he felt Xander's lips on his neck, sucking gently. The vampire shifted Xander around slightly, until he was straddling the blonde's thighs. Xander moved from Spike's neck to his lips, sliding their mouths together wetly.

Spike smiled into the kiss as he freed his and Xander's erections, wrapping a cold hand around the hard flesh. Xander joined him, warm fingers interlacing with cool. Soon the compartment was filled with the murmur of gasps and moans, the scent of sex permeating the stale air.

Xander leaned against Spike, letting the vampire bear the burden of his weight. At the same time, he felt all his fears and concerns fade away, easily supported by the demon in front of him. Spike tasted like blood and toffee, sweet and coppery. Xander rocked into the vampire's hand, reveling in the silken slide of their cocks.

Spike didn't bother to hold back his pleasure, feeling it spiral lazily through his body, insidious and intoxicating. His cold release spilled over Xander, eliciting the boy's climax. Spike swallowed the boy's soft cries, slowing the movements of their hands until were an unmoving, sated mass of boneless limbs.

"Forty-four," Xander whispered, tucking his head into Spike's neck. The vampire wiped his hand on the underside of their seat and leaned back for a nap, smiling all the while.


"They were here."

Angel looked over at Buffy, nodding. "I know," He admitted.

"How did you lose them?" Giles hissed at Anthony. The young Watcher blanched.

"I-I... They were right there one moment, and then..." Giles waved him off.

"Never mind," The older Watcher snarled. "I take it they left no evidence pointing to where they are now?"

"Not a thing," Buffy muttered. She looked through the desk drawer one more time, hoping something would show up. Angel shook out the bedding, while the Watchers combed through the closet and searched under the bed.

"This is Xander," Anthony murmured, holding up a small square. Buffy reached for the item before Giles had a chance to take it.

The Slayer slowly turned over the white square. She saw that it was a Polaroid picture--of Xander. Her old friend was looking beyond the camera, off to the left. His mouth was curved in a wide grin, as though he was about to laugh at something. His brown eyes were dancing merrily, dark hair illuminated by the street lamps above him. Behind him was a classic London sight--a chip shop.

Giles took the picture from his Slayer, studying it carefully. "He does not seem to be hurt," He said slowly, peering at the still image. "However, it gives us no new information. We should continue to search."

Part 45:

"'Evening, sleepyhead," Xander murmured to the groggy Spike he was poking with his foot. The vampire tossed his pillow at Xander's head and rolled over, burying himself deeper under the covers. "I take it that means you don't want to hit the streets for a night on the town, hmm?"

Spike very briefly considered throttling Xander, but thought better of it. Instead, he tried his very best to go back to sleep. He was exhausted from staying up all day during their train ride to Brussels, and the brief sleep he'd gotten so far just wasn't enough.

Xander took pity on Spike and set aside his plans to annoy the vampire into getting out of bed. True, he was bored to tears, but Spike was obviously in need of sleep. He'd do the right thing and stay quiet, out of respect for his lover. Xander settled into a chair and began to count ceiling tiles.

That lasted for all of twenty seconds. Before Spike could fall asleep again, Xander was on the bed, squirming under the covers. The vampire was about to pitch the boy onto the floor when Xander slid his arms around Spike and stopped moving.

"Hrmm?" Spike groaned curiously, wondering what Xander was up to.

"Go back to sleep," Xander ordered softly. He wasn't going to sleep himself; but for some reason, being with Spike like this quieted him significantly. The cool, unmoving weight of the vampire against him was calming and comforting.

The liquid warmth of Xander's body, paired with a strong, steady heartbeat, lulled Spike to sleep within minutes. Xander nuzzled the vampire's head and thought about their situation. They were on the run from his best friends, traveling like a pair of criminals. It didnt make him proud. Then again, it was a thrilling adventure, and he was with Spike--which made Xander very happy.

Xander quickly realized that thinking about their current traveling itinerary was not helping him relax. He turned his attention back to his lover, who was now wrapped around him like an octopus. Arms and legs twined about him like steel ropes, keeping him a very willing prisoner. Xander ran his hands along Spike's back, wallowing in the soft, contented sighs his caresses elicited. It shook Xander straight to his soul, to see how innately his lover responded to him, knowing that he reacted just the same when Spike touched him.

The preternatural silk of Spike's skin fascinated Xander and his fingers began a quest to find the softest, smoothest patch of that fine stuff. Searching fingers touched and pressed, stroking and smoothing as he left nothing untouched on his sleeping lover.

Spike melted around his warm companion, letting his mind and body drift comfortably through hazy stages of sleep and wakefulness. He couldn't recall a time when he'd been more relaxed or content. Being with Xander was like curling up with every happy memory he could dredge up, all at once. The vampire surrendered to consciousness without regret as Xander began to touch him with more purpose, wondering what his boy had in store for them.

Xander reached the backs of Spike's knees and paused. This skin was incredibly smooth, even softer than the silky stuff behind the vampire's ears, or the satiny patch at the small of his back. The young man ran his fingers in erratic circles, straining to hear the whisper of rough callous against glassy immortal flesh. He could just hear it, a whispery rasp that disappeared when he broke the room's silence with his breath.

Spike's existence spiraled down with every circling of Xander's fingers, until the only thing he knew was the touch of his boy's hands on his legs. There was no pressure to the caress, just a feathery, glancing slide of skin. Every nerve in his body migrated to the backs of his knees, crowding together to beg for Xander's attentions. The blonde silently pleaded for Xander to never stop, to press harder, to dig in his nails and force Spike to wake up and do something, anything to continue the maddening torture or make Xander kiss him...

Xander grinned when he heard Spike whimper against his neck. He nudged the vampire's head over, encouraging Spike to move. As soon as the blonde lifted his head, Xander caught his mouth. Cool lips met warm, trembling as Xander's chuckle vibrated along needy flesh.

Spike dived wetly into Xander's mouth, pouring himself against the boy's sinuous tongue. He stroked the roof of his boys' mouth in time to Xander's own movements against his skin, ignoring the way he was crying into his lover's throat, begging even as he tried to seduce. Spike slid down slightly, letting their cocks align in a groan of heat and satisfaction. Xander's fingers dug in briefly, only to rub away the tiny hurt with repentant strokes and sighing warmth.

Xander broke the kiss so that he could bury his face into Spike's shoulder. He thrust hard against the vampire, the rough harshness of his cock against Spike's a sharp contrast to his gentle hands. "Spike..." He whispered reverently, praying to his immortal lover with every breath. "Love..."

Spike shuddered under the freeing weight of Xander's love, pressing down upon him like a stone even as it sent his heart soaring to the heavens. Blunt teeth scraped against the young man's neck, never quite breaking the skin. Warm pulses of pleasure radiated through his body, moving out in rippling waves from every place his skin met Xander's. His climax, built like ocean waves, rolling inexorably against his lost soul until they broke over him, washing away reality in a tide of shattering emotion.

Xander thrust again against Spike, his body now slickened with the vampire's semen. The feel alone of the blonde quaking and crying out against him was enough to send Xander into oblivion, but this time all it took was one look from those blue-on-gold eyes, glassy with unshed tears and reflecting every heady desire Xander himself felt for his lover.

"Forty-five," Xander sighed contentedly, letting his hands drift higher to press against Spike's ass. "You can go back to sleep now."

Part 46:

"He's pissing!"

Xander's emphatic statement was punctuated with a spate of drunken giggles. Spike watched, amused, as his intoxicated lover leaned against the fence surrounding the statue. As if by magic, an instant camera appeared in the vampire's hand and he caught the moment--Xander, laughing his ass off in the middle of Brussels.

"Come on, Spike," Xander invited, pushing off the metal fence. Spike watched incredulously as Xander easily scaled the low barrier, jumping into the pool below the famous artwork. "The water's fine!"

"Never should've let you get this pissed," Spike muttered as he leapt over the fence. As soon as he landed, Xander reached for him, tumbling the vampire into the shallow water. The blonde's growl of outrage was drowned by a warm, wet mouth that tasted of beer and Xander. Spike was so mollified by his boy's lips that he let Xander push him back to the wall, willingly submitting to the young man's ministrations.

Spike had just gotten Xander's jeans open--not an easy task when the young man was wriggling drunkenly--when a series of angry shouts caught his attention. He looked over his shoulder, cursing lividly when he saw a contingent of the local law enforcement gathered just outside their little watery haven. "Fuck."

"That's the point, yeah," Xander slurred happily. Spike rolled his eyes and twisted the boy around. Xander's eyes widened comically when he saw all the policemen standing around them. "Uh oh. We're in...trouble?"

"You could say that, yeah," Spike muttered. He glanced around, quickly seeing that they had nowhere to go. This was not good. The policemen soon made their way inside the fountain area, ordering the two men to step out of the water. Spike dragged Xander along with him, worrying that the boy would fall over if he let go.

"What're they saying, Spike?" Xander asked the vampire as the cops shouted at them. "Sounds like..."

"Be quiet," Spike hissed. "We're being arrested, ok?"

Being arrested was not high on Spike's 'to do' list for Brussels. Xander noticed that the vampire was a bit subdued, so he managed to sober up a little on the way to wherever the police were taking them. The young man's attempts to look serious were occasionally interrupted by spurts of giggling, which just made Spike scowl harder.

"Er, Spike?"

Spike looked over at Xander. They were in a rather large holding cell somewhere inside a police station. Their cell was empty save them, although other, nearby cells contained what looked like thieves, robbers, rapists, litterbugs, dissidents, vagrants and the occasional embezzler. "What?" He asked curtly, positioning himself as far in the shadows as he could.

"Are you mad?" Xander asked, lower lip trembling. He hadn't liked being booked, not at all. Spike kept snapping at him! Xander thought he'd done very well, remembering all the right information about his fake identity.

Spike growled. "We're in bloody jail, Xander. No, I'm not mad; I'm fucking furious!"

Xander sat down next to Spike on the narrow shelf that ran along the back wall. "But I thought you liked this sort of thing," The brunette whispered.

"Being in jail?" Spike spat incredulously.

"No..." Xander murmured, running one hand down Spike's chest. "Bondage. Look at all these bars, Spike. Cages," The boy continued; warm, yeasty breath brushing across Spike's cheek. "Night sticks. Handcuffs, leather. Guns, blood. Violence."

With every word, Spike fell further from anger, his body reacting to the delicious pictures Xander was painting. The blonde closed his eyes, imagining Xander, strung up against the bars, naked and writhing. Oh, he wanted to see that! "Xander, I'm still mad..." The vampire muttered halfheartedly.

Xander moved to straddle Spike's lap, pressing them together from thigh to neck. "All those guys out there, watching us. But they can't get in here, can they? Just watch...and want." Warm, blunt hands stroked Spike's arms, urging the vampire to reciprocate.

Spike was helpless to resist. He wrapped his arms around Xander's waist, grinding their hips together. Anger and humiliation at being caught hadn't dampened either man's arousal. Xander pressed his mouth, warm and wet, to Spike's neck, suckling on sweet skin while the vampire worked his hands into the young man's jeans.

"Harder," Xander begged when Spike dug his fingernails into the boy's ass, rubbing their bodies together sinuously. Spike hissed when Xander reached between them, freeing their aching cocks to the cool, damp air of the cell. The hiss deepened into a growl when Xander's fingers closed around their flesh, sliding up and down in a fumbling, precome-slickened caress.

Xander shuddered brokenly when one of Spike's cool hands joined his on their cocks. The vampire kept up his gentle rocking, making the shelf beneath them creak rhythmically. The young man felt his climax coming and didn't bother trying to stop it; he'd been waiting for far too long anyway. As his body convulsed, he sank his teeth into the ropy muscle of Spike's shoulder, muffling his cries.

Spike felt the hot spurt of Xander's release just before the sharp pain of the boy's teeth in his shoulder. Between the two, he was lost, his orgasm washing over him in short, hard waves.

"Forty-six," Xander murmured as he released Spike's shoulder and reached down to smack the blonde. "And ick, we're all sticky."

"Hmm?" Spike hummed absently. "Sticky?" The vampire worked to pull his mind together. He cracked one eye, looking appraisingly at Xander, then at the door to their cell. "Never mind that, Xander. We've got to get out of here."

Part 47:

"And just how do you plan to get us out of here?" Xander asked Spike. "If you haven't noticed, we're kinda *locked in*."

Spike grinned. "Just like this, Xander," The vampire murmured. Xander watched, mouth agape, as Spike grasped the door to their cell and pulled. It came open with a snap, metal bits from the lock tinkling to the floor.

"You... broke it," Xander said, staring at the door.

Spike shrugged. "It wasn't designed for vampires, now was it?" He reached for Xander and dragged him out of the cell. A quick glance told the blonde that they were free and clear to leave, so he took the brunette around the corner and towards the back stairwell he'd seen earlier.

Xander landed against the concrete wall of the stairwell with a soft whoosh. "Ouch," He whispered, rubbing his back. "Humanish thing here, Spike. Might not be getting any older, but stuff like that hurts, damn it."

Spike looked down at Xander from his perch on the stairs. "Sorry, mate." He rubbed his face. "The way I see it, we have maybe three minutes to get out of here, half an hour to get to the hotel, and then an hour tops to leave the city. You got a preference as to where we go?"

Xander thought for a moment. "Can we take one of those really long train rides? The ones that take forever?"

Spike jumped up and took hold of Xander's hand. "Why don't we hop over to Paris and take the Orient Express?" The look on Xander's face--sheer wonder--was answer enough for Spike. He nodded once, then started to move. They had to get out of the police station before they got caught again.

Xander followed Spike as the vampire led them up the stairs and through a series of offices. When they saw a pair of policemen walking nearby, they ducked into a darkened room. "Er, Spike?" Xander whispered. "Where are we?"

Spike sat down in an office chair he saw across the room, pulling Xander into his lap. "Storage room. Be quiet." Xander stilled, lying quietly against Spike's steady chest as they listened to booted feet walk by. Cool fingers pressed into the boy's hips, grinding their hips together. When Xander would have asked Spike what the hell he thought he was doing, Spike took his lips in a slow, deep kiss.

Xander quickly forgot about the policemen outside their room, their recent jailbreak--about pretty much everything, really. Spike was taking up all of his attention. That sinfully lush mouth, devilish tongue. Xander was so caught up in the kiss that he didn't notice where Spike's hands were until his jeans were rucked down around his thighs.

Spike pushed a lube-slickened finger inside Xander, eagerly, swallowing his mate's cries. The vampire kept one ear trained on the door, making sure he knew where the policemen were. So far, no one had approached their haven. He knew there was a window located across the room, which would be their speedy exit. For now, though, no one was looking for them here. And that meant...

Xander tightened his hold on Spike's shoulders as the vampire lifted him up. The brunette moaned brokenly as Spike pushed inside him. He would never tire of this--of Spike owning him with his body. Xander knew objectively that it might be bad to like being taken control of, but he felt so loved, so... wanted, when Spike took him whenever and wherever he liked. He felt desirable, like he was something worth having. That was a sensation he'd rarely felt before the vampire had come into his life.

Spike let Xander's weight fully impale the boy on his cock, relishing the feel of that hot flesh consuming him. Xander tightened around him, milking his straining erection. Their tongues tangled desperately, hot and cold flesh intermingling. Spike thrust, meeting Xander's vicious downstroke.

Xander let his fingers dig in cruelly, tearing into the pale skin of Spike's shoulders. When the blonde's fingers closed around him, Xander cried into Spike's mouth, shuddering helplessly.

Spike swallowed Xander's ecstatic screams, catching the boy's hot release in his hands. The vampire followed his lover soon after, flooding the young man even as Xander captured his harsh groan.

"Wake up," Spike whispered into Xander's ear. "We need to get back to the hotel."

"Ok," Xander murmured. "You lead, ok?"

Spike waited for Xander to finish returning to consciousness.

"Oh god, where are we going to go now?" Xander said frantically. "We just got here!"

Spike grinned. "You like trains, right?"

Xander's smile was just as lascivious. "Oh yeah." He stood up, pulling his jeans up. "And that was forty-seven, Spike," He added as the vampire opened the window.


Parts 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 & 58

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