Night of Nights
by Sajinn

Part 48:

"I forgot something," Xander muttered as he followed Spike through the streets. "And why couldn't we have taken a taxi?"

Spike glanced over at the young man. "What did you forget?" He asked through a haze of cigarette smoke.

Xander shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. Don't worry, I'll remember just when it's too late to go back." He looked around nervously, not recognizing where they were. "Spike, where--"

"Too late already," The vampire murmured, pointing down yet another obscure street. Xander rolled his eyes and followed the blonde once more, starting to get tired of lugging his bags on the scenic tour of Brussels.


"We're taking a car," Spike growled. "To Paris. No cab, no driver, no questions."

Xander blinked. "Oh." A car. They were *driving* to Paris? How long would that take? It took hours and hours to get from Sunnydale to Oregon, or Nevada... or Utah, or New Mexico. How long would it take to get to to Paris from a completely different country?

Spike rolled his eyes to the heavens, wondering what had happened to his bright pet's brain cells. With a long-suffering sigh, the vampire shoved Xander into an alleyway, pressing them together against a crumbling brick wall. "Not that long," He huffed, snarling at the sky. "Xander, countries over here aren't as big as that great bloody behemoth you call home. California alone is probably the size of half a dozen of them. This isn't like driving to Argentina from New York, alright?"

Xander blinked again. "Oh." A quick glance at Spike's face told him that he'd managed to find one of Spike's nerves and do a tango on it. "I'm sorry, Spike. I'm just nervous. You know... that whole getting-arrested-for-indecency-because-I-was-getting-my-lover-naked-and-then-having-sex-in-a-jail-cell-and-then-breaking-out-and-then-having-sex-in-the-jail-and-then-jumping-out-a-window thing is starting to get to me, k?"

Spike stared down at Xander. "Did you say that in one breath?"

Xander nodded. "So... car. Driving to Paris. Still taking the train from there, right?" He wanted that long, slow train ride, complete with naughty Spike shower-toy.

"Yeah," Spike whispered, softening his grip on Xander's arms. The vampire brushed his cheek against the young man's, letting blood-heat seep into him with each stroke. They had time, what with the overwhelming force of policemen *not* out looking for them.

Xander turned his head, letting his and Spike's lips slide together. They didn't have time for this, he knew, but... How could he resist? In the midst of danger, excitement, and flight from justice, what else did he expect? The way Xander saw it, he was best served just going with the flow.

Spike took possession of Xander's mouth just as the first warning rumbles of thunder sounded overhead. A brief gust of wind rifled through his hair. The vampire knew it was time for him to make a decision. Either they moved immediately and stayed dry, or they finished what he'd started and drove to Paris in a mess of sodden clothing.

Xander made the decision for them when he reached under Spike's shirt and raked his fingernails down the vampire's chest. Spike hissed, eyes flashing yellow. Fat, cool drops of rain hit both men's' faces as Spike tipped Xander's head back, exposing an irresistible length of warm throat.

"Spike!" Xander moaned, feeling ivory fangs on his neck. Workman's hands tugged and pulled at the blonde's jeans, struggling to find skin beneath denim. Spike's fangs found purchase at the base of Xander's neck just as the brunette released his aching erection, eliciting broken groans from both men.

Xander wrapped his fingers around Spike's cock, stripping the vampire with ragged strokes. Spike let just the barest of trickles of Xander's precious blood flow across his tongue, tantalizing him with its heady flavour.

The random drops of rain called for their friends, who brought along some relatives. Soon a torrent came pouring down upon the lovers, inundating them with pounding water. Spike simply shuttered his yellow eyes, ignoring the cold downpour. Xander shuddered and quickened his hand, afraid he'd drown from the rain. It was hard to concentrate on keeping his mouth closed when Spike was doing *that* with his tongue, right over the bite he'd just given Xander.

Spike felt himself spiraling out of control. Xander's blood on his tongue, hand on his cock, rain pouring down from above. The drumbeat of water on concrete echoed his lover's pulse, which was tattooed into the vampire's skin with every heartbeat. There was no way to stop his climax, not with Xander practically begging him. The boy's blood pleaded, his hands demanded, the angry rain gods commanded from on high...

Xander felt Spike tense and shudder. He grinned up at the tumultuous night sky, feeling his vampire's silky release wash away in the rain. Satiny lips caressed his neck one more time before drawing away, a regretful sigh following behind.

"Forty-eight," Xander murmured, tucking Spike back in his jeans. The vampire glanced down at Xander's obvious, though now sodden, erection, but the boy simply shook his head. "Later. Car, remember?"

"Right," Spike said, reaching for Xander's hand.

Part 49:

"France is pretty," Xander said absently, looking out over the scenery. "You didn't tell me how pretty France was."

"'S because last time I was here, it wasn't pretty," Spike replied, his voice muffled by a heavy blanket. The vampire was lying in the back seat, covered up to protect him from the morning sun. They were still several hours from Paris, but due to the daylight, Xander had had to start driving. "Middle of winter, mud an' angry peasants everywhere. Couldn't find a car, Dru screamin' for some doll. Not pretty."

Xander shuddered, imagining an icy, mucky Spike with Dru in tow. "It's better now. Wish you could see it."

"Take a picture," Spike suggested from underneath his protective cover. "Camera's in the bag on the seat." The vampire knew that he'd get to see plenty of the countryside during their trip, but it would all be at night.

"Hmm..." Xander hummed as he looked around. There was a pull-off not too far away, so he steered the car that way. "I'll be right back," He told Spike as he poured out of the car, camera in hand.

The morning sun felt good on Xander's skin, burning away the last bits of mist from the landscape. He loaded a cartridge of film into the instant camera and wandered around, snapping pictures of this and that.

Spike listened to the sound of Xander's shoes scuffling along the road, the scrape of rubber on gravel. The snap of the camera punctuated the boy's movements, a pause and click every few steps. He swore he could feel a breath of warm air pass over him as Xander returned to the car, bringing life back with him.

"Hey, Blondie," Xander whispered to the lumpy blanket in the back seat. "You awake?"

"Yeah," Spike muttered. He heard rustling, followed by the slamming of a car door. A moment later, the passenger door nearest his feet opened, letting in a whiff of cool morning air. A brief touch, a familiar weight, and then Xander was burrowing under his blanket, bringing hot skin and sparkling eyes to Spike's shelter.

"Fancy meeting you here," Xander whispered, pressing his smiling face to Spike's neck. The vampire wrapped his arms around Xander's waist, shifting his legs apart to make room for the boy between them. Xander responded by pressing himself more firmly against Spike and sighing happily.

"Take any good pictures?" Spike asked, rubbing one hand idly along Xander's back.

"Mm hmm," Xander hummed. The young man reached up, holding a picture over Spike's face. The vampire squinted a bit, and then smiled. It was the car, parked alongside a row of trees. The road stretched out in the distance like a gray snake, disappearing into the horizon.

"Nice, pet," He said. "Anything else?"

Xander grinned. "Whatcha gonna give me for them?" He asked suggestively. "Hmm?"

Spike glanced down at Xander. "Nothing," The vampire replied.

"Nothing?" Xander echoed, dismayed. "But they're good pictures!"

Spike twisted, carefully turning them over until Xander was underneath him, the blanket still blocking out the sun. "Nothing," He whispered again, "Sweet nothings."

Xander shuddered, clasping Spike close. Cool lips brushed against his neck, touching just-healed bite marks. "Sw-weet...noo..things..." The brunette stuttered, taking shallow breaths.

Spike nibbled on Xander's ear, quick fingers finding and releasing the fastenings on his boy's clothes. Each inch of skin bared was met with a tender caress and a murmured endearment. "Sweet nothings, sweet boy," Spike hissed, "Sweetest skin, mouth like honey." The blonde followed up his praise by pressing his lips to Xander's, tantalizing himself with the briefest taste of his irresistible lover.

Xander lay boneless underneath Spike, soaking up the vampire's attention. He liked it when they had the time to take it slow and enjoy themselves like this. Lazy kisses, slow caresses. It didnt hurt that Spike's chocolate and whisky voice was drugging him, pulling him deeper into a slowly spinning pool of smile-and-gasp.

"So sweet," Spike murmured, laving at a warm nipple. Xander moaned when cool fingers reached inside his jeans, freeing his hardened flesh. That moan deepened when Spike lowered himself back down, stroking Xander's body with his own. Xander didn't recall Spike removing his clothes, but he had. "Nothing is so sweet as you," The blonde swore, dragging his erection alongside Xander's.

Xander's arms came up to hold Spike to him, pictures falling forgotten onto the floorboard. The vampire groaned as strong fingers splayed out on his back, stripes of heat burning into his skin. Xander turned his head, finding Spike's lips with his own. The words Spike was saying were as sharp as they were tender and he couldn't bear to hear any more, not when his body was begging him to find a way to be closer to Spike, to get inside his lover, to where he didn't ever have to leave.

Spike let Xander ravage his mouth, warm tongue bringing life and the welcome taste of the boy back to him. The driving, frantic urge between them built, twining around a still-languid desire to simply be together, quiet in the dawn and the fog. Spike wanted to come, to never have this end, to stay with Xander like this until all the stars fell.

Xander screamed down Spike's throat, crying out his climax. Hot seed punctuated his tremors, scorching Spike's belly. The vampire let his eyes roll back as he shuddered in concert, unwilling to leave Xander for even the length of time it took to hold off his own orgasm.

"Forty-nine," Xander panted, running one hand through Spike's hair. The other rested softly on the vampire's ass, a smooth counterpart to the rough blanket.

"Mmm," Spike murmured, burying his face against Xander's neck. He sucked briefly on the sweat-kissed skin before melting against the boy's warm body, letting himself drift towards sleep. It was daylight, after all. He was supposed to sleep...

"You never looked at the rest of the pictures," Xander said, frowning. "Spike? Are you listening to me? Spike?"


"Damn it," Buffy swore, kicking the wall. Angel winced when he saw the dent she'd left. "We missed them again!"

Angel sighed. "Not by much," He told her. "They couldn't have gotten far."

"Indeed," Giles agreed. He held out one hand, displaying a small duffle bag. "They left this."

Buffy grabbed the bag, upending it onto the bed. Angel and Giles watched as she examined and discarded a razor, some socks, a map of London, three suckers, and a gum wrapper. "More pictures," She said, holding up a small stack of photographs.

Angel and Giles stood behind her, looking at each one as she held it up. Each was of Xander, in front of some monument or famous place. In each, he was smiling--sometimes wry, often widely, with a smirk or two thrown in. At least once, the young man was posed in what even Giles would admit was a provocative stance, flirting openly with the camera.

"But none of this tells us where they went," Buffy complained, pitching the photos back onto the bed. "I guess we're back at square one: going through travel records *again*."

Angel glanced at Giles, who simply shrugged. "It shouldn't take long," The Watcher commented.

Part 50:

Xander gaped at their cabin while Spike tipped their attendant. He'd never seen anything so...lush inside a means of conveyance. Glowing, rich wood, brass fittings, and an actual bathroom! The young man moved farther inside, shifting a bit to let Spike past him. He didn't care if the vampire was smirking at his awe; after all, Xander was far younger and hadn't seen as much of the world as Spike had.

"How long is this train ride, again?" Xander asked Spike as the blonde shut the door behind them.

Spike looked over from where he was fiddling with some items left by the attendant. "Long," He murmured. "Why? Bored already?" The vampire grinned as silk whispered over leather and Xander's arm snaked around his waist. Warmth from his boy's chest seeped into his back, heating him pleasantly.

"Did I say that?" Xander asked, his voice a tinkling laugh in Spike's ear. "No, I didn't. I just asked how long the ride was."

"With the implication being..." Spike began, turning around slowly. He pressed a champagne flute into Xander's hand, tapping it lightly against his own. "That you'd rather it be over."

Xander's eyes narrowed as he sipped the champagne. Leaning forward slightly, he turned to whisper in Spike's ear. "Bullshit," He said succinctly, moist breath sliding against cool skin.

Spike's eyes fluttered closed, mouth curving against glass. He wondered what those sinful lips tasted like, coated with bubbling wine. Taking a sip of the stuff, he moved to press his lips to Xander's, letting the chilled liquid pour from himself to his lover. Crisp, heady and utterly addicting, Spike delved deeper, stroking their tongues together sinuously. Xander's taste accented the champagne marvelously, better than anything Spike had ever experienced. The combination was better than the freshest blood, better than fear slicing through bravado as the strongest man faltered under his fangs...

Xander trembled under Spike's gentle assault, dizzy from its intensity. He was being devoured, one drop at a time. Wine-flavoured kisses went straight to his head, knocking him off-balance. Xander was dimly aware of movement; somehow they made it to the lower bunk. He slid down onto the bed, clothes falling to the floor like autumn leaves. When he reached for Spike, all he found was pale, smooth skin, skin that met his in a groan of want and a hiss of need.

"Ah!" Xander yelped when cold liquid struck his chest. Spike watched champagne trail down Xander's skin, sparkling diamonds on a heated expanse of satin. He set the glass aside, and then bent his head to one tight nipple, tonguing it fiercely. Salt, wine and Xander's unique taste, accented by his boy's breathless gasping. Spike could think of nothing finer.

Xander bit his lip against the sudden onslaught of pleasure that was Spike's mouth upon him. He ran his hands down that cool body, seeking to give back a measure of what he was being given. Such careful passion would be his undoing, but Xander had no intention of leaving Spike behind.

Spike growled against Xander's chest when a hard, warm hand closed around him, stroking both his and Xander's cocks together. He could feel Xander's pulse everywhere they touched, thrumming hotly just under the surface of that soft flesh. The vampire's hips bucked convulsively as he surged to meet each of his boy's firm strokes. Spike filled his mouth with Xander's skin, seeking to mute his helpless cries. Twisting, driving need pulled at him, demanding release. Knowing that Xander was just as close did nothing for Spike's control; it only pushed him farther, harder and closer to ecstasy.

"Spike!" Xander moaned, hands faltering as he slid downwards into a hazy pool of orgasm. The welcome, familiar body pressing down on him shuddered once, twice before stilling in a savage growl and an outpouring of cold release.

Spike lifted his head from Xander's chest just in time to watch his lovely boy murmur, "Fifty." The vampire grinned as Xander smacked him on the ass, fingers tickling him gently.

Xander cocked his head to one side, listening for something. "Have we left the station yet?"

Spike thought for a moment. "I don't think so."

Xander's grin was truly evil.

"Hmm?" Spike hummed, wondering what his lovely boy was thinking.



Part 51:

Spike listened to Xander breathe, his fingers running idly through the boy's dark hair. They were curled up together on the lower bunk, listening to the bustle of a train being readied for departure. "Have I told you I love you today?" Xander asked, his voice a tickling vibration against the skin of Spike's shoulder.

"Not that I recall," Spike replied, blinking quickly to avert any wayward tears from falling. Xander was very good at effortlessly bringing the vampire to tears. Little comments, innocent questions... they all added up to a level of affection and devotion that Spike had never felt before and probably never would again with anyone else. If he had his way, he never would--Xander would be with him forever.

Xander grinned and pushed himself up onto his elbows. He moved to hover over the blonde, eyes wandering over his lover's sated, amused face. "Love you," He murmured, lowering himself down to press a soft kiss to Spike's forehead. Those warm lips trailed down to the vampire's temples, over his eyes and down to his waiting mouth. Xander frowned briefly when he tasted saline, but he didn't sense any sadness from Spike, so he moved on.

Spike waited, motionless, while Xander lay poised at the brink of kissing him. The barest touch of lips as the human exhaled, moist heat and then cool air as he inhaled... And then their tongues met, slick and wanting. Spike immediately dominated the kiss, but Xander was sly and cunning, his warmth stealing control and keeping it well hidden. Spike wasn't sure when he surrendered, but by the time Xander broke away for air, the vampire was a willing slave to the boy's passions.

Xander smiled, self-satisfaction oozing from every pore. "You know," He began, eyes wandering down Spike's body, "I'd really, really like..." His voice faded as he lingered on the vampire's quiescent cock and well-muscled thighs.

"What?" Spike asked, his lassitude broken as always by his demon's impatience.

Whisky and chocolate eyes came up to lock with crystal blue. "To make love to you," The brunette finished, still smiling.

Spike swallowed. "Ok," He murmured, voice wavering under the intensity in Xander's gaze. He gasped when Xander's hands reached for him, stroking up his own cooler arms. Then that mouth was back, teasing his lips apart, demanding entrance. Spike found himself draped in blood-heat, weighted down with a living blanket of Xander. He couldn't stay still, not tempted as he was. However, when the blonde tried to take Xander in hand, he found himself restrained.

"Tsk, tsk," Xander said, eyes laughing. "None of that, Spike." The young man placed Spike's arms above his head, one hand clasped in the other. Then he went back to their leisurely kiss, exploring every crevice of Spike's mouth with infinite thoroughness.

Spike heard moaning and knew it was his own voice, keening helplessly. He was a vessel that Xander was filling with love, lust and a sharp devotion that almost scared Spike, it was so strong. It was too much, Spike wanted more; he reached for Xander a second time, slender fingers creeping down the boy's back.

Again, Xander stopped him. "Hmm," Xander hummed, biting his lip as he thought. "You just can't keep still, can you?"

Before Spike could answer, the young man was moving, reaching for the small case he'd left out. Moments later, Spike found one of his hands slathered in cool, slick gel. The vampire gave Xander a questioning look.

Xander caught Spike's gaze. "Prepare yourself," He whispered harshly. Spike nodded, eyes wide and unblinking. Xander watched as Spike's pale hand moved down between his thighs, sliding past his cock to circle the tight hole there.

Xander lowered his head to Spike's neck, sucking at the juncture of throat and shoulder. Blunt teeth scraped soft skin, eliciting sharp growls from the vampire. A strong human hand covered Spike's as he began to stretch himself. The presence of such heat made the coolness of his own fingers and the gel that much colder; he felt as though he was frozen. Spike shivered against Xander, gasping for unneeded air.

"Do you want me?" Xander asked, moving back up to press an open-mouthed kiss to the silky skin behind Spike's ear. "Where your fingers are? Inside you?"

Spike shuddered again. "Yes," He answered, surprised by the hoarseness of his own voice. Then he was taken in another kiss, overwhelmed by effortless force and tenderness. The sharp slide of Xander's tongue against his was almost enough to distract him from Xander's hand, which moved to enclose his straining cock.

Xander relished the scream he drew from Spike when he squeezed the vampire's erection. He pumped slow and hard, in time to each of Spike's thrusts inside himself. Spike was kissing him desperately, using his mouth as an anchor. Xander tore himself away, wanting to watch as Spike prepared himself, as he jacked the blonde off at the same time.

"Spike, you should see yourself," Xander grated out. "So goddamned beautiful like this. Perfect."

Spike glanced down his body. He was sprawled out, wanton and aching. A tanned hand on his cock, his own paler hand between his thighs. Twisting, thrusting up to meet Xander. Xander, who was looking at him as though he was the only other person in existence, the only one who mattered. "Xander, please..." He moaned, wanting his boy inside him, making him whole.

"I love you, Spike," Xander murmured, lips tracing the blonde's jaw. "Want you," He said, catching Spike's mouth again. As they kissed, Xander tightened his hand, moving faster. Then he released Spike's cock, only to move his hand back down to cover the vampire's. On the blonde's next down stroke, Xander pushed, making those slender fingers go deeper, reach farther.

Spike froze as his fingers, propelled by Xander's hand, brushed his prostate. He jerked, taken by surprise. Xander pressed again, showing no mercy. The vampire tried to stop it, tried to hold back... But then Xander did it again. Then that brutal hand was back on his cock, stripping him with cruel force. With a capitulating shudder, Spike came, spilling out over Xander's hand.

Xander slowly relinquished Spike's lips, watching the vampire as he returned to consciousness. When he finally saw blue eyes again, the young man smiled and placed a hand on the blonde's hip. "Fifty-one."

Part 52:

Spike shuddered as Xander eased his own fingers out of his unresisting body. The shudder turned into a stuttering groan as the young man replaced them with larger, thicker ones--fingers carrying living warmth as they slid inside.

"So tight," Xander murmured, nuzzling Spike's jaw. "Are you ready for me, Spike?" He punctuated each word with a slow thrust, twisting his two fingers around to brush against the vampire's prostate.

"Please, Xander," Spike moaned, hands fluttering helplessly around the boy's shoulders. He needed Xander to push inside him, break him apart and put him back together. This interminable waiting, tortuous cycle of want and wait and want again, was pushing him onto a dangerous cliff of pleading.

Xander eased a third finger and an additional layer of gel inside the vampire, working to slowly stretch the slowly spasming flesh that surrounded him. He moved to kneel between the blonde's widespread knees, admiring his ivory lover in the dim light of their cabin.

The train was moving now, a constant rumble that told Xander they were no longer in Paris. The truth was, they'd left long ago, as soon as the door had shut behind them. Xander existed in a world where the sun rose and set on the whim of bluest eyes, where the tides of the ocean mimicked the undulating skin of his alabaster-and-steel master, who lay open before him.

Xander wanted inside Spike, where the vampire held his heart captive. He needed to know if the blonde's skin was as soft on the inside as it was here, where he could touch it. Was Spike as beautiful, as coolly deadly, inside where his mind roamed free? Could Xander find incontrovertible proof of Spike's desire for him, buried in the depths of this demon's corporeal form?

Spike watched as Xander's eyes darkened, as his lovely boy bent to his task with sudden purpose. His fascination with this change couldn't distract him from the hot pressure of a fourth finger pushing into him. He blinked, forcing his muscles to relax around the additional intrusion. The vampire lay very still, body paralyzed by Xander's hand inside him, stretching and reaching.

Xander brought his fingers together and brought his thumb up to them, relishing the way Spike's body seemed to pause and *think* before letting him inside. He waited patiently, knowing that the blonde would-would open up and welcome him into the cool depths that already knew him so well. Indeed, a moment later Xander felt the pressure ease just a tiny bit, but it was enough.

"Xander," Spike whispered, eyes falling to witness himself being penetrated. Thick wrist disappearing, rough knuckles suddenly all too prominent inside him. They hit his prostate; his wholly unneeded but very much wanted breath hitched. It was like having all of Xander inside him, all at once. He was full, falling away and open, not full enough, please gods more, don't stop...

Xander listened to the mindless words falling from Spike's lips, awed that his lover would want more of this slow, steady torture. However, Xander was not one to deny Spike anything, so he continued, spreading his fingers out as he rotated his wrist first one way and then the other. He found just where the vampire's hidden gland was and rocked his knuckles over it, again and again until the words Spike had been letting fall turned into soft, warped tears of sound.

Spike heard the pitiful wailing of a desperate man and felt painfully acute sympathy for whoever was suffering; he was in much the same untenable situation. Xander had mastered him, utterly and without effort. Even now, Spike's body was not his own; it waited for a word, any signal from Xander that release was his to give. He wanted... wanted... whatever Xander wanted, if only it was something that brought him relief.

Xander brought his free hand up from the bed, tracing around the taut flesh that encircled his wrist. It quivered; Spike's mouth fell open. Xander carefully slid one more finger inside, right next to his wrist. He watched, awed, as Spike seemed to rise off the bed entirely, levitating as if by magic. The vampire existed in a timeless, frozen chaos.

Spike felt his mind and body part ways. Ecstasy raced between them, trying desperately to keep him whole. Even in its defeat, pleasure managed to overwhelm him. As he flew apart, Spike knew that should he ever come back together, Xander would be an integral part of him, bound inside by the very forces that tore him apart.

"Fifty-two," Xander murmured, easing his fingers out of Spike with extreme caution. He let them slide around one pale thigh, squeezing gently. Then he lay down beside the blonde, cataloging each twitch and shudder.

Part 53:

"Mmm..." Xander murmured, leaning against the wall next to their cabin door. "Never flying again. Train food good."

Spike laughed. "Right. We'll have to fly sometime, you know." He opened the door, ushering Xander inside. They'd reluctantly left to find the boy nourishment, since their recent activities had been a bit... draining.

Xander waved him off. "Go right on ahead, you fly wherever. I'm sticking to the train." The young man flopped onto the bed, then sniffed. "Eww... is that me, or the bed?"

Spike sat down next to him, breathing deeply. "Both." Perhaps they should've bathed before leaving for dinner...

Xander rolled off the bed. "That's it, I'm cleaning up." He ran one hand over his face. "Ick, I need to shave, too. Nasty. I must look like a bum."

Spike figured the best thing for him to do was join in on Xander's sudden hygiene fixation, so he found them both clean clothes while the boy showered. By the time the vampire was done with his own bath, Xander was standing, naked, with a razor in one hand and a mirror in the other. The blonde watched as the blade smoothed over one cheek, over skin and bone.

"Fuck," Xander hissed. The scent of blood filled the air, making Spike's mouth water. The boy had nicked himself, just at the juncture of jaw and neck. He finished shaving quickly, wincing when a warm washcloth hit the wound as he removed the last traces of soap from his face.

"I hate it when I do..." Xander's words faded when he saw Spike's expression. His fierce lover had turned into a hunter, blue eyes tinged yellow. Maybe Spike should've fed before they went out to take care of Xander's stomach. "Er, Spike? There's blood under the bed, you know."

Spike nodded, reaching for the duffle bag that held his meals. Cold cow's blood wasn't very tasty, but he made do. Still, the room was redolent with the perfume of Xander's blood, calling to him. He just wanted a taste, a single drop of the elixir. That was all he needed--enough to take the boy inside himself and erase the taint of animal's blood on his tongue.

"Hi there," Xander whispered when cool arms wrapped around him. "Feel better?"

"Mm hmm..." Spike hummed. He pressed against Xander's back, sliding cold and warm skin together. Silent music filled his head, the sound of Xander's heartbeat. He couldn't help but move to its rhythm, dancing along his boy's spine. Every movement brought him closer and closer, until Xander finally turned in his arms and took the vampire's mouth in a kiss.

Xander kissed Spike fiercely, not knowing exactly why the vampire had come on to him so suddenly but not really caring either. How could he, when all-too-familiar fingers were dancing along his thighs, digging into his skin? When those silken lips trailed from his mouth along his jawline, realization hit.

"Do it," Xander whispered, tilting his head to one side. He should've known that a few mouthfuls of cold animal's blood wouldn't sate Spike's hunger. Xander also knew that Spike wasn't starving for a human meal, no. The young man also craved the closeness that Spike's fangs brought them, as well as the almost indescribable pleasure of feeling his life's blood pouring into the blonde's mouth.

Spike drew his tongue over the tiny cut, laving away a trickle of rich, soap-tinged blood. He ground his erection against its much warmer mate, growling at the feel of Xander's hands pulling him closer. Another lick, and the wound was closed, spilling no more of that heady stuff.

"Spike," Xander hissed, pushing his neck farther over. "Please?" He could feel those teeth, so close... And he wanted them, where they belonged. Inside him, holding him down and binding him to this immortal demon.

"Thank you," Spike murmured breathily, tracing hard muscles with his lips. Demon's ridges came to the fore, bringing with them razor-sharp fangs. Spike tested skin, listening for the perfect spot. He found it just as a hot hand closed around his cock, holding him against Xander's own erection. Ivory split satin just as Xander began to move. Dragging, sinking, pulling, sucking. Hips bucked, jaws clenched, fingers grasping and holding, begging for stillness and movement.

"Oh yeah," Xander chanted, rocking his hips against Spike's. Spike was doing it again, just leaving his fangs in Xander's body. It was, by far, Xander's favorite form of torture. His entire body sang, dancing for Spike's pleasure. Each nerve called out, aching in lust and heady desire. A cool tongue lapped up what little blood flowed, adding an acute sense of movement in the midst of deadly still.

Spike moaned as blunt fingernails scraped the head of his cock--sharp and quick, it gave focus to the climax that was pooling deep inside him. He undulated against Xander, still a slave to the blood-music that drove him on. Deep bass, haunting violins, a sinuous tendril of flutes beckoning to him. This, his succubus, his own, his only.

Xander felt Spike's cock pulse and knew the blonde was about to come. If that wasn't enough to bring about his own climax, at that moment Spike reared back, flashing bloody fangs for a split second. Then Xander's lips were taken in a coppery, salty smear of his own vitality. He partook of that violent gift with relish, screaming out his own twisting pleasure in concert with Spike's pounding ecstasy.

Xander came to while Spike was cleaning up after himself, cat-tongue removing the last traces of blood from warm skin. "Fifty-three."

Part 54:

Spike hardened again as hot, greedy eyes roamed over his body. Xander was consuming him, inch by inch, devouring the vampire with each glance.

Xander watched Spike watch him, loving how easy it was to get a reaction out of his vampire. A few drops of blood and Spike was *his*, practically begging for it. It made Xander want to shave twice a day, just to see the blonde lust after his neck that way. Too bad Spike had no need for such activities; the demon never seemed to have even the slightest stubble. Most of his body was incredibly smooth, almost hairless. Only the vampire's legs and groin had a sprinkling of dark, wiry hair.

Spike followed Xander's gaze as the boy glanced over at the tiny sink, which still contained a straight razor, shaving brush and soap. His lover was definitely up to something. The idea of Xander being devious made Spike's demon cackle with glee. The dark human had a truly frightening imagination sometimes.

"Hey, Spike?" Xander said, taking a step back. "Do you ever shave?"

Spike frowned. "No. Most vampires don't have facial hair." It was an odd side effect of the demon, one that Spike was eternally grateful for.

"No," Xander murmured, shaking his head. He picked up the shaving brush and soap. "Do you ever shave?" He asked again, now approaching the vampire with a determined gleam in his eye.

Spike gulped. "Once or twice," He admitted, backing towards the bed. He struck the edge and tumbled onto the soft surface just as Xander reached him. Warm, slick soap slid sinuously over his abdomen, swirling down lower. A sharp gasp crossed cold lips as Xander lathered the vampire's groin, broad strokes of the brush tickling sensitive skin.

"Just once or twice?" Xander commented, trading the brush for a razor. "Now why do I find that hard to believe?" He crossed back to the bed, moving to straddle Spike's knees. Blue eyes widened as cold metal fell flat against his thighs, just sitting there like a sleeping snake.

"Sharp metal, sliding over hardness," Xander whispered, dragging the blade up Spike's thigh to brush against the vampire's cock. "You didn't get off on this?" He asked, stroking Spike's swollen balls. Each careful, calculated movement exposed smooth, shaved skin. Spike lay still as morning dew, frozen by Xander's hands and the threat of a blade against his vulnerability.

"Of course, your hair grows so slowly, you probably don't have to do this often, hmm?" Xander asked as he continued. Spike's cock was leaking steadily, betraying the motionless vampire's excitement. A quick glance told Xander that his lover was losing control; yellow warred for dominance with blue in Spike's eyes.

Xander reached for one of Spike's hands, bringing it down to cover one of his own. "Did you do it yourself?" He asked, voice harsh. "I can see that, yeah. You, alone... wanting that edge, the danger." Spike shuddered, making the razor dance perilously close to a vein. His fingers clenched over Xander's, muscles convulsing.

"Did you bleed?" Xander continued, as though Spike hadn't moved. "Did it feel good, Spike? Does this?"

The air crackled and jumped, running for cover as the vampire came to the fore, shoving back the pale human mask. Blood, pain, anything was fine, more and less, please Xander, do it, something, whatever...

Xander listened to Spike babble, sounds like water trickling through an old drain. The words sounded strange coming from a ridged demon, even if Spike's eyes were desperate instead of deadly. He dropped the razor, wrapping hot fingers around Spike's straining erection, clasping the vampire's hand with his.

Cold and hot, smooth skin sliding in a frictionless pool of pain-avoided. Spike writhed, the adrenalin rush of relief sending borrowed blood straight to his cock. Climax, when it struck a moment later, was a single, sharp bolt. It impaled him like a butterfly, spread open for the discerning collector of all things fine and rare.

"Fifty-four," Xander murmured quietly. He let Spike lay motionless while he fetched a cloth and cleaned them up, storing the discarded razor safely.

Part 55:

Xander glanced over his book, watching Spike. The vampire was also reading, obviously immersed in his own text. Blue eyes darted sporadically, each saccade sending glints of light through crystalline azure. Xander felt a short, sharp pang of guilt that he was about to interrupt Spike, but he was bored. Reading was something he really had to be in the mood to do, and he wasn't.

"Whatcha reading?"

Spike hummed briefly. "A book." The vampire could practically hear Xander's boredom thumping its way across the room.

"Oh," Xander murmured. He flopped onto one side, pushing against Spike's body. "Read to me?"

"You've got your own book," Spike said, gesturing towards the item that Xander had discarded.

"Fodor's Guide to Spain is not a book. It's torture," The young man retorted. "Yours looks like more fun."

Spike sighed. He really did want to read, but if he didn't do something, Xander would go insane from want of something to entertain him. This was the downside of train travel; eventually you ran out of things to do. "As you wish."

Xander settled in next to Spike, his head pillowed on one pale thigh. "I'm ready."

"Hmm," Spike murmured, flipping pages. "In the beginning was the land."

"You have got to be kidding me," Xander snorted. "It does not start out that way!"

Spike dropped one hand down to rest on Xander's head. "It does begin with that line. If you want me to read, be quiet."

"Ok," Xander promised, falling silent once again.

"Shortly thereafter was the father. The boy knew this with certainty. It was knowledge that was in his marrow. It predated memory and conscious thought as surely as hunger and thirst. He could not have explained it, but he knew it," Spike continued, his voice even and resonant.

"I can get behind that, yeah," Xander said, nodding slowly. Soft brown hair slid against Spike's leg, rustling quietly. "Instinct." Spike massaged the young man's head soothingly and spoke again.

"The father owned the land. He plowed it, harvested it, timbered it, and hunted over it. It was his. Before that it had been the land of his father and his father's father. Before that it had belonged to the Indians, who since Creation had held it by God's will in trust for the family, just waiting until it could be claimed by its rightful owners." Spike's words ended on a sigh; midway through the paragraph, Xander had begun to move, rubbing his head against the vampire's groin. The motion was that of a cat, kneading and comfort-seeking.

"I like your voice," Xander admitted, nuzzling the smooth skin of Spike's abdomen. "It makes me all warm and tingly."

Thus encouraged, Spike read on. "The boy knew all this. No one told him. He also knew that in turn the land owned his father. Everything the father did eventually revolved around the nurture of the land. Without the l-land there would be no f-family..." The blonde paused as Xander did something truly phenomenal with his tongue, making Spike's eyes cross. How was he supposed to read when the boy was doing *that*?

Xander reluctantly pulled his mouth away from the patch of skin he'd been suckling. Spike had stopped talking a moment before, ragged gasps taking the place of hypnotic words. "Is that it?" He asked, hope obvious in his voice.

Spike shook his head and tried to find his place. Xander was very distracting; a hot, wet mouth just inches from his cock, fingers pressing into his legs like steel. "The ung-godly were not so and lived in the town. They were like ch-chaff which the w-wind bloweth away. Their feet were not r-rooted in the soil, and they were there-fore of little consequence in the sch-scheme of things."

"Huh," Xander murmured, licking his way up Spike's cock. "Is that us, Spike? Chaff, blowing in the wind? Sounds like a Kansas song. Or maybe Joan Baez."

"Xander..." Spike warned, his one-handed hold on the book wavering. He wasn't sure if he was going to drop the book on Xander's head or toss it across the room, but something had to happen. It was taking all his self-control to not push down with the hand on Xander's head, forcing his erection into that searing heat.

"Read," Xander ordered, laving at the leaking head of Spike's cock. "Please?"

"There were also humans who tilled the soil and owned no land. Their plight in the here and hereafter was too dreadful to con-consider, and consequently..." Spike inhaled sharply as Xander swallowed him whole, wet slurry convulsing around him. A quick clench of the boy's fingers prompted the vampire to continue, lest his paradise be taken away. "Consequently they merited a sp-special compassion from the father and the family. N-not owning land was an affliction too embarrassing for comment, l-like being cr-cross-eyed or feeble-minded, and was surely v-visited on one by G-god."

Xander hummed his appreciation, never removing his mouth from Spike's straining flesh. He ran his tongue around the tip, collecting precious fluids, while one nimble hand caressed tightly drawn testicles. Spike's fingers clenched in his hair, but it didn't hurt. No, Xander greatly enjoyed the proof of Spike's undoing; the little sighs, the stuttered words. Still, he wanted to hear more, so Xander prodded the vampire with his fingers.

Spike got the hint and tried to find enough of his brain to read on. It was getting nearly impossible to do; his body was moving in counterpoint to Xander's mouth, scrabbling for oblivion and pleasure with an obsessive energy. "All these th-things the boy knew bef-fore he could talk, and no-nothing to which he was exposed to later, either th-theosophical or or sci-scientific, ever completely..." Spike cried out as Xander's teeth scraped against him, catching and dragging his foreskin slightly before letting go.

Desperate, yellow eyes returned to the book, knowing that his pleasure was tied to the words. "Erased these a-atavistic convictions. This was the way it was--"

Xander crowed triumphantly as Spike's body bucked once, and then froze. Cold semen flooded his mouth, washing down his throat in a wave of wanton release. He pulled back as the vampire collapsed, book falling forgotten to the floor.

"I think your book is more interesting than mine," Xander commented, licking his lips. "And that was fifty-five," He added, pinching Spike's ass.

Part 56:

"Perhaps if you tried something beyond "Silicone Bimbos in Toyland", your books would be interesting as well," Spike said archly.

Xander crawled up Spike's body, twisting to maximize the contact between their contrasting skins. "I'll have you know I'm reading "Crime and Punishment", Mr. Hides-My-Education. Listening to you read makes the stories more interesting."

Spike grinned, eyes squinting. Xander watched as the vampire's head ducked, and knew that his lover was probably blushing. Eliciting that reaction out of Spike was quite a feat. "Of course, you could read the classifieds and I'd get off on it," Xander continued. "It's the voice, Spike. Makes me melt."

As if to emphasize his point, Xander reached for one of the many containers of slippery stuff they'd brought with them. He aimed for and reached the cocoa butter, scooping out a generous amount of the solid lotion. Wide blue eyes watched raptly as Xander smeared the butter over Spike's renewed erection and the vampire's pale hands.

"Makes me hot for you," Xander whispered, leaning over the blonde. "Until I just want to throw you down and ride you 'til you pass out." Spike swallowed audibly, undone by the harsh honesty in Xander's voice. "Come on, Spike, do it," Xander ordered, teeth grating against each other. Spike could smell and feel the tense arousal coursing through Xander's body, still unfulfilled from their earlier activities.

Xander moaned happily as familiar fingers gently pressed inside him, their movement eased by the quickly melting lubricant. He pushed back sinuously, taking Spike's fingers deeper. The blonde gasped as a warm, open mouth fell onto his neck, blunt ivory teeth scraping abstract patterns onto his throat. Workman's fingers dug into his arms, urging him onward. Xander was a liquid dancer, moving like water and wind over him. Each sigh and groan struck his heart, pushing him onward. Only his desire to watch every bit of Xander's passion kept Spike in check and moving in a leisurely fashion.

Spike paced himself to the beating of Xander's heart, listening for telltale cries and muttered curses. They came, fluttering on sparrow's wings. "Please, Spike," Xander begged, working himself back on the vampire's hand. "Just a little more, right there, ahhh...."

"Shh," Spike soothed quietly, as he lifted Xander up and positioned himself. The eager human groaned brokenly as they were joined, rapture trickling down his face like raindrops. Spike let himself thrust up once, twice, until he was fully seated. Whisky eyes, when they opened, were hot and wet, possessed as surely as his when the demon was at the fore.

"Spike?" Xander said questioningly, rolling his hips as though testing the hard flesh that had invaded him.

"Hmm?" Spike murmured, steadying Xander's hips with his hands.

"Say something," The young man begged, running his hands over the vampire's chest. "Anything, just... speak."

Spike bit his lip as Xander clenched around him, demanding that he satisfy the boy's desires. Hot breath caressed his skin, hotter flesh gripping his cock, pleading eyes demanding silken words to match the desire between them. "I like my body," Spike began, thrusting up to meet Xander's downstroke, "when it is with your body."

Xander sank his teeth into Spike's shoulder, trapping his hands between their chests. He tweaked and pinched the blonde's nipples, relishing the way Spike tensed and shuddered. When the vampire's honeyed voice began again, he moaned appreciatively.

"It is so quite new a thing," Spike murmured, releasing Xander's hips to trace the boy's spine. "Muscles better and nerves more."

Xander groaned as a cool hand closed around his aching, leaking cock. The steady rhythm, counterpoint to Spike's insistent thrusting, drove him mad.

"I like your body," Spike stated, voice firm. "I like what it does," He continued, thrusting with particular force. "I like its hows."

"I like to feel the spine of your body and its bones." Xander quivered as strong fingers counted his vertebrae, moving with languid ease even as Spike thrust faster and faster inside him. "And the trembling firm-smoothness which I will again and again and again..."

Suspiciously sharp teeth grazed Xander's neck, soft lips chasing away the exquisite sensation. He shuddered, pumping into Spike's hand. "Kiss," Spike said, drawing away. "I like kissing this," He murmured, clenching his hand around Xander's cock, his other hand digging into the soft skin of the boy's neck, "And that of you."

"Spike," Xander hissed, releasing the vampire's shoulder. "Just..."

"I like slowly stroking," Spike whispered, doing just that to the young man's erection. Fingers slick with precome dipped into Xander's navel and lower to play in the crisp hairs of the boy's groin, contact moving with the vampire's rough thrusts. "The shocking fuzz of your electric fur."

Then Spike's hands were gone, back to Xander's hips as the vampire moved harder. "And what-is-it comes over parting flesh... and eyes big..."

Xander's world tilted madly, turning into a kaleidoscope of alabaster skin and soft cotton sheets. The cool air at his back was replaced with friction-warmed fabric; his weightless pleasure transformed into the delightfully familiar weight of Spike upon him.

Spike gritted his teeth and resumed his movements within the boy, feeling both of them quickly approaching climax. "And possibly," He grated out, yellow eyes flashing, " I like the thrill of under me.."

Xander's mouth dropped open on a silent scream as his heart stopped, its place ignored as his entire body disintegrated into a wave of ecstasy.

"You, so quite new," Spike choked out as he joined Xander in willing oblivion.

Some time later, Xander reached up to scratch his nose. Blonde curls tickled him, so he pushed Spike's head over a couple of inches. The vampire was lying in a groggy puddle of satiation on top of him, but Xander didn't mind in the least. It felt good, being so grounded.

"Fifty-six," He said, slapping Spike's ass with one warm hand.

"Mm hmm," Spike confirmed, snuggling in for a nap.

Part 57:

"We stopped."

Spike glanced up at the young man, who was dangling over the edge of the top bunk. "Trains do that occasionally, you know. Passengers get on and off."

Xander smirked. "Yeah, I know all about getting off on trains." He rolled off the bunk, landing next to Spike's bed. "Can we?"

"Get off?" Spike inquired. "On a regular basis; so yes, we can." That response earned the vampire a soft smack to the head.

"You know what I meant," Xander muttered. "I wanna see the train station." As though the excitement in his voice wasn't emphasis enough, the boy began to bounce up and down, quickly making Spike dizzy.

"Fine, fine," The vampire said, waving his hand. "We'll go to the bloody train station. Don't see why you want to, though."

Xander rolled his eyes and waited impatiently for Spike to get dressed. Moments later, they were gone.


"You look disappointed," Spike commented, watching an oddly frowning Xander peer through the crowd. "It's just a train station."

"With no popcorn, or hot dogs, or..." Xander murmured unhappily.

"We're on our way to Venice, and you want popcorn?" Spike asked incredulously. He was about to bang his head against a nearby wall when he saw an abrupt change in the sad expression on Xander's face. "What?"

"There!" Xander said excitedly. "Come on!"

Spike wanted to ask what the hell Xander saw across the way, but instead he followed the quickly moving young man. When they reached what Xander had seen, Spike stopped. "Xander? It's just the loo."

"I know," Xander said, more than a little mischief dancing in those whisky eyes. "After you, Spike."

Spike shrugged and walked through the door that Xander held open for him. "Why the hell are we in the--" Xander silenced the vampire with the simple expedient of kissing him. It worked very well; Spike shut up and returned the kiss, letting Xander's seducing lips take control.

"Remember, Spike?" Xander asked, pushing the blonde into a nearby stall.

"Hmm?" Spike hummed, distracted by warm hands snaking their way underneath his clothes. Had Xander said something?

"Come on, Spike," Xander hissed, yanking the vampire's clothes off. The duster went first, draped over the stall door. Shirts, boots and jeans were quick work for the adept brunette; after all, he had considerable experience disrobing his lover.

"What?" Spike managed to get out.

"The airport? Los Angeles? Angel?" Xander whispered, each word grating against Spike's memory like a rasp. "You took me, standing over the bastard."

Spike shuddered, images from that moment flooding his consciousness. Xander, pulsing around him, Angel's horrified, furious eyes boring into them.

"Ever since then, I've wanted this," Xander continued. Spike groaned as hot, slick fingers pushed into him. "You owned me, Spike. I was *yours*, fucked and possessed right in front of your godforsaken Sire."

"Xander," Spike moaned, pushing back wantonly. He dimly heard the door to the bathroom open, signaling someone else's arrival. Xander's fingers slipped out of him, moving down to urge the vampire to put his legs up on the toilet. The position was awkward; Spike's knees bowed out as he crouched down, exposing his hole as Xander resumed his preparations. To any who would notice, it looked as though Xander was relieving himself in the stall. In a way, he was.

Spike bit into his cheek to keep from crying out as Xander hit his prostate. Those devilish fingers kept prodding, pushing... if the man in the next stall didn't leave soon, he was going to bear witness to some very intense activity he hadn't been planning to see.

"Ah!" The blonde couldn't quite stay silent when Xander replaced his fingers with something considerably thicker. Strong hands held him steady as his lover began to pound into him, brutally claiming the vampire. Waves of exquisite sensation rolled through Spike's body, bringing tears to his eyes. Every stroke, every rough thrust, tattooed Xander's name on his heart.

"Tell me how much you want this," Xander growled, just as soon as their unwelcome neighbor made his exit. "Tell me, Spike! Do you like my cock inside you?"

"Harder," Spike panted, letting his feet fall back to the floor. "Please, Xander. I love it, need more..."

Xander acquiesced, pushing Spike forward until the vampire was bent over onto the back wall. He pounded into that pale, cool body, relishing the sight of his cock disappearing into the blonde's hole. "You were made for this, Spike. To be fucked. Taken. Say it, Spike. Tell me."

Spike keened softly, the sound reverberating throughout the small room. "Take me, Xander. Yours." A hot hand slid down his hip to encircle his cock, milking him with a harsh stroke. "Made for you, for this, please."

Xander planted his free hand against Spike's chest and dragged the vampire up against him. He thrust once, twice more, feeling the blonde's erection swelling. "Mine, Spike. You're mine!"

Spike's lips fell open, though no sound escaped. His mind imploded, consciousness traded for a silky white nothingness. Then ecstasy hit, electrifying every nerve. His existence shrank until the only things left were his body and Xander's, falling through everything to land softly wherever they were.

Xander felt Spike come, liquid evidence streaming through his fingers. He let go of his own climax, letting it slam through him and into Spike like a rockslide. He trembled from its force, driven by the strength his lover possessed but did not use against him. Whispered, precious words stayed on his tongue, mindful that later was a better time to soothe.

"Fifty-seven," Xander murmured, pinching Spike's hip. "When does the train leave?"

Part 58:

"So, Spike..." Xander began, watching the vampire right his clothing. "What do you want for Valentine's Day?"

Spike frowned and reached for a boot, trying to shake off his post-shag sleepiness. "Val...Xander, I don't want a bloody thing for Valentine's Day." Vampires didn't celebrate Valentine's Day; the very idea was ludicrous.

"Flowers? Candy? A teddy bear? Silk? Diamonds? Chocolate? Wine? Roses?" Xander rattled off, as though the blonde hadn't spoken.

"I said--"

"Godiva? Can I get that here? Maybe gold or silver. You're not a werewolf, so that won't matter. A card? A book?" The young man paced the small bathroom, a thoughtful frown on his face.

Spike growled, eyes crossing. The sun was rising and he needed sleep very badly. "Nothing, Xan..."

Xander stopped, his expression smoothing over. "Well, that's a relief," He said, nodding. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

The lovers quickly made their way back to the train, where Xander gently stripped Spike down and bundled him into bed. The vampire reached for his warm, comfortable bed-warmer, but Xander claimed starvation and went off in search of breakfast, leaving Spike asleep in the bunk.


Spike sighed in his sleep, turning his head to nestle deeper into his pillow. He was loathe to wake, since his dreams were so very pleasant. The night was full and heavy, blood and roses drenching the dark air with twin, heady perfumes. All around him a silky breeze gathered, brushing against his skin like so many fallen petals. Xander was with him; he could sense the youth's arousal as a sharp finishing note to midnight's bouquet.

He turned to find his boy, only to realize that he couldn't move. A frown marred the blonde's face as he struggled, tensing his arms and legs. Confused and furious yellow eyes snapped open--

And immediately faded to clear blue. Xander was standing over him, smirking madly. Dark eyes shone hotly from underneath sooty lashes made darker by flickering candlelight. A quick glance gave Spike the answers he'd been seeking.

He was bound. Xander had cuffed his ankles and wrists whilst he slept, tying the vampire down onto the bed. The sheets were gone, replaced by literally thousands of rose petals. Velvety rounds in every conceivable color blanketed him, rustling with every tiny movement.

How thoughtful. Xander got him flowers for Valentine's Day. Flowers and leather. He really was going to have to inquire about the boy's resourcefulness.

Xander reached for Spike, crushing rose petals as he curled hot fingers around the vampire's erection. His lover's gasp was silenced by warm lips, followed by a careful and wet tongue.

The intoxicating perfume of roses was highlighted by the sharper scent of broken flowers as Spike arched into Xander's hand. The vampire could do little but thrust his hips in time to the young man's motions, growling and groaning into their kiss. His body had been thrust from sleep to alarm to arousal so quickly that he wasn't sure if he was going to fall asleep, shift into gameface, or come. It seemed as though his body itself couldnt make up its mind, drifting aimlessly from languid relaxation to bone-crushing tension.

Xander tightened his hand, dragging blunt fingernails over the glans of Spike's cock. His other hand threaded through Spike's hair, holding the blonde still while Xander ravished him. Spike had little choice but to take it as Xander fucked his mouth with cruel force, cutting both of their tongues on descending fangs. Blood trickled down his throat, eliciting even more hisses and whines. Xander ignored them in favor of further tortures, however.

Spike cried out when Xander released his flesh. He'd been so close, driven there by the boy's unerring touch and the caress of ten thousand roses upon his sensitive skin. Each one was like his lover's fingertips, barely touching but always with love. The vampire's aching cry turned to triumphant wailing when Xander's hand returned, warm and slick with oil. That was all Spike needed; with a sigh and a shudder, he let go and allowed oblivion to wash over him.

Xander drew Spike's tongue into his mouth as two of his fingers slid inside the vampire's tight opening. All it took was one glancing touch of the blonde's prostate and Spike was coming, every muscle tensed. A high, soft cry echoed through the room, reminding Xander of their limited privacy.

"Fifty-eight," He whispered, fingers still stretching Spike.


Parts 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 & 70

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