How to Make a Bridge for Your Ceremony


The bridge is made with:

12 - small 3 pound coffee cans

4 - 36 inch (92 cm) dowels

4 - 30 inch (76.5 cm) dowels

4 - 24 inch (661.5 cm) dowels

12 metal eye hooks (shaped like a circle on one end and with a screw in the other end)

plaster of paris



12 - small candle garlands (or some other decoration)


Mix up the plaster of paris and pour into each can. Place one dowel in each can, making sure to center it. Screw one eye hook into top of each dowel. Can paint the dowels and cans any color. Find either small candle garlands or other decorations to place over the top of the can so the plaster of paris doesn't show. Run the ribbon through the eye hooks after placing the cans in 2 parallel lines.

Each line looked like this: shortest dowel, middle length, longest, longest, middle length, shortest dowel.

It reminded me of the barrier ropes at the movie theaters. I liked it for several reasons: 1) it is easy to transport 2) doesn't take up much room to store 3) can be used inside or outside 4) didn't cost much to make and most importantly 5) the girls could make this for the troop or for the council.


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