Four Program Goals FLOATING CANDLES Ceremony


Equipment needed:

Floating candles – four scents/colors (enough of each for the number of participants)

White – gardenia

Red – black cherry

Blue – wild jasmine

Green – spiced apple

Taper candle – lit (passed and used to light the floating candles)

Basin of water – steel tub, etc.

Leader: The Girl Scout program has four fundamental goals that express the ways girls may benefit from the Girl Scout experiences.

1st voice: The white candles symbolize the development of each girl's full individual potential.

2nd voice: The gardenia scent fosters feelings of self-acceptance, unique self-worth, and empowerment. It reminds us to promote perception of self as competent, responsible, and open to new experiences and challenges. Encourage personal growth. Allows girls to utilize and practice talents and abilities.

3rd voice: The red candle symbolizes each girl's relating to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect.

4th voice: The black cherry scent encourages us to help her develop sensitivity to others and respect for their needs, feelings, and rights. Promote an understanding and appreciation of individual, cultural, religious, and racial differences. Foster the ability to build friendships and working relationships.

5th voice: The blue candle symbolizes the development of values to guide her actions and to provide the foundation for sound decision-making.

6th voice: The wild jasmine scent represents helping her develop a meaningful set of values and ethics that will guide her actions. Foster an ability to make decisions that are consistent with her values and that reflect respect for the rights and needs of others. Empower her to act upon her values and convictions. Encourage her to reexamine her ideals as she grows and changes.

7th voice: The green candle symbolizes contributing to the improvement of society through the use of her abilities and leadership skills, working in cooperation with others.

8th voice: The spiced apple scent represents helping her develop concern for the well-being of her community and its people. Promote an understanding of how the quality of community life affects her own life and the whole of society. Encourage her to use her skills to work with others for the benefit of all.

Leader: Separately, these scents are pleasant. When lit and grouped together, they form a centerpiece worthy of our attention. Each girl brings her own individuality as a single scent and when lit, they become a beautiful bouquet.


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