Unfolded Flag Ceremony – short version

American Flag

Five girls line up in front of the audience, side by side (about 3-4 inches apart). We suggest that you practice the ceremony ahead of time so girls will know how far apart they should stand and how many times they should unfold the flag. For younger girls, you may want the flag to be laying on a table as the girls unfold it. Cue cards with the speaking part written on them could also be taped to the table. Make it easy for the girls so they will be comfortable and not worry about forgetting their lines.

The first girl on the right holds a correctly folded United States flag. She says: "I hold in my hands a folded flag -- a piece of cloth -- for presentation." The first girl holds onto the grommet edge of the flag and begins to unfold the flag slowly, passing the rest of the folded flag to the next girl in line.

The second girl holds on to her section of the flag (only the blue union with the stars with the stars should be showing) while she says: "I bring to this piece of cloth the color blue. Blue is the color of the sky and the oceans, whose mysteries remind us of a law that goes beyond the law of Man. Blue symbolizes JUSTICE." The second girl continues to unfold the flag, passing the remaining folded portion to the third girl (the first and second girls continue to hold their portion of the flag).

The third girl unfolds the flag until the stripes become visible. She says: I bring to this piece of cloth the color white. White is the color of freshly fallen snow. White is the color of bridal gowns. White is the color of angel's robes. White symbolizes PURITY." The third girl passes the folded portion of the flag to the fourth girl.

She unfolds several folds and says: I bring to this cloth the color red. Red is the color of the blood of Americans who died for their country. Red symbolizes VALOR". The fourth girl passes the folded portion of the flag of the fifth girl.

The fifth girl will finish unfolding the flag and say: "I hold in my hands, not a mere piece of cloth, but a symbol of VALOR, PURITY and JUSTICE."

All girls should take hold to the top of the flag and raise it so the lengthwise folds will fall open displaying the American flag. All the girls say together: We hold in our hands the flag of the United States of America! Please join in the Pledge of Allegiance."


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