Family APIDAE - Bees

The Apidae family includes the famous Honey Bees and the Australian Native Stingless Bees they are the highly social bees. There are also the solitary and communal species in this family. Their nest sites include ground and tree holes

The introduced Honey Bees always compete with native bees in Brisbane. 
They have long tongues which allow them to reach the nectar in tubular flowers. Of course they feed on shallow flowers as well.  

Honey Bee
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Apis mellifera Body length 15mm
We had mis-identified this insect as a Blue-Banded Bee Amegilla sp. in this web page. Our visitor Martyn Robinson of Australian Museum kindly sent us the email and advised us this should be a honey bee Apis mellifera. Here we would like to thank you Martyn again. For information about Honey Bees, please click here.
Stingless Bees
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Trigona carbonaria, body length 4mm
Stingless Bees are Australia Native Honey Bees. They also known as Sugar-bag Bees and Sweat Bees. They are common in Brisbane. They are small in size and do not string. They are black in colour with hairy extended hind legs for carrying nectar and pollens. They are social bees with very large colony. Their nest usually built inside living or dead tree trunk. More information in the Stingless Bees page.


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Last updated: October 24, 2006.
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