About Craig

Craig started small in the town of Dedham, Massachusetts with a clothing store specializing in mens clothing. He, along with his wife, brother, and son grew into minor local celebrities. Known for exceptional customer service and quality products, Craigs Clothes became a staple in Dedham.

Craig realized he was holding back the potential of the store by staying local. Using the internet to branch out nationwide was the logical next step. Craig's son, Reggie, helped his dad by setting up a website and handling advertising and promotions. The family works hard to ship supplies and fulfill orders all over the country.

This website was designed with 5 pages in mind: a home page, catalogue page, blog page, contact page, and this "about" page. Each page contains vital information for running the business. The home page links directly to the catalogue page through featured items. The catalogue page is life source of the whole business. The blog page adds valuable content to drive traffic and customers to Craig's website, and the contact page allows customers to directly communicate with the store. While the original plan for the website was to be one flowing "page," we decided against this to give each page it's own touches and content.

The style of the website is "clean" utilizing whitespace and a light color palette. Using blues and greys, the contrast of the font allows the customer to have no trouble reading anything. Images were made circular as to not appear "dated" and flow nicely with the centered theme of the website. I am a big fan of "less is more" so I feel the website design is great with a minimalist feel.

We have the opportunity to expand the website infinitely. We can expand by creating more categories for clothing items and by creating more blog posts to give content to customers for free. With the setup of the contact page, we can gather emails from customers for future promotions and marketing techniques. This will allow the business and website to grow as large as we decide. Future updates could allow for ads and affiliate marketing, and we can always add a shopping cart feature to make this a legitimate ecommerce store.

Legacy Place, Dedham MA