branchild coffeecat shop


branchild's classic home-made white sandwich loaf

great for grilled cheese, deli sandwiches,
blt's, pbj's. freezes well and lasts up to two weeks

organic wheat flour, distilled water, wild yeast,
himalayan pink salt
take and make sourdough pizza dough

sold by the pizza, 250g dough balls
buy extra and refrigerate for pizza all week!

organic wheat flour, distilled water, wild yeast,
olive oil, himalayan pink salt
basic sourdough focaccia bread

excellent as a snack
works great for a gourmet sandwich

organic wheat flour, distilled water, wild yeast,
olive oil, himalayan pink salt
coffeecat's classic columbian coffee bean

roughly a weeks worth of coffee (~7 cups)
buy a few packets and freeze them!

organic colombian coffee beans
sourdough sandwich loaf

pizza dough

sourdough focaccia

coffee beans (3oz bag)

zip code
breads/coffee are made to order every week
first come first serve

order before tuesday @ 9:00pm
to receive your order the same week

orders to be delivered/picked up thursday-friday
*delivery available to the columbus metropolitan area

*please note*
clicking "submit" generates an email message

all you have to do is send the email
you will receive a reply email upon confirmation

pay with cash at delivery/pickup

pay in advance with paypal/venmo
(send as gift to [email protected])
first name
last name
phone #
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