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This month's featured author is Penny A. Proctor. Penny writes Voyager fanfiction and four of her stories are featured on this page.

Dacia's Rec: Penny is well-known for her "Revisionist History," an intriguing look at the J/C relationship years after Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant. More recently, Penny's story, "Uninvited Admirals" was published in "Strange New Worlds IV", an anthology of fanfiction by fans. This fourth volume is available in bookstores now. We at Best of Trek highly recommend both "Uninvited Admirals" and Penny's other fanfic, those linked to on this page and also available o her website for the strong characterization and the deft plotting.

If you're a fanfic writer and would like to be featured on this page, please drop us a note at [email protected] We'll also gladly take recommendations for writers whom you think deserve to be "in the spotlight."

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Name: Penny A. Proctor, although I began writing under the name "E.J. Andrews"

Web site:

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

First, I'm immensely flattered to be here. Thank you! I'm a forty-plus corporate lawyer, living in Ohio with my wonderful husband, our ancient dog and bulimic cat.

How long have you been a writer?

In terms of fiction, about two years, although when we were little, my sister and I used to write stories and plays. We were big into musicals featuring two plucky girls. We also used to write stories about our favorite TV shows, but we showed them only to each other - we thought everyone else would think we were nuts. In college, I got serious about a career and my writing became focused on research and business.

How long have you been a Trek fan?

Since 1966. I was 10 when TOS debuted and it completely captured my imagination. Since then, I've enjoyed all 4 Trek series; each has its own strengths. Voyager has a special place in my heart, though - I identified way too much with Kathryn Janeway from day 1. After all, we were about the same age and I had always wanted to command my own starship! What is your favorite series to watch? To write for?

So far, I only write Trek, and mostly Voyager. I feel as if I know those characters personally. I've started to explore TOS and TNG and hope to continue along those lines. There's a lot that I admire about DS9 but so far I can't seem to write for it.

What type of fanfic do you like to write?

There's two things that are important to me - the characters, and the themes of Trek. When I get it right, the stories are either character driven or reflect my own take on the appeal of Star Trek - that no matter what the universe throws at the characters, they strive to be hopeful, even noble, and always seeking the unknown. Within that, there's a lot of room for adversity, adventure, and relationships of all kinds. I'm an optimist by nature, and I don't do angst well.

Have you done any other type of writing?

I write every day. In my profession, I have to write for many purposes, none of which are to entertain. It's a very different mindset.

What does your "writing space" look like?

At the moment, it looks very much like an unfinished basement in the throes of being packed for a move. By next month, when we're in our new home, it will look like a guest bedroom converted to a double office with a rather eclectic mix of inspirational art on the walls: planes and hot air balloons for my husband, and TOS and Voyager posters for me.

How did you get started writing fanfic?

About two years ago, my father had a sudden health crisis; if you've been through something like that, you know it can entail a lot of time to sit around hospital lobbies and worry. To make the time pass, I began to re-work one of the TOS stories from my youth into a Voyager story. My father recovered, the story evolved into "Soul Song" and I was hooked.

Tell us a little about "Revisionist History," probably the fic you're best known for. What inspired that story?

It's one of three stories I began in anger (the others are "Reset" and "Pre-Emptive Strike").

At the end of Voyager's season 6, I was totally disgusted with the lack of respect for continuity shown by TPTB - not just with Trek canon, but with Voyager's own history. I figured that if they could change the show's past to suit their purpose, so could I. There's a singing group I love, The Four Bitchin' Babes. They've got a song with the line, "I'll fix you, I'll write a song." Well, that works for fanfic, too. I wanted to show Them that it was possible to write an interesting story and still include relationships - not just J/C, but all kinds of relationships. Then, once I came up with the idea of featuring characters from all 4 series, the anger faded and I began to really enjoy myself. In fact, the only story that was as much fun to write was "A Little Diversion."

Out of all the stories you've written, which is your favorite and why?

Oops. That's like asking a mother to name her favorite child. "Soul Song" is special, because of the circumstances under which it was written and the things I learned from writing, re-writing and re-re-writing. "Uninvited Admirals" and "Vigil" also fall into the category of channeling a personal grief into fiction and so have particular meaning for me. "A Little Diversion" brings a smile to my face for reasons not related to the story itself.

Do you have a section of that story you'd like to share with us?

This is from "Vigil:"

Before Spock could frame a reply, McCoy was seized by a fit of coughing. He leaned forward, covering his mouth, and Spock placed a hand behind his head for support. The rattling sound was obvious to both of them. "Damn," he said when he could breathe again. Then he looked up with an expression Spock recognized immediately - the slight frown and pinched together eyebrows that meant the doctor had just come to a conclusion he didn't like. "You're not really here, are you? You couldn't get here this soon."

"We can debate the nature of reality if you like. It is true that I am not present physically, but nevertheless I am here." If McCoy still knew how to annoy Spock, the reverse was also true.

As he expected, McCoy made a face. "I'm too old for all that mumbo jumbo. I'm probably in a coma and you're nothin' more than a full blown hallucination." Then his expression turned cunning. "You said once that you couldn't tell me what death was like because I lacked a frame of reference. This is as close as I'm gonna get and still be able to converse, so how about it?"

Spock knew he could not answer the question, because he had spent many years trying to craft one. Language - any language- was inadequate for the purpose. It was like trying to describe color to one who had always been blind. A mind-meld was no better; he had tried that, too. The limitations were intrinsic in life itself. But as he looked at McCoy's eager eyes he knew he had to try one more time.

"Peace," he said at last. "And freedom. So complete that they are at once simple and profound."

He expected the doctor to take issue with him, to complain that there was no reason he couldn't have told him that before. Instead, McCoy smiled slowly, then nodded. He leaned back against the chair, and tugged the quilt a little higher.

When you're reading fanfic, what are you looking for?

First, I look for good characterization. Fanfic is challenging because the audience comes to the story with a preconception of the character, and I especially like stories where I recognize the main players. Then, I hope for something that gives me a new insight, challenges me to think in a new way or makes me feel something that I wasn't when I began reading.

Every author has a "must read" fanfic list. What does your list look like?

It's long, it's growing and not surprisingly, it's mostly TOS and Voyager. Jungle Kitty, Wildcat, Rabble Rouser, Djinn, Roisen Frazer and Ventura 33 have hooked me on TOS all over again. Among Voyager writers, I love just about everything Monkee has done; the "classics" of m.c. moose and YCD; the amazing artistry of August, Boadicea, Kelly and Seema; the intelligence and insight of Rocky and Jemima; Shayenne's romance, and Jamelia's marvelous characterizations, the wit and imagination of Liz Barr... so much to read, so little time.

Do you have any advice to share with other fanfic writers?

Read everything you can, write as much as you can, and then re-write it. It's the only way to be learn what works and what doesn't. And then remember, bad spelling and grammar will make something unreadable in less than two pages. No one is going to read a story and say, "Wow, was that grammar perfect," but poor execution kills a good idea.

Anything else?

The fanfic community is wonderfully generous and supportive. It's a great place to spend time.

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Penny's Fanfic

Note: Each story opens in a separate window. Close the window to return to this page.

Revisionist History Fifty years after Voyager's return, Jake Sisko tries to find the truth about Janeway, Chakotay and the events surrounding their homecoming. Told in 7 chapters

I Will Come Again, My Love Admiral Janeway and Chakotay have a chat. An almost-canon companion to "Endgame." I simply cannot accept the selfish, unprincipled and lonely Janeway TPTB stuck us with as a final image. If you've seen the rumors about a scene that was cut from the final version, you'll recognize the inspiration for this story.

Vigil A final conversation between Spock and McCoy; written at the time of the death of DeForest Kelley

A Little Diversion A bit of fluff and nonsense, inspired while I was on vacation, about a space station, a game of pool, and a long, cool woman in a black dress

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