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Stories linked to with permission from the authors. Please hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this site.

Note: Stories rated NC-17 may contain material inappropriate for those under the age of 17. If you are under age or may be offended by such material, please do not read those stories.

Title: Acid Truths
Author: Maisie
Codes: Rated R, P, J
Description: Set sometime in season 6, this story follows up on "Thirty Days".
BoTrek's Rec: A lot of angst - an emotional look at Tom's feelings in a revealing conversation with Janeway. A compelling read.

Title: Another Bad Night
Author: Djinn
Codes: PG
Description: An "Endgame" coda, beautifully done, which ties up some loose ends.
BoTrek's Rec: If you're looking for a definitive "Endgame" coda, you won't be sorry with this one. Great character moments and some light romance.

Title: Ashes to Ashes
Author: Yvonne Harrison
Codes: Paris, crew, rated "R" for language and violence
Description: Tom's journals after his rescue from an alien ship populated by the Greys. (I like to think of this as my J.D. Salinger Meets The X-Files period of fan fiction.
Dacia's Rec: Talk about intense. This story is Paris angst through and through. Paris' deadpan humor is evident throught. The author definitely got the characterization right on this one.

Title: Be Careful What You Wish For
Author: Barbara Watson
Codes: VOY, R, P/T, J/C, 7/D, 7&T, P&K, P&J
Description: After nearly exhausting their resources, the crew is forced to decide whether or not to make a risky attempt to reach home. Starts approximately five months after "Lineage."
Dacia's Rec: This fic sparked a flurry of nominations in our inbox, so we took a look; this fic has it all - romance, intrigue, angst, grief, adventure and technobabble. The characterizations are wonderful and the twists in the plot will keep you riveted until the very end.

Title: The Best of Both Girls
Author: Jim Wright
Codes: VOY, PG, Janeway
Description: This began as a one-shot What-If, an alternative ending to the third season cliffhanger, "Scorpion." I brought Voyager home--just in time for the Dominion war.
Dacia's Rec: Janeway assimilated by the Borg and liking it? Add Picard, Sisko and a dash of humor to the mix, and resistance is futile (sorry, I couldn't resist).

Title: Contrition
Author: michele masterson
Codes: VOY, J, T, PG-13 for language
Description: Inspired by Sue Love's "Period of Mourning", this story details B'Elanna's observations of Captain Janeway after a transporter accident claims Chakotay's life.
Beau's Rec: A classic of descriptive language and Janeway characterization.

Title: The Dance
Author: Jemima
Codes: J/C, P/T, J&P, EMH/7, etc. Rated PG
Description: Star Trek meets Strictly Ballroom. First-place winner the Voyager Central J/C Contest "The Dance". Spoilers for "Tsunkatse".
Dacia's Rec: An incredibly sexy fic, one filled with little moments that take your breath away.

Title: Double Dealing [Part I] [Part II] [Part III]
Author: Malcolm Reeve
Codes: P/T, crew
Description: Tom and B'Elanna's relationship starts to suffer when an old acquaintance offers the crew of Voyager a deal they can't refuse.
Dacia's Rec: Adventure, suspense, romance, mystery - this is one roller-coaster ride that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Title: Indiana Moon
Author: Veronica Jane Williams
Codes: VOY, J/C, PG-13
Description: Kathryn and Chakotay share some very tender moments before all hell breaks loose when they are under attack by the Krenim. (Note: This story is not an episode addition, but it is a "what if" scenario)

Title: Inner Landscape
Author: Annie M
Codes: VOY, P/T, Chakotay, R
Description: Set during and between early-mid season six episodes, B'Elanna, Tom and Chakotay try to come to terms with the issues and unsettled conflicts standing between them
Dacia's Rec: You start this one and it's impossible to resist. For a series that has little continuity between episodes, Annie did a great job of weaving together early season six episodes in a coherent and riveting way.

Title: Letting Go
Author: Kat Hughes
Codes: VOY, P/T, PG, angst
Description: B'Elanna gets over a loss.
Dacia's Rec: All death stories should be like this one, simple but elegantly written. Please note there are some formatting errors in this story.

Title: Life Lines
Author: m. c. Moose
Codes: VOY, PG-13, Janeway, Seven
Description:Why Janeway always knows the right thing to say.
Dacia's Rec: I was struck by the cleverness of this story, its terrific characterizations and subtle humor.

Title: The Memory of You
Author: Maryann Hopson
Codes: VOY, P/T, PG
Description: A 3-part novel based on "Killing Game." Includes the development of Bobby and Brigette's relationship and with Paris & Torres' feelings following the Hirogen attack,
Dacia's Rec: I've read many "Killing Game" based stories and this one has to be one of my favorites. It is well-researched and well-written.

Title: M'Ina
Author: Mary Wiecek (Monkee)
Codes: VOY, Samatha Wildman
Description: Samantha Wildman's baby dies and she receives another one.
Dacia's Rec: This is among our most nominated pieces on the site. A beautiful, poignant Lower Decks fic - Samantha Wildman deals with her grief over the loss of her baby in a realistic way.
Beldaran's Rec: This is a beautiful story, magnificently written and touches the heart of those who don't even like or know Star Trek.

Title: More Than A Twist in My Sobriety
Author: Katane
Codes: J/C, VOY, NC-17
Description: On a beach, somewhere in Northern Spain .
Dacia's Rec: The author's beautiful descriptions draw you into the scene right away. Together with the descriptions, the lyrical tone and bittersweet quality of this story make it a standout in J/C fic.

Title: My Father's Voice
Author: DangerMom
Codes: VOY, P/T, PG
Description: A "Pathfinder" coda
Dacia's Rec: This particular story has terrific and subtle character development and characterizations. Tom is very well-written.

Title: Official Channels
Author: Rocky
Codes: PG, Starfleet
Description: Voyager is on its way home - Starfleet has a conversation about the troublesome Maquis questoin.
Tobybeth's Rec: Yet another Voyager makes it home story, but this one is different - it's told from Starfleet's POV. Characterizations are drawn nicely and the dialogue shows the very real indecision and ambiguity Starfleet feels towards the Maquis.

Title: Survivor's Epitaph (large file, please be patient)
Author: Morgan Stuart
Codes: all, PG-13
Description: Set in late third season, the crew of Voyager comes face to face with a fate they narrowly avoided at the hands of the Viidians.
Dacia's Rec: Loved this fic! It showed up in our inbox and we were immediately blown away by the poignancy of this story - as well as the horror of it. Nicely done all around - a great crew story.

Title: Talking Stick/Circle
Author: Macedon and Peg Robinson
Codes: VOY, J/C, PG-13
Description: Eight stories make up this "braided" novel. Click on the link for individual story summaries.

Title: The Times We Have To Remember
Author: Elise
Codes: VOY, J/C, PG-13
Description: post-"Coda"; Kathryn and Chakotay take that moonlight sail on Lake George
Dacia's Rec: What makes this story so extraodinary is the attention to detail - in the scenary and in the characters' movements and thoughts.

Title: Those Who Are Left Behind
Author: Janet Toner
Codes: VOY, P/T, K/7, J/C, PG-13
Description: After Paris and Torres are stranded in space on the Klingon Day of Honor and die of asphyxiation, Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Harry Kim and Seven of Nine learn to appreciate how precarious--and precious--life can be.
Tobybeth's Rec: A moving, wonderful piece that takes an alternate universe twist to a good part of the early fourth season.

Title: Torrid
Author: Katie Redshoes
Codes: VOY, NC-17
Description: Tom Paris muses about his changing relationship with B'Elanna Torres. Includes a retelling of the events of "Blood Fever" from Tom's point-of-view. Second place finisher in the 1997 ASCEM Golden Orgasm balloting for Best P/T Story!
Dacia's Rec: What I liked most about this story was its utter sweetness and romanticism. Told from Tom's POV, the characters stay in character.

Title: Virtual Voyager Season 7.5
Author: Various
Codes: VOY, PG-13, all
Description: A group of fans rewrite the last half of Voyager's season 7.
BoTrek Rec: This season has it all - action, adventure, romance, humor - and character development. A well-written series with an interwoven plot - start at the beginning in order to catch the full flavor of the stories.

Title: Would You, Could You
Author: Tara O'Shea
Codes: VOY, P/T, PG-13
Description: Set a few weeks after "Blood Fever." Involves a birthday party, stuffed animals, Dr. Seuss, and deep, meaningful relationship-type stuff.
Dacia's Rec: Who says Dr. Seuss isn't romantic? This is the type of story makes you smile, not only because it's sweet, but also because it was written with a sense of humor.
Tobybeth's Rec: Star Trek and Dr. Seuss are an odd combination, but this story brings the two concepts together in a sweet, funny way.

Title: You Know
Author: D'Alaire
Codes: VOY, P/T, NC-17
Description: AU scenario inspired by the novel "Pathways". This one works off the scenario of what might have happened if B'Elanna and Tom had had several days on that planet where she had her epiphany and he saved her life, and if they had briefly fallen in love during that time.
Tobybeth's Rec: A beautifully written story--the scenarios and dialogue paint a wonderful mental imagery.

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