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The talented Mr. Ripley
Book | Movie | Discussion questions |



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Discussion questions:

1. Patricia Highsmith modeled the book "The Talented Mr. Ripley" after "The Ambassadors" by Henry James. One of the elements of this book she used is the omniscient narrator. We never ever learn about Ripley's thoughts in the first person. Do you think this worked in the book? Why do you think she used this technique?

2. Tom Ripley feels he's a nobody and thinks it's better to fake somebody. Keeping this in mind, who do you think Tom is in love with: Marge, Dickie or himself? Why?

3. Patricia Highsmith herself was lesbian. Does this change your answer to Q2, who is Tom is love with? How is homosexualism dealt with in the book and in the movie?

4. The color green is a recurring metaphor. For instance, the Dickie's last name is "Greenleaf" and Tom's hangout is called "The Green Cage". And there are more green elements in the book. What does this metaphor mean and why do you think Highsmith used this? How was green incorporated in the movie - if it was incorporated at all?

5. What role do the beautiful, idyllic Italian landscape and music (both classic and jazz) play in the book and in the movie?

6. There are differences in the plot between the book and the movie. Probably the most important difference is whether someone discovers Tom's web of lies. What do you think of Marge's role? Do you prefer the book version where she buys the lie or the movie version where she discovers the truth?

7. Do you think Tom Ripley is a psychopath? What kind of person was he in the book and what kind of person was he in the movie? Is there a big difference? What do you think of this difference?

8. Do you think there is a Tom Ripley in all of us? Why, or why not?

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The talented Mr. Ripley
Author: Patricia Highsmith
Discussion: May 16-31 2004

The talented Mr. Ripley (1955)

Rating: book movie
4.50 3.50



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