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Discussion questions:

1. The first Mrs. De Winter - Rebecca - spooks around book and movie, it is even used as its title. However, the second Mrs De Winter remains nameless both in book and movie. Why do you think this is? Could it be symbolic?

2. We already know that Rebecca is a classic book and movie. However, there is also a classic theme in the story itself. Remember the Oedipus and Electra complex? Oedipus is the boy who has a desire to kill his father to marry his mother and Electra is its female version: the girl who wants to kill her mother to marry her father. The Electra complex is present in Rebecca. Explain how.

3. There are a lot of ghosts in Rebecca. Do you see Rebecca as a true ghost story with supernatural elements? Why?

4. The only thing that defines "She" is her marriage with Maxim. How is their relationship when they meet versus their relationship at the end of the story? Describe the way the marriage between the second Mrs. de Winter and Maxim develops.

5. Let's discuss Maxim - the older, wealthy man. He was already mentioned when we discussed the de Winter marriage. Are Maxim´s actions consistent with his character?

6. What do you think is the role of Jack Favell in the story? In what way does he help to reveal Rebecca's true character?

7. Rebecca is a gothic novel: outside elements play a major role in the story. What do you think about Manderley - the house, its grounds and the beach? Do you think it plays a part in the story? How was this done in the movie?

8. What do you think about the ending of Rebecca? Do you think that justice was served?

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Author: Daphne du Maurier
Discussion: November 16-30 2004

(and buy the book)

Rating: book movie
4.79 5.00



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