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The quiet American
Book | Movie | Discussion questions |



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Discussion questions:

1. Why do you think Greene begins the book with the death of Pyle? Is that a spoiler or isn't it?

2. How does Pyle contrast with Fowler?

3. Where do you think the movie did justice to the book? Where didn't it?

4. Do you think the cast was well chosen for the parts of Pyle and Fowler?

5. Fowler refuses to take sides, but at some point he is forced to do so. When and why?

6. Do you think Fowler and Pyle can be considered friends? Why (not)?

7. Pyle saves Fowler at one point in the story. What does this fact do to the "friendship" between the two men?

8. Is it important to the story that Fowler uses opium? What does it say about Fowler?

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The quiet American
Author: Graham Green
Discussion: November 16-30 2003

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