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Nobody's fool
Book | Movie | Discussion questions |



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Discussion questions:

1. Sully tries to be nobody's fool (title of the book). How does he try and is he succeeding? Is he himself a fool?

2. From the beginning we know that Sully has a bad knee, and his refusal to treat it generates many of the complications in the story. In what ways does this injury resonate with the novel's themes? What are the themes of the book?

3. Here is something Richard Russo said in an interview: There is an omniscient narrator in "Nobody's fool", [...] but [...] you don't get the complete sense of omniscience; the narrator can go to various people, but for the most part, it's time-present. We can go from what Sully is doing in time-present to what Miss Beryl is doing in time-present. What would happen to the story if it got told from first person or subjective third person? Do you think the story would have been better or not? Why?

4. A critic has described 'Nobody's Fool' as "a sad novel camouflaged in comedy." Do you think he's right? What is the nature of the book's sadness? Where does the book gets its comedy from?

5. From different internet sites I understand that Mrs. Beryl has a very small part in the movie. So this is for the people who (apart from reading the book) saw the movie: Is it a pity Mrs. Beryl is not as prominent in the movie as in the book? What or whom else did you miss in the movie? What was in the movie that you missed in the book?

6. We all know how Sully became the adult that he is; he hasn't had a very good childhood. But why hasn't Sully tried to change himself? And why does he mock people, Rub as the most willing victim? Do you think it has anything to do with power, control or ego?

7. A few questions on Mrs. Beryl:
# Is Mrs. Beryl a surrogate mother for Sully? Or what is their relationship?
# How does the relationship between Mrs. Beryl and Sully compare with her relationship with her real son, Clive, Jr.?
# Is Mrs. Beryl lonely - talking to drivers Ed the mask and the picture of her late husband, both talking back - ?
# What happened to Mrs. Beryl when she finally gave in on Clive jr.'s proposal to sell the house and kick Sully out? (I thought she was a different person after that, is she?)

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Nobody's fool
Author: Richard Russo
Discussion: January 16-31 2004

(and buy the book)

Rating: book movie
4.50 4.50



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