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L.A. confidential
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Discussion questions:

1. As you have read in the biography, Ellroy has lead quite an interesting life so far. Ellroy says about crime fiction "Hard boiled crime fiction is about white men doing bad things in name of authority".The authority on which Ed Exley, Bud White and Jack Vincennes act, is that they are all cops.
Why did each one of them become a cop in the first place?

2. LA Confidential is about how far cops can bend rules in an acceptable fashion. Which cop - Ed Exley, Bud White, Jack Vincennes- has the best morals? Which one has the worst? Why do you think that?

3. There are always people who see parallels between stories and classic tales. Some of them claim for instance that LA Confidential is in fact the Wizard of Oz story, with Lynn Bracken as Dorothy. What do you think?

4. Because we get a lot of different opinions about the book, I want to the people who like the book: what is it, that made you read it to the end? What did you like about the book? (Language, mood, action, characters etc.) the people who didn't like it: why did you stop reading it? What didn't you like? (Language, mood, action, characters etc.)
I think we all agree the film is good. What is it about the film we like? What is the difference with the book? (Language, mood, action, characters etc.)

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L.A. confidential
Author: James Ellroy
Discussion: February 16-30 2004

(and buy the book)

Rating: book movie
4.00 4.19



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