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The basketball diaries
Book | Movie | Discussion questions |


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Discussion questions:

1. We'll start with a general question: what did you think about the book and the movie?

2. We have probably all read many books about drugs and
seen movies about drugs. What did you think is special (or not) about this one? Why does it stand out (or not)? Do you have a favorite drugs movie/book?

3. The book is autobiographical. Jim Caroll started writing it when he was 12 years old. Why do you think he started his diary? Why did he call it the Basketball Diaries?

4. Leonardo di Caprio played in this movie before he became famous with Titanic. What did you think of his performance as Jim Caroll?

5. Jim has many friends in the book, one of them being Bobby who is in the hospital with leukemia. Describe the relationship between Jim and Bobby and between Jim and the rest of his friends. What do they have in common and where do they differ?

6. The group of friends falls apart when the basketball coach Swiftly makes a pass at Jim. Do you regard this event as the start of the deterioration of Jim's life (and the increase of his problems with drugs)? At what point do you think Jim's life took a turn for the worse? How was this described in the book and how was this portrayed in the movie?

7. Both book and movie take place in New York. How important is the city in the story?

8. Do you think that Jim's addiction to drugs could have been avoided? How?

9. Reggie, a former addict, makes some effort to save Jim. Why do you think this doesn't work?

10. Do you think the book and the movie have a happy ending?

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The basketball diaries
Author: Jim Caroll
Discussion: January 16-31 2005

Rating: book movie
0.00 3.00



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