chat April 13th

Director and Actress Bonnie Hunt

After conquering the worlds of film, television and theatre as a performer and writer, the multi-talented Bonnie Hunt turned her attention to feature motion picture directing with her Chicago valentine Return to Me which she also wrote with longtime creative collaborator Don Lake. On Thursday, April 13th at 8pET/5pPT, join Bonnie to chat about the challenges, surprises and triumphs she experienced directing.

y_chat_diva: Hello! and welcome to Yahoo!'s chat with Bonnie Hunt!
y_chat_diva: A truly talented and extremely funny human being :-), Bonnie's most recent accomplishment was writing, directing and acting in the feature film Return to Me starring David Duchovny & Minnie Driver.
y_chat_diva: She also hosted VH1's "The List" this past week with her Return to Me actors as the panel. We wonder if moderating that group was easier or harder than directing them! :-) Bonnie's film credits include: The Green Mile, Random Hearts, Jerry Maguire, Now and Then, Jumanji, Dave, Beethoven & Rain Man. She also wrote, created, produced and starred in the TV shows The Building and The Bonnie Hunt Show
y_chat_diva: Bonnie's here and ready to answer all your questions!

y_chat_diva: Welcome Bonnie
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Good to be here!

bobbiosmit asks: Your movie, "Return To Me", has been getting rave reviews. How proud of this movie are you?
Very proud. It's an incredible responsibility and all the teamwork that goes on to do the film is very moving

radio_hhead asks: hey bonnie i saw you on a talk show you have nice legs:)
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Girl's gotta have something going for her :) and thank you

phish1013 asks: How you do feel about being considered a role model for upcoming women in Hollywood?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I don't know how to answer that. That's a tough question because I don't think of myself as a role model, I think of myself as a fashion model ;)

phish1013 asks: How did you decide to cast David and Minnie for the title roles?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Actually, George Clooney, who's a friend of mine, gave my script to David. David called me and said he loved it and I love David; we've been friends since we appeared in the movie Beethoven in 1990. So I was thrilled he wanted to be a part of it. And Minnie, I went through Minnie's agent, sent her the script. She loved the role of Grace. We had a couple of lunches together, and I was thrilled she said yes, that she would do the part.

pollyanna_lori asks: I loved the "surrogate mothers"- the older men! Was most of their dialogue scripted or improvised?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well, 98% of it is scripted, but you can tell at the ends of scenes, every once in a while, if I let the camera roll, I would get some gems from Carroll O'Connor or Robert Loggia.

bobbiosmit asks: How was it growing up in "The Windy City?" Cubs or White Sox?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Cubs!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: And it's great to grow up in a windy city because when you start dating somebody, if they walk half a block in a windy city, you know exactly what they look like! ;)

chillingizza asks: Hi Bonnie! I watched you with the cast of "Return To Me" on VH1's "The List" and you guys were cracking me up! You all seem so comfortable around each other...was it really that wild on the set for the movie?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Yes, it was insanity most of the time! David Allen Grier is uncontrollable, but he brings so much joy to the set. We truly had a great time together.

manolis_varnassinger asks: bonnie i liked you in some many movies you are very talented actress and very sweet is this your first time in directing and what was your experience working on that movie return to me
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Yes, it was my first time directing a film, and I was scared and nervous, but very enthusiastic to have the opportunity, and movies are made by teams, and I had a great team.

GiaLegs asks: Bonnie, do you see yourself focusing more on the behind the scenes aspect of filmmaking in the future?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I have no idea. I go where the good stories are.

pollyanna_lori asks: I heard you and Don Lake, who was hilarious in this movie, are working on another movie, What will that be about? And what's the timetable?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: It's titled "Anniversary," MGM bought it, I'll direct it. We're supposed to start casting it in the next few months and it's about a couple that's divorced but pretends to still be married for an ailing family member. That's the best way to describe it, for the benefit of an ailing family member.

GiaLegs asks: How long did it take for you to get your first film off the ground?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Oh, well in actual movie time, from beginning to end, it was about two and a half years' work, but in career time, ten years. Because everything you do leads to the next thing.

bobbiosmit asks: How was it working with director/actor Sydney Pollack in "Random Hearts?"
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Great! Because I have a big crush on him, and every time he came to give me a note on my acting, I was afraid the sound guy could hear my heart beating on the mic!

luz48720 asks: If you are Bonnie, who did you make fun of on Letterman the other night?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well, Dave himself! Oh, I know what you're thinking of: Maria. Dave himself and Maria.

manolis_varnassinger asks: what was it like making the movie in your home town Chicago
bonnie_hunt_ylive: It was a blast! It felt like a three-month barbeque! Old friends, neighbors, and David Duchovny and Minnie Driver really seemed to love Chicago... My nieces and nephews were constantly running in and out of David's trailer in between takes...

radio_hhead asks: Where did you get your first big comedic break? Was it with Second City?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Sure, Second City. I went to nursing school, so my only real training was right on stage at Second City. Acting training, I should say.

pure_adrenaline1 asks: Is it better to star in a movie or direct it (or both at once)?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: As always, it depends on the script. But the acting gig is better because you don't have to get up so early. But the directing thing's not too bad because you don't have to wear makeup. So it's a toss-up. :)

radio_hhead asks: Do you think you can replace Kathie lee Gifford?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I don't even think about it! I want Gelman's job!

d44hedgehog asks: You are so talented, witty and cool! I really enjoyed your film! Is "Anniversary" going to be shot in LA?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: We don't know yet.

bobbiosmit asks: Great choice. Cubs win the big one in 2000!Win it every 92 years!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: That's right! LOL.

manolis_varnassinger asks: bonnie why did you choose David Duchovny for the part and how was it like working with him again after that movie Beethoven
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I knew David would be great. He had classic movie star looks and he's a great actor and a good friend. So it would be fun and fulfilling.

miller_j12 asks: Are you an avid reader? and do you have some books in mind that you think would make great movies?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Yeah, but I'm not going to say what they are because them someone else will get the rights, which always happens to me!

GiaLegs asks: Watching "Return to Me" I came up to the conclusion that you have the potential to be the female Albert Brooks in film--you're both very different obviously, but there's a beautiful simplicity in his works that I got from your film. Which filmmakers have influenced you?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Billy Wilder... Sydney Pollack... all the directors I've ever worked with. And of course, life in general influences you the most as a director, I think.

pure_adrenaline1 asks: What advise would you give to someone who has never written a screenplay before?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: If you have a story to tell, write it. Even if you start in the middle. Just start writing. And don't be discouraged even if you may only write for 10 minutes out of 8 hours of thinking about it.

manolis_varnassinger asks: bonnie what inspired you to write that movie where did you get the idea from
bonnie_hunt_ylive: The studio gave us the idea to do a movie about this concept of a transplant. And they hired Don and I to write our version of it. And MGM truly let us be storytellers, and for that we're very grateful.

pollyanna_lori asks: What was the most difficult part of directing Return to Me? Most enjoyable?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: The hardest is, you have to have plenty of stamina, because the days are very long, and the most enjoyable part of it is the teamwork. It's incredible to see a group of strangers come together for a common goal, and respect each other, and come together for a day's work,

GiaLegs asks: Last time you were on Tom Snyder you weren't too familiar with the internet--have you gotten the hung of it lately?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: No! I'm a big square! I just started using the microwave about two weeks ago.

toinfinity_2000 asks: Do you like acting or directing better?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I really enjoy both. If the story is good, the work is enjoyable. But acting certainly, you feel less responsibility and not so much weight on your shoulders, but on the other side, the joy of being a director is that you truly get to follow the story from beginning to end.

chillingizza asks: What's YOUR favorite movie?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Gosh, that's hard. Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock is one of my favorites, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Tootsie, I loved Philadelphia Story. I like all movies -- even the bad ones! Because it's amazing that they actually get finished and made and completed!

phish1013 asks: What are some hobbies of yours?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Gardening, painting, being with my dogs, and that's about it.

pollyanna_lori asks: How did y'all choose the music for this movie? I love the soundtrack! I just want more of it!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Thanks so much -- all this music was very personal to me, if you bought the soundtrack and read the liner notes, you'd see a lot of the music was from my childhood, and I was lucky to co-produce four of the songs on the movie. I was lucky to have a great new talent named Joey Gian, who sang four of the tracks, and he wrote two of them. He sings the title song, also, and I hope that wonderful things happen to him from this. Joey used to be an actor on Knots Landing :) though I didn't know him from that.

GiaLegs asks: So after watching the movie, who do you think is better Frank Sinatra or Vic Damone?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I really enjoy listening to them both! Frank, of course, is more of a character, but Vic has a beautiful voice. And yes, I've slept with both of them.

radio_hhead asks: What is your favorite music?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Big band, Ella Fitzgerald. I enjoy all kinds of music, but the big band era from WWII to a few years after that, those are my favorite music, Cole Porter, Gershwin, Irving Berlin.

oompaloompadoompitydo asks: Bonnie, why does David Letterman like you so much? Was there a romance...?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: No, we're just very good friends.

manolis_varnassinger asks: bonnie what was the most embarrassing moment happened to you during the shootings of the movie
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Oh, I put on a shiny gold shower cap in my trailer, because it was so hot, to get my hair off my neck, and I forgot I had it on and walked back to the set, walking down the streets of Chicago, where there were many sightseers, and I looked like I was making Jiffy Pop on my head!

lilsunshine8402 asks: were you nervous when you were on the Rosie O'Donnell show?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: No. Did I look nervous?

bjork_the_goddess asks: what is your favorite color
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Green.

luz48720 asks: Favorite film Bonnie? Of yours...
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well, Only You was the most fun because I got to go to Italy for four months. For a girl like me, that's never really traveled, that was a big deal.

iembalm2 asks: Loved the movie. This may seem an odd question...but did a rough edit or early script of the film feature David Duchovny's character's big coworker having a heart attack? It seemed to me that there were forebodings, and then it also seemed like he sort of slumped when he was shown on a catwalk mid-picture?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: No. He was just in general, a slumper. The same actor was on my TV show. He slumped all the time.

bandc29640 asks: Is hollywood all it's cracked up to be?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I guess it's what you make it. You have to choose companions with care because you become what they are.

manolis_varnassinger asks: bonnie what was it like making that very beautiful romantic comedy only you and did you like Italy
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I loved Italy. My figure was accepted! It's romantic. And with a great sense of history every time you open your eyes. I loved it there; I felt at home.

miller_j12 asks: How was working with Joely Richarson?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I love Joely. She's a doll. I was so sad she only had a few weeks' shooting time on the movie because she's truly a good person and a gifted actress.

krysielee asks: Bonnie, I desperately want to be an actress...Any advice you will be willing to give me?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I don't know how to give advice in that department, because I didn't go to school for acting -- I was a nurse -- and I believe my life experience is what makes me good at acting, when I am good. So I think you should go after your dreams but also be realistic, and be able to pay your bills with some kind of a job

cconrad21 asks: Hey... Just wanted to say "hey".. and maybe get a "hey" back.. if that's cool w/ you! :) lol
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Hey! Hey back. :)

pure_adrenaline1 asks: If you could cast anyone for a movie who would you cast (living or dead)? - By the way I loved you on all of the talk shows - especially the story about your mom slapping you in the back of the head!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Ingrid Bergman... Cary Grant... And Don Knotts. Don Knotts obviously would be the leading man.

comicbookfool asks: how did you enjoy working with robin williams?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Love Robin. I consider him a dear friend. He's always encouraging and supportive and so much fun to work with.

tigertatts asks: I saw the cast of Return to Me on VH-1's The List... How did you manage to direct those four and not crack up all the time... they seemed like a handful.
bonnie_hunt_ylive: They were a handful! And it was fun. But some days, you had to tape up your ribs. Especially when David Allen Grier got on a roll! :)

bonnie_hunt_ylive: Nope, we met because of the film. I sent her the script.

pollyanna_lori asks: I took my parents to the movie, the first one in a long time! Did you purposely set out to make it "PG?"
bonnie_hunt_ylive: We wanted it to be timeless, if possible, and I wanted something that the whole family could enjoy and relate to. And I'm proud that we have this movie. I get stopped every day on the street because of it, people saying thank you, that they enjoyed it with their whole family. And it is a fun film; people laugh throughout it and we're even getting applause at the end, which is a thrill for me.

laura_b_mckeown asks: I live in Chicago and I love it. Do you have a place here? Where do you go in Chicago for fun?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Popo Gigios, or Twin Anchors. Twin Anchors is the restaurant we used for O'Reilly's and it's on Sedgwick. Go down, have a beer and a great rib sandwich.

radio_hhead asks: Bonnie can i be your servant?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I'm already married!

miller_j12 asks: Are you a fan of Auntie Mame? (w/ rosalind...not lucille)
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Yeah, I love the Rosalind Russell one. I heard they might be doing it again with Bette Midler.

pure_adrenaline1 asks: If you could remake a movie, what would you pick?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I think I'd pick one that didn't do very well, that wasn't executed perfectly. I don't see the point of remaking something that was already done well. But I'd have to research that before I can answer that.

LetsDoLunch45 asks: Hi Bonnie..I saw the movie at the AFI a couple of nights ago...was GREAT
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Yeah, I had fun at the AFI, doing the question and answer.

bonnie_hunt_ylive: I've met Harrison, originally, with the David Letterman show, and then yes, I did work with him a few days on Random Heart, and he's a nice, kind, funny, very funny man -- funny as in sense of humor. And he's easy on the eyes!

pollyanna_lori asks: You talked about your next directing job. What's up for you next as an actress?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I'm reading stuff now. I'm looking for something to do before I go into production, because I was lucky in pre-production on Return to Me because I was able to do Random Hearts and also play Tom Hanks' wife in The Green Mile.

jandan108 asks: I'm a big fan Where did you get your great sense of it !!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well I guess everything is a trade-off: It's either good looks or a sense of humor! I was dealt the second card.

manolis_varnassinger asks: bonnie i liked you in the film the green mile it was very touching would you work with tom hanks again
bonnie_hunt_ylive: What, are you kidding???? Of course! I love that man!

GiaLegs asks: Is it true that you originally wanted Elian Gonzalez for the lead in "Return to me?"
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Oh dear... Oh, that poor baby! I can't think about him without aching, as a woman.

kmitchell999 asks: Your the best on Tom Snyder, when will you do another sitcom so I you can make me laugh every week?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well, the networks were politically exhausting for me. I don't know when I'd venture into that forum again, though I do love television.

stutter_man asks: Mark from Houston. Did anybody from CBS ever give a reason why you couldn't get a monday night time slot?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: It was always politics. One president of the network bought my show, my show was just about to go on the air and that man was let go, a new president was hired, and he wasn't interested in shows that he didn't purchase himself. It didn't have anything to do with quality or ratings, just politics. But it happens to everyone. I was thrilled just to get the shows that I did get on the air.

bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well he's pretty good looking any time of the day! He has so much charisma, it's incredible. And he's a good man, he loves his family. And I'm thrilled I've had the opportunity to work with him twice.

chillingizza asks: What does the title "Return to Me" say about this movie?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: It's up for your interpretation, but it's pretty self-explanatory, I think.

SpicePA asks: I just want to tell you how refreshing it is to see a PG rated movie for adults!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Yeah, I'm proud of that. It was fun to do. The next one's XXX, though.

cconrad21 asks: Bonnie... Thanks for the "Hey"... If i ever meet ya in real life... I'll buy ya a beer or something! :) lol
bonnie_hunt_ylive: How do you feel about diamonds??? :)

pollyanna_lori asks: OK... what was the final count: How many Hunts appear in Return to Me? :)
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Um... I think it's around 11, including extras. But you know, family first.

d44hedgehog asks: Hi Bonnie-- Did you write the screenplay for "Anniversary"? I really like your attitude--you can be funny, witty and sentimental, without being sappy. You're so cool!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well thank you! And yes, Don Lake and I wrote the script to Anniversary.

iembalm2 asks: How many times did you have to retake David's crying scene because of the dog acting up?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Not many times. We didn't really have the dog acting, we let him do what he does naturally. David was so solid and great that day. He did a terrific job, and so did the dog. I was lucky.

pure_adrenaline1 asks: How does it feel to be in a movie nominated for best picture?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well, that's my third time: Jerry Maguire and The Green Mile, and Rain Man. So of course, I'm delusional enough to think it's me.

radio_hhead asks: What's the title of the XXX movie?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: It's called "Bonnie." It's autobiographical, of course. :)

bonnie_hunt_ylive: A nightmare. The whole crew was in the water with us and we used the same water for two and a half weeks. It was like a public swimming pool. We were all taking antibiotics, honestly.

oompaloompadoompitydo asks: If you could be stranded on a desert Island with three people, who would they be?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Well, it depends on which fantasy I'm going with. There's a love one, there's a survival one, and there's a sex one.

shplash asks: When i move to L.A. will you be my best friend? Please?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I didn't know my mother was on the Internet!

elian_only_pawn_in_game_of_life asks: Have you considered asking Tom Cruise to be in your next film?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I haven't thought about the casting of that yet, you know? I'm just trying to get through the second weekend of this movie and hope the numbers stay up.

manolis_varnassinger asks: bonnie you are a trully wonderfull actress who was your biggest inspiration in your career
bonnie_hunt_ylive: My mother. In all aspects of my life.

GiaLegs asks: Some short lived shows like "Get a life" are getting a second life on DVD, any plans to do the same for "The Building" and "Bonnie"?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I don't know, I don't know what's going to happen with those. I miss them, and I still get fan mail from them, and I still am close with all of the actors that were on those shows. We would be back to work in a minute if they asked us.

cashmoneygrl_2000 asks: I just want to say that I really think you have come a long way and you are making it easier for women to break out in the industry
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Oh, thank you. I hope so. It would be nice if I had something to do with that.

belle_ys asks: What is your favourite scene in the movie??
bonnie_hunt_ylive: That's very hard. I like all the scenes, I really do, just because the actors were so fine and so committed, and the writing held up. But Belushi really makes me laugh. But I can't help it, when we have a close-up of David, he's adorable. And Minnie just sparkles. And the four boys in the boys' club? They're all great.

tklr5150 asks: Are you ticklish, and if so where?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: No!

shplash asks: What's your favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Work in the garden.

phish1013 asks: are you going to play yourself in "Bonnie" ?? or perhaps an actress named Amber..
bonnie_hunt_ylive: LOL. We're actually talking to Anna Nicole Smith about it. She was my body double in Jumanji.

pollyanna_lori asks: How was directing a movie in Italy (Return to Me)compared to acting in one(Only You) there?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: There's a big difference. You know all the laundry hanging on the line? I had to hang it myself. The men there don't hang laundry.

phish1013 asks: Did you really stick your knee up Duchovny's a**? :P (refering to Charlie Rose)
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Oh, David. He didn't ask me!

jweb64_2000 asks: whats your favorite food ?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Yeah.

d44hedgehog asks: You're always great on David Letterman's show--how long have you been friends? Did you ever do stand-up comedy?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I never did stand-up, and David and I have been friends since I guess 1992.

laura_b_mckeown asks: I'm not just saying this because I'm on this chat (sure, it helps), but you are hilarious. If you had to choose, would you rather be considered for your acting or for your humor?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Oh, wow. I would hope they're not exclusive. It's tough because I'm mostly hired for my looks.

chuckdn3a416 asks: What is the secret to life? Fruit? Water polo? What?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Appreciation!

SpicePA asks: I smell a "best Director" nomination at the Oscars next year, who would you thank?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: You, Spice. For planting the idea in their heads.

laura_b_mckeown asks: Belushi's another Chicagoan, right?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Hmm-hmm, yeah.

kmitchell999 asks: Who's the funniest female comic out there today? Not counting you:)

Thu Apr 13 17:58:37 2000
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I don't know! I'm not that hip on who is out there.

phish1013 asks: Hi Bon - thanks for your inspiration.. it's so nice to know that women have a chance in the film industry.. I was wondering if you had a fan mail address, and if you'd pass it on..
bonnie_hunt_ylive: It's PMK, 955 S. Carrillo Drive, #200, Los Angeles, California 90048.

blondylady_03 asks: Bonny, have you ever been to Alaska? If you ever plan on coming here i recomend that you see Halibut Cove. Its very beautiful.
bonnie_hunt_ylive: No, I've never been to Alaska.

pure_adrenaline1 asks: What made you want to finally direct a movie?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Because MGM gave me the opportunity to truly be a storyteller.

alidiva79 asks: Do you have a favorite Romantic comedy...besides your own?
bonnie_hunt_ylive: I love Tootsie. And anything from Billy Wilder and Preston Sturges.

y_chat_diva: That's all the time we've got with Bonnie Hunt.. Please join me in thanking her for joining us tonight!
y_chat_diva: Thanks Bonnie! Remember to go out and see Return to me and bring you friends!
bonnie_hunt_ylive: Go this weekend! :) Thanks everybody! Please encourage your friends to go see the movie this weekend -- I need the numbers and they're guaranteed a good time!
y_chat_diva: Thank you everyone! Good night!

pure_adrenaline1 asks: Thanks for everything Bonnie!!
jandan108 asks: Thanks Bonnie..You go girl
stutter_man asks: Love you
bentleftly asks: When I heard you were going to direct , Iknew your movie was going to be great. your the best.
cconrad21 asks: thank you bonnie..... I'll think about that diamond deal!!! :) lol
stutter_man asks: Beautiful Bonnie...Leave Your Banker Husband:)
chuckdn3a416 asks: Bonnie, you go girl. Talleyho!
laura_b_mckeown asks: Thank you for chatting. And when you're in Chicago - why don't you stop by?
bobbiosmit asks: Bye Bon! Thanks for coming by!
manolis_varnassinger asks: bye bonnie wish you all the best you are the best
pure_adrenaline1 asks: I'll be in line to buy tickets for Anniversary - got to go!!
y_chat_diva: Thanks everyone! Goodnight! A transcript of this chat will be available soon at
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