Top 20 reasons you know you love Bonnie Hunt

20. You have a crippling fear of boardgames

19. You refer to your virginity as "your flower"

18. You have sat through Random Hearts 86 times

17. You are seriously thinking about changing your name to Fern McDermott

16. You will only date men named John, Robin, Harrison, Tom, Dustin and

15. You come to after a natural disaster and say "Screw me, how’s Bonnie?"

14. You know all of the dialogue from Getting away with murder

13. You never shave your legs before a date

12. You fake a midwestern accent and tell everyone you're from Chicago

11. For no reason you will say "Don't ever call me crazy Alan!" at any
given moment of the day

10. You hum Joey Gian songs in your sleep

9. Your wedding song is the opening theme to The Building

8. You go to the library and cross Einstein out of all of the
encyclopedias and write "BONNIE HUNT"

7. You say to complete strangers when crossing the street "we're
walking, we're walking"

6. You have 12 children

5. No one ever lets you carry the toothpicks

4. The Getting Away With Murder poster hangs proudly on your wall

3. You ring the president of CBS at least 5 times a day and yell
obscenities at him

2. You write her long rambling letters about how pretty she is in A
Bug's Life

And the number one reason you know you love Bonnie Hunt, is...

You know that she and Helen Hunt are not the same person

Kirsty Bowles.



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