The Computer Emporium

For All Your Computer Needs

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A. When designing this website, I knew that the target audience would be people who play video games. This website is intended to sell parts to people so they can build their own computer or buy a whole new one as well. By providing different computers and components the buyer can go through the website to see what they desire.

B. The design of the website went through some different iterations. The colors I first chose did not work out the way I liked so I changed them to what they are now. I think the colors are relaxing and put the user at ease as they browse what the website has to offer. I also wanted the website to be easy to navigate so I put in a vertical menu, so people can access the different pages of the website.

C. As website is right now there is much room for improvement. For one I would have liked to add a search bar to find specific things. I would have also added a way to narrow down categories for things like RAM so that people could find something specific that they needed. I would have also added much more components and computers as products to the website as well, but time was an issue for that.

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