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The Jabberwock Podcast Logo

A logo designed to represent The Jabberwock’s Podcast and its commitment to exploring the absurdity of life through inquiry. Imagery includes crossing j’s for Jabberwock, crossing upside down question marks, and the resemblance of goggles...

No Shame Theatre Logo

A logo designed the No Shame Theatre chapter of the Chapel Hill/Carborro, NC area. Though most No Shame Theatre logos feature an exlusively red, white, and black color scheme, the purple present represents the bold and eccentric nature of the Chapell Hill/Carborro area. The iconic “no” symbol is used creatively in conjunction...

Lakota Heritage Magazine Cover

A cover deisgned for Lakota Heritage Magazine, to represent the indigineous culture through color choice and headlines that lead into controversial topics. The Lakota tribe was deeply affected by the construction of the Mount Rushmore Monuement.

TOWN Restaurant Menu (Front)

A table tent and menu designed for the TOWN Restaurant franchise. The table tent is an eye-cathcing introduction to the TOWN brand, featuring striking images, bold colors, and strong contrast.

TOWN Restaurant Menu (Back)

This menu covnveys the refinement and quality of the TOWN brand and experience, with a flare of Chinese inconoography.

TOWN Restaurant Table Tent

The table tent is an eye-cathcing introduction to the TOWN brand, featuring striking images, bold colors, and strong contrast.