About Gazan

My Family

Welcome to my Family!!!

Waidah M. Boriongan

Age:47 yrs old
Birthdate: March 27 1969
Occupation:Govermemt Employee
Characteristic: He is a good father to me he is the one that is always by my side when I was a child.
He loves my mother as he loves us!

Admirah M. Boriongan

Age:45 yrs. old
Birthdate:February 03 1972
Occupation:Bussiness Woman
Characteristic:She is very suppotive to us in terms of studies and skills.She is also a lovable.
She is the guardian of my twin when he is child.

Mohammad Jhanid M. Boriongan

Age:14 yrs. old
Birthdate: November 02 2002
Occupation: A student
Characteristics: He is a sweet twin.He is always not at home because he is already influenced by his friends.

Mohammad Gazan M. Boriongan

Age:14 yrs. old
Birthdate: November 02 2002
Occupation: A student
Characteristics: I am simple but elegant! I love to eat many kinds of food! I always read many stories and I am a concern brother to them.

Mohammad Al-raji M. Boriongan

Age:13 yrs. old
Birthdate: May 04 2004
Occupation: A student
Characteristic: He is a nosy one but he always follows the order of my parents>

Sittie Jehanah M. Boriongan

Age:9 yrs. old
Birthdate:June 24 2006
Occupation: A pupil
Characteristic:She is a giver. If she like to give she will really give you something and like me she is very concerned to us.

Amera-Nermin M. Boriongan

Age:7 yrs. old
Birthdate:October 12 2008
Occupation: A pupil
Characteristic:She is very careful in her work and she is a not afraid of anything.