Summer Cross Country !

Keep fight till your last blood !. This motto reflects me as hardworker studen. I've failed as an exchange student when I was grade 10 . It was really sad experience. Because, I've failed in the last phase of that program. The program called as AFS/YES (Youth Exchange and study) Kennedy Lugar. It is program for a year exchange student to United State or Europe. But, It was only become a dream on my mind.

I don't know but it was real. I made my targets for this year and one of them is going to overseas. It was my big dream in my life. I'd like to see another country and compare them in many sides like education, culture, and life style.

Finally, I proved to everyone. I went to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia last week. You can see it from the picture above. It was in Melbourne Airport and I spent my trips for 2 weeks in Australia. It was really awesome experience ever in my life as an exchange student. I  do hope I will visit that country next 10 years.

xoxo  :D

Best Regards

M Billy Darisma

The owner of this website